Four: Another Side of Zuko

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I am still in the Fire Nation, the land of my most prominent enemy but being friends with Zuko actually makes it bearable. I at least have someone to talk to, however he doesn't do much talking. He pretty much just sits there and listens to me rant and get my feelings out. I really don't know much about him or his interests. All I know is the stories he told me in the kitchen and that isn't really something I want to dig up again. Since I came onto Fire Nation lands, Zuko has also stopped his bad boy behaviors. Maybe there is some good in him yet. We agreed on being friends for both of our sanities and so far it has been going well; I just hope I can be happy living with him for the rest of my life as his wife. I still have my doubts about the prince but someday I hope they can be resolved. 

Today, Zuko's sister, Azula, is returning from the front lines. She has been leading the war front to try to conquer Ba Sing Se but to no avail. It's walls are too great and strong for any type of thing to break through. It is the last Earth kingdom standing. One of the last things standing in the Fire Lord's way of world domination. 

Before the family reunion, I have a scheduled walk in the garden, how fun. I walked out of my chambers and towards the garden doors. They opened to reveal flowers as well as fountains; all in bloom and on. I have to admit, it is a beautiful garden. I walked along the paths, quietly humming. Who knew this could be so peaceful. I never get time alone like this; it's nice. 

Suddenly, I heard giggling coming from the tree in front of me. Is somebody else out here? I walked around the tree and saw Zuko kissing another girl. I gasped and went to the other side of the tree. Did I just see that? Was Zuko just- 

"Katara, I know you're there." I heard Zuko say from the other side. I could feel his cocky smile. I turned to the other side of the tree and saw the prince with a black haired girl. She wore fine silk, her family are probably Fire Nation Nobles. Her face was plastered with a sad frown, as if somebody just ran over her spirit. 

"I'll just be one second, Mai." Zuko said to the girl. He walked up to me and grabbed my hands. 

"I hope you won't tell my father about this." He said, looking deep into my eyes. 

"Is that all you have to say to me? No apology?" I said, infuriated. 

"What for?" He asked, jokingly. 

"Zuko, you're kissing another girl, when you're betrothed to me." I pointed out. Zuko scoffed. 

"Fire Lord's are not expected to be faithful to their wives. My father had three mistresses while he was with my mother." He laughed. 

"Do you want to be like your father then?" I asked. He stared deep into my eye with a fiery gaze. 

"Don't ever compare me to my father." Zuko said with a growl. I stepped back, not sure of what he is going to do next. He then stepped forward, almost challenging me. 

"You think you're so tough, Katara. But you're nothing but a pawn in this game." He said. I stood there in silence, not sure of what to say back. He stepped forward again, this time pushing me against the tree and grabbing my wrists. I winced at the sudden contact. I looked into those fiery brown eyes, deeply. Zuko's face suddenly came closer... and closer. It was close enough to feel his breath. 

"Now why don't you run along." He smirked. I broke his grip on my wrists and ran back inside the palace. I slammed the door behind me and released a gut wrenching scream of frustration. Why does he think he can do these things to me? How can he disrespect me so easily? I should have not trusted him the first place, he hasn't changed at all. I stormed to my chambers. The onlookers passing by were staring at me but I didn't care. I bursted into my room not to find it empty. There was a girl, just sitting in my bed, staring at the door. Suddenly she smiled at me with a menacing grin. 

"Excuse me, can I help you?" I asked. 

"Zu Zu hasn't told you about me yet? I am his sister, Azula." She said while jesturing to herself.

"Hi, nice to meet you I'm Katara." I gestured my hand out to shake hers But she just stared at it, disgustingly. 

"You're the infamous Katara, the last water-bender of the Southern Water Tribe." She said, getting up and out of my bed.  

"I gotta say, you don't look the part." Azula said, bluntly. My mouth was now open. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. 

"Anyway, I better be going, nice to meet you, future sister." She said while opening the chamber door and walking out. I backed up and sat in my bed in awe. Is everyone in this family so damn disrespectful?! It is almost ungodly how misbehaved they all are. If only my mother could be here. I grabbed the necklace on my neck that my mother used to where. I wish you could be here to help me, Mom. I need your guidance. 

Please give me the strength to go on. 

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