Chapter V

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Don't worry guys next 2 chapter will be from 2nd group's POV
And I was writing this at 3am and there might be so much mistakes because my brain doesn't work right in night

MiniToon's p.o.v.:
We got teleported into another game. Man, I hate this teleporters, they are making me sick.
My whole body hurts because of it. But where were we I've never been here before...

MiniToon: Were are we guys?
Silly: I have no idea, but I know that my back hurts
MiniToon: From what-? Ohhh... I know...
Silly: Yeah-
DJ: Well guys now we are in S.S.L.
MiniToon: What-?
DJ: Hah- excuse me, we are in Super Striker League.
MiniToon: Is it this some kind of football game?
DJ: Yep exactly.
Silly: But we are here alone how do you want me to play.
?????: Don't worry about that my dude, you will see.
MiniToon: My god, really another psychopath, who will watch us suffer.
?????: What? No~, I wouldn't do that~.
MiniToon: Yeah, sure.
?????: DJ already told you were you are, so I don't think I need to repeat that.
Silly: Ok, but how do you want us to play football without enemies?
?????: You know, bots still exists. But since I wanted to make it more intense we have a guest...
MiniToon: DJ! Who lost this round in RB battles?!
DJ: Uhmm- I don't remember. I just don't...
MiniToon: How you don't remember this, you are one of the hosts of this whole thing!
DJ: Don't blame me! You don't know how hard it is to keep this "thing".
MiniToon: Oh really?!
DJ: Yeah, really!

I started arguing with him. We were pointing out our mistakes. I didn't care about any one else at this moment.

Silly: Guys please. SHUT THE FU*K UP! We will get nowhere with arguing!
MiniToon: Ugh! You think I will fail for that, you can't just stop me!
Silly: I'm not trying to cause another drama, I just want this all to be over!
MiniToon: Well, you aren't the only one here!
DJ: MiniToon you should cam down.
MiniToon: Nobody will be telling me what to do. Especially you!
(Aggressive MiniToon. You haven't seen it have you? BadToon)

SillyFangirl's p.o.v.:
What's wrong with him? He was so clam at the beginning, and now? These two were still arguing, DJ really seemed like he doesn't want to do this anymore, but MiniToon were still going. I couldn't take it anymore I just came up to him. He gave a confused look. I said a quick "sorry" and I slapped him right in this cheek. He quickly reacted for this and put his hand on this right cheek, where I slapped him. I felt like he needed this to wake up. Silence, no one have even dare to say something, as well as the guy from the speaker. I looked at MiniToon, he looked at us. Then he putted off this hand from his cheek. I really hoped that helped him because if not I am in big troubles. His cheek was pretty red. He sighed and putted his hat off.

MiniToon: I'm sorry I should've be more clam and not cause drama from a stupid thing.
DJ: You are all good man, just please don't do that again.

DJ putted his hand in his arm and MiniToon putted his hat back on his head. They both smiled I also did. Man, thanks god it's already over.

?????: Ok can we continue?
Silly: Yeah.
?????: So your guest today is Bigbst4tz2, no one has excepted him here, even I hasn't, but they told me to put him here so. And yeah you need to watch out for them since a weird corruption is going on now, and from what i seen they got corrupted as well as bots. You just need to score 3 goals. But they can't touch you. Trust me that will be trying to do it.
Silly: Ok but what if we lose?
?????: Oh yeah- I haven thought about that but you will probably s-

And they got cut off. What's up with it? I just want it to be over. Why this can't end already? I'm tired of this and it's all because we all missed something little.

MiniToon: Ok all we need to do is score 3 goals, it shouldn't be that hard, right?
DJ: Yeah I guess so. But we need to watch out for them

DJ pointed his finger at three people standing on the other side.

Silly: Alright, let's get this Mach going!
MiniToon and DJ: YEAH!

Time skip ( sorry but nothing really interesting, just a normal match)

The score was 1-1 but we were already tired, but I can't tell this by our enemies.

DJ: C'mon boys we need to win this!

MiniToon was attacked by one of them but it didn't end here. The bot started attacking him even more, MiniToon was dogging all of their attacks, but since he was pretty tired the pulled out his sword from his back, and started fighting it. I decided to use this situation as my advantage and I scored another goal.

DJ: Great job! Just one goal and we can go!

Last round started. Bots rushed for the ball and Bigbst4tz2 went for me. I didn't have any weapon as MiniToon had. So I started running away from him.

MiniToon: Silly catch it!

He throw his sword in my direction, i knew why. I grabbed it and started fighting him, but I tried to not hurt him at all since he is one of us. I swinged this sword like 5 times not hitting a shot but it was a point, to not kill him but make him fail. And he did I looked back and I saw bots being close to score a goal.


As I said that DJ quickly took over the ball and started running away from them. Bigbst4tz2 quickly got up and started running towards him. DJ dogged that, but there were still these 2 bots which were trying to catch him.

MiniToon: Ey DJ, I'm over here!

DJ passed the ball to MiniToon and he used some kind of power to kick the ball. I have no idea what is it but it worked, we scored a goal, the last goal. Bots disappeared and Bigbst4tz2 fail on this knees in disappointment and quickly after he also disappeared. It's finally over. The teleporter showed up but I saw something falling of from the sky. I run towards it.

MiniToon: Where are you going? It's over.
Silly: Yeah but something is here..

I looked at it and... it looked like DJ's sword. ( Yeah I know this sword was in RoBeats but I'm not putting RoBeats in this story so)
I picked it up and got to the others.

Silly: Look DJ it's your sword.
DJ: Oh, WAIT... why is it here- ok whatever. Let's just take it and go.

He took the sword from me and put it on his back. Then we jumped into portal...


Guys... you are literally making me cry. OVER 100 READ AND 10 VOTES. I was crying because of you. But thank you so, so much!

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