One:The Beginning of the End.

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   Long ago the four nations, The Fire Nation, The Earth Kingdom, The Water Tribes, and The Air Nomads lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, Master of all four elements can stop them, but when the world needed him most he disappeared. Now, a hundred years later, peace within the lands is no longer in our reach. With all of the men fighting in the war I,  Katara, Princess of the Southern Water Tribe, am the only one left fit to govern both the North and South poles. I do not mind my situation, I live to serve the people I care about most and I am determined to keep them safe from the Fire Nation. Even if that means fighting in the war myself. The war is lead by Fire Lord Ozai and his group of advisors. He has spread genocide over the lands and will continue until he takes the Water Tribes. The only thing standing in his way is me, and I'm afraid that he'll have me soon enough. 

  Today, I have a meeting with the Fire Nation ambassadors to discuss what the future looks like for The Water Tribes as Fire Nation soldiers draw near, ready to attack at any second from a simple hand signal. If I agree to what they have to offer me, my people will be safe. If I don't, many will perish. 

 "Your Majesty, the ambassadors are here." A palace guard said. I nodded and exited out of my chambers. A cloud of stress and anxiety comes over me as I step into the throne room. I looked around to see five men sitting all around the table. I took my place at the head of the table. 

"Good afternoon gentlemen. I see you've found your way to the palace alright." I greeted, putting my best foot forward. 

"We know the way well, and it is comforting to be welcomed with open arms. After all, we have been allies for many a millennium." One of the ambassadors said. I smiled. 

"So, let's get down to business. What do you see for the future of my Water Tribe?" I asked, crossing my hands in front of my chest. 

"Well, we have found a way to make peace with your tribe as well as the other kingdoms." One of the ambassadors said. I cocked my eyebrow at this sudden idea. 

"How?" I simply asked. 

"Well, the Fire Lord wants to combine our two great nations and make peace with the other kingdoms. We want to be the leaders of a new era, and combining our countries will make us strong enough to do that." The ambassadors smiled. 

"How will we combine my kingdom with the Fire Nation? It is virtually impossible." I said, sitting back in my chair. 

"Well not completely. You can marry into the Fire Nation royal court." The ambassador at the end of the table said. 

"I am not marrying Fire Lord Ozai." I scoffed. 

"You wouldn't be marrying the Fire Lord, you be marrying his son, Zuko. Prince of the Fire Nation, and the future Fire Lord." The ambassador next to me said. I stared at him in awe. 

"You want me to marry Zuko ? I cannot possibly do that; what will my people think?" I pondered. 

"Well you know what will happen if you say no, we have millions of soldiers on standby, waiting for just one, little signal." One of the men smirked. I shot him a menacing glare, then I looked down at my feet. I have to marry the son of a mass murderer? What will happen to my tribe if I do? What will happen to me? 

"Princess Katara, we will leave you three days to think on our offer. Meeting adjourned." The ambassador said. Soon enough, they all stood up and left for their chambers. I remained seated, not being able to peel my eyes off the floor. Not being able to face the decision I must make. 

"Princess, are you alright?" I heard coming from the doorway. It was one of my lady's maids, Gianna. She walked over to me and helped me out of my chair. 

"Thank you Gianna, I'm fine." I softly smiled. I walked out of the door and into the hallway. The air suddenly grew colder as I walked down the dark hallway. I could feel the walls closing in around me. Suddenly, I felt dizzy, almost faint. I grabbed onto the nearest thing I could find, which was a side table. I breathed heavily as I felt my chest sinking into my body. Then, my eyes grew dim and everything went black. 


"Princess....Princess, wake up." I heard a voice say. My eyes fluttered open, it was Gianna. 

"What happened?" I asked as I looked around. 

I believe you fainted, ma'am." Gianna said. She helped me up off the floor and into my room. There, she laid me down and grabbed me a glass of water. I have her an approving nod and sent her off. 

I looked down at my water and bended it up into my hands. I've always loved water bending. It is fierce yet gentle. It has the power to make peace and make war; that is what I am afraid of.  I am afraid of Ozai using my benders for his own personal gain or to  even destroy the world as we know it. But it looks like I don't have a choice... 


I woke up the next morning to the sounds of horns; the soldiers were home. I sprang out of bed and put on the nearest thing I could find. I ran down the stairs and out the door. I beamed at the sight of the men hugging their families. Then I saw the one I was hoping to see, my brother, Sokka. I ran into his arms. 

"Sokka! I've missed you so much!" I yelled. 

"I've missed you too, little sister" He said. 

"I'm not so little any more, brother." I smiled. Sokka ruffled my hair. I grimaced at his attempt to mess up my hair.

"Where's father?" I asked. 

"He's still at the front lines, he should be home within the next couple of months." Sokka said. I looked down at my hands. 

"Couple of months? Why do they need him for that long?" I asked.

"He's the captain, Katara. It's his duty." He said. I shrugged my shoulders and started to walk into the castle; Sokka followed me in. 

Katara, are you okay? Sokka asked. I nodded and smiled to reassure him. I don't want to tell him about my impending engagement to Zuko because I know what he'll do to try to get me out of it. 

"I have to get to a meeting, but I'll see you at dinner." I said, Sokka nodded. We said our goodbyes and I walked into the throne room. The familiar sight of Fire Nation ambassadors, sitting at the round table sent me into a state of deja vu. 

"Princess Katara, have you made your decision?" One of them asked. I looked down at my hands once again. 

"Yes I have." I said, quietly. 

"Well then tell us, child." The ambassadors said. Suddenly, a fire lit up in me, and a new sense of confidence filled my body. 

"I will marry Prince Zuko, for my tribe, and for my people." 

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