Chapter IX

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Yeah since MiniToon is on his "trip" they will be finding out what to do by themselves :D

Ashley's p.o.v.:
It didn't took long and we got teleported into another game. It looked like Piggy, I didn't feel scared at all, because we have a professional player here!

Ashley: Ok, Kreek. Do you thing, we will wait here.
Kreek: Dude- you need to help me. Maybe I'm playing this but it doesn't mean that I know what to expect.
Ashley: Ye, you're right. But what are we doing?
Kreek: Well if you seen an episode, where I beat Denis, we will be on the Rb battles map. Well I think, I'm not sure.

As he said that we got teleported into game. It was a huge building, we went in but the door suspiciously just shut down behind us.

Ominous: What should we do and why this door just slammed behind us?!
Ashley: Don't worry Ominous, Kreek knows what he is doing.
Kreek: Guys stay here, I will be back in a minute.

He went to some kind of shop. Then looked around.

Kreek: Hello is anyone here, I would like to buy a ticket.

A ticket? Why do we need ticket. Sometimes I don't understand this man. He then left and came up to us.

Ominous: Why you wanted a ticket?
Kreek: Well, I wanted to skip the first part, but like always there was none...
Ominous: Yhhh- ok I still don't have idea what are you talking about, but I will take if for now.
Kreek: Ughh- Why you need to be so stupid?!
Ominous: Oh no. Your time has come!
Kreek: Chill man I was kidding! Just try to find some keys.
Ashley: Okey, got it!

And we all went into different directions. The place was big, but it wasn't the biggest I've seen. In the room I were there was only one key... I don't know if it's good but yeah-. I went back to Kreek. Which were standing, waving a ticket.

Ashley: Wait how did you got it?!
Kreek: Uhh- Magic!
Ominous: Hey, Guys what's up?
Kreek: Well, nothing really. But something seems off...
Ashley: What do you mean?
Kreek: Piggy should spawn now, but it didn't... ( ahh yess I'm listening to Tokyo Drift rn, feels amazing)
Ominous: Really?!
Kreek: Yeah, we should stick up together. But anyway does any of you have something?
Ashley: I have a key.

I showed Kreek the key.

Kreek: Perfect! We are going to need it!

He took it and I giggled, but then we heard a glass breaking. I jumped scared.

Ashley: W-what was t-that?
Kreek: I don't know, stay behind me.

Me and Ominous were hiding behind Kreek, who was reaching for his sword. Then we saw 2 black creatures with human body shape jumped down from the broken window. I wasn't able to see who they are because they were in shadow. They were coming closer, and closer to us. I started to freaking out. After some seconds we saw they completely. I couldn't believe my eyes...

They were Sabrina and Russo in their own persona, but something were different, their eyes were white also they had a black smile. Their whole body was glitching.

P. Russo: Ohh~ Look who it is. A season one champion. Finalists of RB battles season two and a dude...
Kreek: Stay away from us!
P. Sabrina: But what if we not, what are you doing to do~?
Kreek: Trust me this sword is more powerful that you can think.

We stood in silence looking at each other. No one really wanted to say something.

P. Russo: Well, if you don't have anything more to say. Competitors, prepare to battle.

Both of them started rushing us. I started running. Russo and Sabrina were attacking boys. I decided to sneak up and get the ticket that Kreek has. I eventually did it but now I have Sabrina's attention. I just run into the place to use the ticket. It got accepted and I just yeeted the fence that was on my way.

Kreek: COMING!

Sabrina were still behind me. I need to think faster, what should I do to stop them. I knew there was a gun but I don't want to kill them. Then the stupidest idea came to my mind which might work. I grabbed a pot with plant in it and threw it at her. She felt on the ground, I knew that will stop her. Russo saw her passing out but he doesn't even care and now we need to take care of him. I grabbed another pot. ( Ashley the master of pots)

Ashley: Ominous move!

He dogged flying pot which I threw. But unfortunately Russo did as well. I need to do something Ominous was on the ground and Russo was about to do something to him. Kreek was passing by so I just took his sword and knock Russo over by hitting his head pretty hard. ( she didn't do it with he sharp side of sword)

Ominous: Oh my god... you just saved my life...
Ashley: No problem!
Kreek: What in the world is going on here?
Ashley: I- umm-
Kreek: Ok never mind, at least we can escape without anyone on our tail.
Ominous: Yeah-
Kreek: C'mon we need to end this.
Ashley: Okey let's go! But Kreek, here is your sword.
Kreek: Wait, from where did you got it?
Ashley: Heh- yeah-
Kreek: Wow... whatever let's go.

This all were happening so fast. We quickly got to the end.

Ashley: So we are just climbing this ladder?
Kreek: Yeah!
Ashley: But Guys we still need to find a sword.
Kreek: Omg, thanks for reminding me, I know where it is but it's a pretty long way to go.

Time skip ( sorry I also don't like them, but the whole process of getting this sword is just so long)

Ashley's p.o.v.:
We were at some sort of storage at the back of the shop. We went deeper into it and we saw a big crack in the wall.

Kreek: Here is out sword!
Ominous: What, it's just a crack in a wall...
Kreek: Yeah! We just need to break in.
Ashley: But how do you want us to do that?
Kreek: I- don't know...
Ominous: Let's just push it.

We all pushed this place at once. We heard a cracking but it just didn't move. We tried again, but still nothing. I started to get angry. Ugh I want this all to be over already. WHY IT CANT BE OVER?! WHY WE?! I went back to shop found something I picked it up. Then I got back to them and I decided to throw it.


After I threw it the place eventually broke. Everyone were surprised, except me. I went into some kind of cave. And I saw the Sword of Healing.

Ashley: I will take the sword!
Kreek: Oh- o-ok

They were still in pure shock after I threw this pot. I don't understand Ominous saw me doing it, then why he is shocked? These guys are weird, but they are a part of my team, they are pretty cool and I like them! I went back to them.

Ashley: C'mon guys. We need to go.
Kreek: Yeah-

We all went into portal which appeared a minute ago...


I wanted to address one thing. I'm sorry if I'm uploading while you are sleeping or something. I live and Europe and you know our time zones might be different.
But I hope it's not a big deal!
Cya in the next one!

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