Chapter III

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SillyFangirl's p.o.v.: ( he is a boy if someone doesn't know him lol)
As soon as DJ said that we randomly got teleported into a game. I didn't take to long and we were already in. I had no idea what to do here.

DJ: Ok guys, so we are in the game called Parkour Tower and-
???: Welcome to the Parkour Tower, I excepted you guys to came here. Who I'm is not really important, but let me just quickly explain the rules. As you already might know you will be racing through this tower but you won't be racing with each other, we have our special guest. Someone who you might know, will be racing with you, if he will win you are DONE, if not then good luck on the next part. Also if he will touch you, you are also DONE. So now let's see who is our guest today.

As he said that a person got teleported into the tower. I had no idea who this is... he had a orange hoodie with a white t-shirt, a black cap and black jeans. I never seen this dude before.

DJ: Wait is that-
???: Yeah, you are right DJ. Our your special guest. Kindly Keyin. He can't talk at all so he won't be bothering you and also he is under my control right now, so even if he try to talk he can't.
Minitoon: What even is that?! What does it mean?!
???: Oh don't worry Fedora hat guy. You just need to jump that's all. Also you will get a 10 seconds head start. DJ you are going first.

DJ's p.o.v.:
I heard my name. I was going first, my body was shaking because I was scared if I mess this up I'm done. I can't mess this up I need to put myself and do it. We were about to start when 3 splits randomly appeared in. Oh and even I was one of them, Russo and Sabrina were also here I mean as split but yeah. We probably need to bring sprays to them, as Denis and Keyin were doing.

???: Ok, everything is ready. Let's get started with this...

As soon as that voice said that the alarm went off and it all started. I wasn't that bad at it since I kinda practiced before RB battles but is it enough to beat Keyin? I made it to the second part. And it was the time for Keyin to start, and he did. I was trying my best I don't want to let down my friends.
I looked down to spot Keyin, shoot he was right bellow me I really need to hurry up. I quickly got the black key, grabbed the spray which was purple and I jumped down. When I finally get
down I quickly run to Sabrina and I  gave her purple spray.

???: Good job DJ. I wouldn't thought you will be able to survive

I just ignored him, and I got back to the others. It was time for 2nd round. I did my job here and I was hoping that they will not mess up.

???: Ok, now it's your turn Fedora hat guy.
Minitoon: You know I have a name and it's Minitoon
???: Do I look like I care about that?
Minitoon: ....
???: That's what I thought.

It was time for Minitoon. He looked so sure about himself. The alarm went off once again, and he started. Wow... he was going so fast. He already started 2nd stage when Keyin started. Minitoon quickly got the black key, opened the door at the top and he jumped down. Geez this man is good. He give t spray to split I mean my split because it looked like me.

???: Well that was quick. Let's see what the last guy has.

I looked at Silly, he wasn't really sure of himself.

DJ: Ey, what's wrong?
Silly: I don't know man. I don't know how to do it. I've never done parkour before.
???: Can we start, I don't have all day to wait for you!
Silly: Just a minute please.
Minitoon: Listen all you need to do is jump and try to not fall. You will have 10 seconds head start. I believe in you.
DJ: Yeah, you can go slower than us but just try to made it to the top.

SillyFangirl's p.o.v.:
I was literally shaking. DJ and Minitoon kinda motivate me but I was still scared.

???: Are you coming grey t-shirt guy?
Silly: Yeah, yeah...

I need to believe in myself. They are counting on me, I can't let them down. I was ready I mean I think, while I was thinking the alarm went off and I started. The first stage wasn't that hard but then his dude spawned. I knew I need to be faster, I tried my best. He was right behind me. We got to the last stage almost at the same time I quickly did it and I grabbed the black key. I opened the black door, sh*t his dude was right behind. I jumped of and I was flying to the ground but I bumped my head while falling

Silly: Oww!
Minitoon: EYY WHATCH OU!

I put myself again, but then a hand with corruption went right pass me.


They were right I need to win. I got to the ground fast and looked around I had a blue spray so it's goes to Russo I guess. I run into his direction, I was sweating, one spray could change my life. I saw this Keyin dude flying exactly at me. I started running faster and eventually we both were here at the same time. As Keyin landed he was about to touch me but he disappeared.

???: Ok so, since it was a tie, I will let you guys be, but it's the last time I'm doing that.


Wait... I did it. I did it, I did it, I DID IT! I was about to die here but I did it. I can't that's to much for me. Tears started falling from my eyes.

???: But it's not the end for you yet...

I looked confused and I got pushed into the portal by shadow?! As well as Minitoon and DJ...

Yep that's the end over 1000 words again, and don't worry next chapter will be from other people's pov
I hope you are enjoying this book by now I mean yeah. It had got a lot of reads since Sunday. Thanks guys it means a lot for me na my motivation lol

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