Chapter 1

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I groaned for probably the forty-seventh time today. None of the reports the editors have been giving me from last Saturday's event was worth publishing or close to the topic. How hard could that be?

My stomach grumbled once again and this time I absolutely feel famished. I couldn't take this anymore.

Just as I was about to stand up, Alexander barged into my office looking absolutely breath-taking. He was wearing a plain white v-neck shirt the clung to his body, showing off his muscles and even the outline of his abs, he was also wearing slacks and dresser shoes so obviously he just finished a shoot.

He looked so damn gorgeous I just want too --

"So are you just going to ignore the sounds of your stomach and stare at me for the rest of the day?" He crosses his arms against his chest, smirking at me.

I scoff and stand up from my seat, taking the papers with me and walk past him.

I hear him chuckle from behind and his footsteps.

As soon as I reach my very trust editor assistant's cubicle, I sighed in relief as I see him just playing on his phone.


That obviously startled him because before I knew it, I hear his phone crashing down on the floor. Well damn.

"Shit." I hear him mumble.

"I'm sorry." I say as I bit my lip, it was probably partly my fault. I hear Alex chuckle from behind, God, couldn't he keep it to himself to prevent John from being embarrassed even more?

"Shut up Alex."

He raised his hands in defense and goes back to my office, letting out the laugh he was "holding back" which of course caught every worker's attention.

"I'm really sorry John, I didn't mean to startle you." I gave him a sympathetic smile as I look at the cracked screen on his iPhone 4s. At least is was just the 4s and not a 6.

He sighs and nods, "It's alright Miss Wilson, probably what I get for playing with my phone on working hours." He scratches the back of his head and gives me a sheepish smile.

I giggled a little then remembered what I came here for. I handed him the papers and gave him the instructions and every details about the reports.

He started on the report right away as soon as I said my goodbye.

Alexander almost slipped my mind, ALMOST. If it wasn't for his really loud laugh coming from my office, I probably wouldn't have remembered him being there.

"That was absolutely hilarious!" He says as I enter the office.

"Can't get over it I see?"

He stops when I didn't start laughing. I quickly put all my personal things inside my bag, getting ready for my break. Finally.

"Are you coming?" I ask as I walk towards the door. "No, I'm going to stay right here and do your job while you go scare people and let them drop their phones."

He starts laughing, again. I roll my eyes and leave the office.

"Hey I'm just kidding, wait up!"

* * *

"Do you think you could accompany me on Friday on this social event for Armani?"

"Sure." I reply as I check on my e-mails on my phone.

Eversince Alex and I met six months ago, we always went to events with plus ones together since he, being the number one supermodel and me being the youngest and most famous editor-in-chief for the number one fashion magazine, were always invited in the same events.

Suddenly, my phone was taken from my hands, interrupting the momentum I was having. Momentum with my e-mails.

"Can you please just stop working when you and I are together or when we're outside your office building?" He rolls his eyes and keeps my phone in his pocket.

"Give it back." I glare at him as I cross my arms against my chest.

"Nope." He says popping the p then takes a sip of his wine. I wasn't going to win this, being the hard-headed male this person is in front of me.

I roll my eyes and take a sip of my own wine. Ah, refreshing.

"We're going to Hawaii next week." He says casually. "Hawaii?"

He nods in reply. "I can't, work."

"Yes you can. I already told your boss and he said use your vacation leaves since all you do is work and work and work."

"I love my job." And I did. It was the best job, ever. I mean who wouldn't love travelling all around the world for free, attending events anyone would die as a VIP and sometimes THE VIP, getting free designer items and most of all, seeing absolutely hot male species like the one in front of me.

"Care to tell me what you find amusing?" He asks. I shook my head and giggle lightly.

"See that looks better, you looking so relaxed."

He was right. It does look better and it feels better.

I sigh, "I'm sorry I just get too caught up with work some--"

"Most of the time." He corrects.

I roll my eyes and continue, "Well yes, alright, most of the time. You know I don't like most of the people who call themselves my friends, you know you're the only one who could actually make me leave my office seat because you literally drag me out of my seat!"

Both of us laughed as we recall the incident a few weeks ago when he came up to me and practically put me on his shoulder and it was so embarrassing but funny at the same time.

"I wouldn't hesitate to do it again." He grins at me.

We spent our time at the restaurant catching up with each other's lives even though we just saw each other two days ago.

* * *

"Oh but Ma'am I can't accept this." John says as he eyes the box of iPhone 6 on his hands.

"You must. You deserve it. It's a gift." I gave a genuine smile.

After a while of forcing him to keep the gift, I went back to my office and sat beside Alex on my couch.

I groan and close my eyes, resting my head on his shoulders. "Tired?" He asks as he puts his arm around me.

I moaned in reply.

"I didn't know the word tired could be so sexual." He chuckles lightly and plays with my hair.

I hit his chest playfully, joining him as he chuckles. "I can't wait for Friday."

"Oh really?" He asks as he looks down at me.

"Yes because by then I'd finally be able to enjoy myself again."

He smiles at me and kisses my forehead, "That's my Mia."

- - -

So what do you think??

Please tell me what you think of it and do vote for it!

And yes! Lily Collins' is going to play as Mia Wilson. :)

Thank you so much for reading! :)

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