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Before the story begins, I'd like to remind everyone that this is a fictional story and some details on this story are just made up, or they may be real but I had no idea. Hahaha. I don't usually re-read chapter so forgive me for the grammatical errors and wrong spellings.

And Sean O'Pry's going to be the lead guy! He's going to be Alexander.

Do enjoy and please vote and comment your suggestions or just comments haha. Thank you. (:

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One more minute 'til 9:00 then I could finally leave.

Sigh. These events are nothing more but a waste of cash. This is absolutely insane, who needs an after party every after a fashion show? And why the hell would they even throw a party if the collection presented wasn't even that good? Actually scratch that, NOT good AT ALL.

I sighed in relief as the long arm on my watch points at the number 12. Yes! I could finally leave this place.

As I was about to head for the exit though, someone grabbed my arm. I turned and saw Alexander Brown, smirking at me. "Excuse me?" I said as I raised an eyebrow. Does he not know who I am?

"Hello, I'm Alexander and you are?"

My eyes widened. He couldn't possibly... "I'm just kidding I know who you are. Mia Wilson. It's nice to meet you Mia."

"I did not permit you to call me Mia, Alexander." I say glaring at him.

"Wow, you're hot when you get mad. And oh, the accent is very lovely." The nerve of this man to wink at me! I pulled my arm away from his grip but it was no use, he was stronger than I was.

"Why are you so eager to leave?"

"This place is full of loud music and very conceited people. Nothing is worth celebrating." I tell him.

"I know the collection sucked." He rolls eyes then adds, "I probably looked so hideous and that almost tutu shorts, I mean what the hell? Sometimes I don't get my job." He sighs dramatically making me giggle a little.

He shoots me a smile, "There you go, finally relaxed." I tilt my head to one side before replying, "Relaxed?"

"Yes, well I've been observing you for the past one and a half hour and you look like as if you could kill someone with your cold stare, and you seem really tense. No offense."

This time, it was me who rolled my eyes, "This party is just a waste of time, I have more important things to do than to celebrate with people I do not even know."

"But they know you."

I grinned at him, "Of course."

"Conceited much." He chuckled. I playfully hit his arm, chuckling as well. It does sound conceited. "So tell me Mia, how the hell did you get to this kickin' job at the age of 24?! I mean you're the most successful and you youngest editor-in-chief of the very popular magazine, Elite, and you are also one of the most respected and feared people in the fashion industry. So tell me, how do you do it?"

I just stared at him. I've experienced a bunch of good and bad things to get to where I am. But I wouldn't be telling him those of course seeing that he's too nosy. My mood instantly changed as I remember the happenings before this.

He must have noticed too because his expression turned into a concerned one. I brush it off and gave him a sweet smile and a short reply, "Simple. I'm very passionate about what I do."

He nods and changes the topic. I was obviously going to be staying here a little longer and honestly, I was now very fine with it.

I had a very interesting person with me making the whole party better than it was and the best part was stress about my job wasn't even brought up. It was such a relief to talk to someone who just wants to know about your day and things about you as a person, not THE person.

Eventually, the party was coming to an end and I knew I had to get home since I was expected at a "very important" shoot tomorrow. I roll my eyes as it crossed my mind. Whatever.

"Hey, you're thinking too much again. I take it you have to leave?"

I nodded and then sighed. Never in a million years would I expect myself to not want to leave a party just yet.

"As much as I want to stay --"

"Or not." He adds, smirking.

I hold my finger up and continued, "I can't because I have to attend a shoot tomorrow and it's in," I check my watch then groaned as I realize I'll be waking up in five hours.

"Five hours."

"Well good luck with that, come on, I'll drop you off at your place."

Once we arrived in front of my place, I thanked him and was about to go out when he grabbed my wrist and sat me back again.

"You do have a habit of grabbing my wrist or whatever it is, yes? I'd be careful the next time you try to grab something.." I giggled.

He rolls his eyes and chuckled, "I just wanted to ask if this makes us friends already and if I could call you Mia?"

I smiled at him, this time it wasn't because I was trying to hide my bad mood or I was being sarcastic, it was genuine.

"Yes. Goodnight Alexander."

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Thank you for reading. Please VOTE and COMMENT your suggestions or just comments. Thank you so much again.

( spread the story if you can as well, thank you again for the third time haha )

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