Chapter XI

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DJ's p.o.v.:
We were teleported into a game. I think there was an issue whit this portal, because it took soo long to finally get out of it. We were probably in The Crusher, from what I remember. I looked around as I saw something horrible... the whole area was ruined, like literally... this black stuff was everywhere. What was it called again? I don't remember. I'm hating this already. I got up from floor and started to wake up others, since we are pretty tired after that soccer/ football game. I wonder how others are doing, if they are alright and stuff. I walked up to MiniToon.

DJ: Hey MiniToon, wake up! We are here.
MiniToon: Huh... what? Dude let me sleep...

I sighed and walked over to the other one.
Ehh- this dude...

DJ: Hey! It's time to wake up!
Silly: ...We are here already?
DJ: Yeah, c'mon we need to go.
Silly: Ye, ye... fine.

He rubbed his eyes and then yawned. I walked to MiniToon again to wake him up. It's pretty hard to wake up this man...

DJ: MiniToon, we really should go now.
MiniToon: No.
DJ: Guess I need to wake you up in other way.
( just let me add that, in this AU Roblox is like real life, you are training more you are getting stronger, but Roblox avatars are more powerful, and has more strength than people like us, even without training)

I carefully picked him up and then I threw him into a tree. He looked at us confused and Silly was laughing at him. I giggled, because it's was kinda funny seeing him like that.

MiniToon: Dude- What was that for?!
DJ: I needed to weak up you somehow, so yeah there you go. No need to thank me.
MiniToon: WHAT?! Why would I thank you?!
DJ: I mean, we need to start doing our challenge so...
MiniToon: Ugh-

I see he is not in mod now but we need to do it. I helped him to get out from this tree. And then we started to talk some things over. For example what to expect and are we ready. Then a tower appeared. I couldn't see inside it because it was covered in this black glitchy stuff. So many questions came to my mind. Will we even be able to beat this? I hope it won't be like that, when we spawn, we are getting corrupted right away, because we stepped on it while we were spawning. We heard a siren which were a sign that we will be teleported into game in a minute. We spender this minute sitting in silence. Then we spawned in RB battles map. I was pretty happy about that since I knew this map well!

Silly: DJ, watch out!
DJ: What?

He pushed me. At first I was mad at him, because I thought he did it for no reason. But then I realised he did it to save me. I saw a drop falling out from the sky, right in the place I was. That could be the end for me, but thank to him it's not...

DJ: Thanks dude...
Silly: Hah- you're welcome!
MiniToon: That was close one-
DJ: Yeah-

So the roof was whole in this stuff huh? I mean if we will be fast enough, we don't need to deal with this. Also the room was pretty dark. The only light that we had is all neon bricks and my sword. Light from sun has been nicked by this stuff, but that is not going to stop us! We started looking for a blue part.

MiniToon: I got it!

I used my sword to see where he was. Me and Silly came to him. And waited for round to start.

Voice from the speaker: Competitors, round starts in. 3... 2... 1... GO!

The floor under us disappeared. And it all started. The first floors wasn't really hard we were able to do them easily. But one one of them there was a really risky jump, that was hard to make. MiniToon said he will go first. He made it, then it was my turn. I jumped and barely even made it. Then it was Silly's turn. He jumped and we waited for him, but when he landed he tripped over and fail. My reflex turned on and I grabbed his wrist, because if I wouldn't do that he would fail to his death.

Silly: Oww-!
MiniToon: What happened?!
Silly: I don't know... I probably landed wrong and something happened to my ankle...
MiniToon: Let me see.

He started checking his ankle. But I heard crushing so probably the crusher is coming.

DJ: MiniToon! We need to go! Crusher is coming!
MiniToon: It doesn't look like something important, but just in case let me carry you.

MiniToon crouched and showed him to get on his back. Silly did it and MiniToon got up.

DJ: Are you sure, you will be able to carry him?
MiniToon: Ye, I'm fine with that.
DJ: Alright, let's
go we don't have much time, because the crusher is coming in!

We ended other floors without any troubles. After that we got teleported back to lobby. MiniToon putted Silly down.

MiniToon: Ok, does it still hurt when you are moving it.
Silly: Yeah it do.
MiniToon: Dj?
DJ: Yeah?
MiniToon: Can you rip off one of your sleeves from your shirt? I need something to wrap around this.
DJ: Oh- ok.

I took of my jacket and I ripped off my sleeve. It wasn't really a big deal. I still have my jacket.
I have the sleeve to MiniToon and he wrapped it tight around his ankle.

MiniToon: Can you try to get up?
Silly: Let me try.

He stand up, with a little help from MiniToon.

MiniToon: Great! Now try to walk.

He walked like that a couple of minutes. And then he thanked us.

Silly: Thanks guys! And DJ I will buy you another shirt, since you just ripped off this one.
DJ: No needed, I have to much of them anyway.

The portal appeared next to us.

MiniToon: We are going right?
DJ: Yee, I'm glad we can go to back now...
MiniToon: Then Let's go!

We walked into portal. It didn't took us long to go back. When we got out from portal we saw others trying to fight this thing.

Kreek: This thing is everywhere!
Ashley: GUYS LOOK! We can escape, here is a little bit of place!
TanqR: Then what are we waiting for, we need to go quick!
DJ: Yeah we need to be quick!

Hello there!
The next chapter is going to be lit and it will be much longer, so stay tuned for that!
Also thanks for all the reads, votes and comments it gives me a lot of support and motivation!
Cya on the next one!

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