Chapter VI

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Don't worry guys I got you. I'm trying to write chapters as quick as I can to do not keep you waiting. And no I don't need a break I like overworking myself :D

TanqR's p.o.v.:
We got teleported into a game, finally. We were stuck in this teleporter for months if not years! And now I feel sick, I always feel like that after teleporting man, and I hate it! We were in a game which probably was Murder Mystery I recognised it because of the main area. But I couldn't take it I felt so sick I just sat down and waited for best.

Chrisu: Eyy, you good?
TanqR: Do I look like I'm good?
Chrisu: Well no, but I just wanna know why
TanqR: I don't really know why, it is probably because of this teleporters they are making me sick!
Hyper: Ohh~ a tryhard can handle a stupid teleporter, what a shame~.
TanqR: Oh, just shut up mate!

He laughed at me but I didn't really feel like it. It's just hurt so much, I can't.

Chrisu: You don't look great, you really need help!
Hyper: Yeah- you would usually laugh at that but you didn't...
TanqR: No don't worry, I will be fine, just let me rest a couple of minutes.
Chrisu: if you say so
??????: Sorry for interrupting you guys but we need to start the game.
Hyper: Wait, who is there? And what do you want?
??????: Oh um- I can't tell you who I'm, but you are here to get your badge!
Chrisu: but how do you want us to do that, I'm pretty sure that there is only one murder, one sheriff and the rest of players are innocents.
??????: Yeah that's true but we are changing rules a bit...
Hyper: What?!
??????: That's right! So basically, you will be in a big map made by us, all of you will have a gun with one bullet. There will be a murder trying to murder you. You need to shot them, if you miss run for you life and try to look for others, if you all miss your shots the round will restart.
Voice in the background: NIKILIS THIS THING IS BREAKING IN!
??????: Oh sh*t!

And they got cut off. So it was Nikilis, huh? I mean I kinda expected it. I was still sitting on the ground, when a player spawned on the other side of the fountain. I wasn't really sure who is it. It was a girl for sure because they had really long hair. Then she turned around, I still wasn't able to see her, since my view was kinda blurry. But then I heard screaming.

Hyper: CARI!

He started running towards her but this Chrisu dude quickly stopped him by grabbing his wrist.

Chrisu: Hyper you need to clam down!
Hyper: But I miss her!
Chrisu: I know I miss my friends too, but we don't know if she is s-

He didn't end his sentence because we got teleported into the game. I still felt sick and now it started to getting dizzy. Ugh- I hate it. I stand up and looked around I wasn't able to see anything but I looked down and I saw a gun, just a normal gun. I picked it up, but it seemed so heavy for me. It shouldn't be like that. I've played Arsenal I'm used to hold much heavier weapons. This is just a stupid pistol and I have troubles to hold it. UGHH I HATE FEELING SICK! I can't do anything to stop the pain. I hold my waist area with my one hand and with other I was holding a gun. I started walking slowly... somewhere. I had no clue where I'm or how does this place looks like. I was walking for like 5 minutes when I heard footsteps. I quickly get back around a corner. I peeked my head just to see who is it. I saw that person has long hair, so it has to be Cari. I pulled out the gun and started aiming at her. My hand and knees were shaking, I couldn't see my target well. I pulled the trigger, I was waited for best but unfortunately I missed. Guess that's true I'm not always hitting my target. But oh sh*t she was looking at me and stared me down with her weird white eyes. Awkward silence... we were just staring at each other. But she quickly after attacked me. I started running as fast as I could, but the pain wasn't helping me. I looked back at her, I had no idea what to do to maybe stop her for a little bit just to find others. What should I do?! I looked at my hand, gun was still here. So I used this as my bonus shot. I threw it at her. Right in the head, guess my aim is not that bad, man. I was running as fast as I could.


No, it wasn't a good idea I felt much more sick after screaming. And I knew she was almost here. I need to run, but I can't. My legs didn't want to. I just went 10 steps and I feel on my knees. Great... I guess it's time for me, I never thought I will be lost in that way but ya know. It is what it is. I was holding myself on hands to don't fall on face. Ugh- stupid illness. I heard foot steps coming right behind me. I wasn't even looking back I didn't want to. I heard laughing.

TanqR: Ugh- Can you just end me already?!
P.Cari: Heh- With pleasure~

I closed my eyes. I was ready for it. I already did so much in this world maybe to much I don't know. Tear appeared in my eye, all the memories that I had will just disappear, but that's fine.


Wait how I'm not dead? She would probably stabbed me already. What's going on?

Chrisu: Ey, dude are you alright? Hey can you hear me?!
Hyper: C'mon TanqR you can handle this I know you can!

Wait am I alive? I think I'm...

TanqR: Wait what? What's going on?

I received a slap on my cheek but it wasn't that hard. Chrisu just laughed.

Chrisu: Hah- glad you are fine!
TanqR: Ok but what happened, and how did you guys find me?
Chrisu: Well we found each other pretty quick, because Hyper accidentally shot his bullet and I followed the sound. Then we found each other. As were walking by we heard your scream. We weren't really sure what you were saying but we knew it was you. When we were here Cari was about to stab you so I shoot her right in her head. That's pretty much it.
TanqR: Wow...
Hyper: Wait TanqR, why didn't you shoot her?
TanqR: I did but I missed
TanqR: Yeah-
Hyper: HOWWW?!
TanqR: Well, when your whole body is in pain, you feel sick, you hands and knees are shaking and gun seems heavy, it's not that easy to aim, alright?
Hyper: Oh yeah I forgot sorry.
TanqR: Nah man, you all good! Thanks for help. You both just saved my life and I'm thankful for that.
Chrisu: No problem dude!

I smiled, when the teleporter appeared. Ugh I don't want to go here again...

Hyper: Well we should get going, shouldn't we?
TanqR: Yeah...
Chrisu: Don't worry it will be fine, let's just go!
TanqR: Ugh- Fine!

And we all went into that teleporter...


It was a longer, one I think. And yeah TanqR was like 1st place character here but don't worry in next chapter it will change :D
Also thanks for 150+ reads on this cringe it means a lot for me and yeah
Cya in another one!

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