Chapter XV

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Please if you can read this whole chapter some important info at the end!

Kreek's p.o.v.:
Russo and DJ just woke up, they looked really bad. The places where the corruption were, were a little burned out but it didn't look that bad. I was more worried about TanqR, Sabrina said his condition is stable but everything can happen. It's not like I care about him or something or maybe I do? I mean he saved my life Ehh- I don't know anymore. I came closer to see him.

Kreek: So how is he doing?
Sabrina: Kreek you've asking me the same question over and over again, it's kinda annoying, you know?
Kreek: Wait, really. Am I doing that?
Sabrina: Yeah. Can I ask you something?
Kreek: Sure go ahead!
Sabrina: Do you really care about him?
Kreek: Uhh- I mean yeah kinda. He saved my life before, and... you know.
Sabrina: Don't worry I understand that!
Russo: Hey Guys. I don't want interrupt you but I think we should get back to HQ.
Kreek: How do you want to do it? We are so high up!
Russo: What are you talking about? We just need to walk through this door.
Kreek: Wait what- But we-
Russo: Oh Kreek you need some rest.
Kreek: I- maybe I do, I don't know.
Russo: We should get going.
Sabrina: What about TanqR I won't be able to carry him.
Kreek: I will.
Sabrina: You sure?
Kreek: Yeah, just help me get him on my back.

I crouched to make this job for them easier, they quickly got in on my back. I tried to got up, but I failed. Geez he was pretty heavy. But I ended up getting up.

DJ: Ok guys c'mon let's get out of this hellhole.
Hyper: Yeah FINALLY!

Russo DJ and Sabrina opened these doors since they were the only ones who were able to do it. They opened it and we saw Rb Battles HQ. Everyone here were just waking up. Ehh I'm glad it's already over.

Ominous: Rektway!
Rektway: Wait- OMINOUS?!

They jumped at each other. Here is some real friendship here. I saw Denis coming out from the changing room, I actually can't believe he was still here. I wanted to came to him, but I wasn't really able to since I had someone on my back. But he saw me and came up to me.

Kreek: Hey Denis! How are you?
Denis: Honestly not bad. Ignoring the fact that I don't remember anything, I'm good! And who is that on your back?
Kreek: Oh it's TanqR.
Denis: WAIT REALLY?! I didn't recognise him at first. What happened to him?
Kreek: He got stabbed and now I'm helping him.
Denis: You? Helping him? Nah I don't believe you.
Kreek: Well I don't know why I'm doing this but he saved my life before we got to the HQ.
Denis: Wait. So this all is already over?
Kreek: Yea finally. But to be honest it was one of my best experiences I had. Ignoring the fact that I lost a bet.
Denis: Why? And what bet?
Kreek: Well I meet some new amazing people and I had some good and bad times with them, and about the bet hehe- Well I lost bet to TanqR because he ended up saving me, not I him.
Denis: Oh wow- you actually lost.
Kreek: Shut up!

He laughed I started laughing as well, until someone who was on my back stared moving. So he woke up, good to know. I would be really bad if he would just die on my back.

Kreek: So you finally decided to wake up?
TanqR: Wha-
Denis: Oh TanqR you woke up! Are you ok, I heard what happened...
TanqR: No- no don't worry I'm fine, at least I'm feeling a lot better!
Sabrina: TanqR you woke up!
TanqR: Yep-
Sabrina: C'mon I need to give you a check up before you go.
Kreek: So that means you can get off me.
TanqR: Oh yeah sorry!

He jumped of me but then he immediately felt pain in this chest. I decided to help him again I grabbed his hand and pulled it over my shoulders, while with my other hand grabbed the area under his arm ( idk if you get what I mean). We walked to the closest sit we could find. I helped him to sit down and Sabrina started to checking on the injures he had.

Sabrina: Well it looks like everything is not looking bad, but you need to take a break for at least three weeks.
TanqR: Three weeks?!
Sabrina: Yeah, I'm sorry to say that but your injuries are pretty bad. You know they just need some time to recover.
TanqR: Ehh- Alright.
Sabrina: Oh- And Kreek. Do you mind helping him to get home, I would help him but I have a lot to clean up here hehe-

Sabrina p.o.v.:
Sabrina: Oh- And Kreek. Do you mind helping him to get home, I would help him but I have a lot to clean up here hehe-

I was waiting for his response. I knew they lived pretty close to each other, so I don't think it would be a big deal for him. He were thinking a little bit he eventually replied.

Kreek: Ugh- Fine.
Sabrina: Great! So I think it's time to go huh?
Kreek: Yeah-

Kreek helped TanqR to got up and they walked together to the exit. DJ opened the door for them and they left the HQ. We were about to go back in when we heard screaming. We immediately looked in this direction to see Kreek and TanqR arguing again.

TanqR: Kreek can you slow down, PLEASE?
Kreek: No you are slow as hell dude!
TanqR: Well you didn't get stabbed mate!
Kreek: I- um-
TanqR: That's what I thought.
Kreek: Hm! I don't even care about you, I don't mind leaving you right here right now!
TanqR: Wait what?!
Kreek: Yeah that's right!
TanqR: Kreek come back here!
Kreek: In your dreams!

And Kreek walked away from him, I was about to run an help him but DJ grabbed me by my wrist I looked at TanqR again and I saw Kreek coming back for him.

Kreek: I'm sorry dude.
TanqR: Ye, I'm also sorry.

And they walked away together.

Russo: Ey Guys?
DJ: Yeah?
Russo: Why do I feel like these dudes might hate each other but when something happens they will be fighting together no matter what.
Sabrina: Yeah that's true. At this point they not even trying to hurt each other, they are just working together.
DJ: I didn't expect that this day will come.
Russo: What do you mean?
DJ: Don't you see this? One stupid accident, and look what impact it had on everyone, even on these two.
Russo: Well that's true!
Sabrina: Ok Guys we should go inside and start cleaning this mess, don ya think?
DJ: Yeah- haha.
Sabrina: Then what are we waiting for c'mon let's go!

~The end

Well that's it guys the happy end :D

____________Well that's it guys the happy end :D

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Ok that's what I call the basket of wishes.
You can write your request for a new book!
I could be anything: another book like this ( it would be pretty hard for me to think of another idea), ask and dare book, ship fanfic or maybe a QnA about this AU. Write your suggestions up here. I'm waiting fore some good requests!
Well cya on the next book ( if you want me to make another ofc!)

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