Chapter 14

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  Once secure inside, Harley crouched down before Bruce, holding his large head between her hands. "Okay Brucie-boy, you gotta be good and do as Mommy says and you'll get to eat anybody whose not with my friends okay?" Big brown eyes stared back at Harley adoringly before the predator's wet nose nudged her cheek affectionately.

   Giggling, Harley got back to her feet, and began setting up bombs, watching Risk move, going up the stairs ahead of them. "Come on Bruce." She muttered, following Bloodsport and setting up bombs where necessary.

  "He really does care for you, you know." Bloodsport said after a few minutes of silence. The blonde paused before returning to her work.

  "Yeah. He tells me all the time he's luck to have me, but I think it's the other way around...."

   "He'll make you change though, you know. Not intentionally, but you will. Flag's an honorable man. Our kind of world.... He's not meant for it.." He knew it was cold, but Harley seemed like an okay girl, sweet but a psycho.

  "Nobody can force me to do anything," Harley frowned at the tall man, "Rick has never asked me to change for him. He's one of the few people who cares about me for who exactly I am. About Harley. Not the fabulous, dangerous, psychotic, sexy, smart, super cool-"

  "Quinn." Bloodsport cut her off, recognizing the start of a ramble and to be honest, they didn't have time for that kind of shit.

  "Sorry, yeah all of that. He cares about me. Not what I represent." She finished, and moved past Bloodsport, only to pause and look over her shoulder at him, "and I love him for that."

     Time skip

    "What the actual fuck?!" Bloodsport grabbed the wall as the building shook, debris falling around him and Harley both still drenched from the tank that had exploded. Nearby, Bruce was doggy paddling towards the exit.

Harley covered her head, moving to a safer spot, Bruce shaking the water from his fur next to her.

  "We gotta get down from here!" Bloodsport instructed, looking for the best visible exit as the building started to shake, "the whole place is going to come down...."

The sound of laughter? No wait, barking, caught his attention as he turned back to Harley, only to see her running after her beloved pet towards the stairs.

  "Harley, where do you think you're going?!" He grabbed her pale arm in his large hand and she fought against his grip.

  "I gotta go get Rick." She tugged her arm uselessly as Bloodsport stared at her in utter disbelief. This bloody girl...

  "Are you out of your mind?! The building's coming down. We gotta get out of here!" He yelled as heavier debris continued to fall around them, Savant flinching and looking highly frightened.

  "I have to take the chance.....he's all I got......" She whispered, blue eyes begging for the older man to understand and after a moment, he released her with a sigh.

  "Take care of yourself." He told her and she gave him half a smile.

  "I'm pretty hard to kill, didn't you hear?" She winked and with that, ran in the direction Bruce had gone, the Hyena waiting for her a few feet away.

  "I hope so." Bloodsport mumbled before turning back  and ran towards his potential exit, Savant hot on his heels.

   Covering her nose, Harley crept  through the abandoned, and debris covered building, cringing at all the debris around. "Where is he Bruce? Where's Daddy?" She coughed as dust got caught in her throat.

   Nose wiggling, Bruce paused before he suddenly stiffened, a low growl escaping him before he took off like a bullet, Harley right on his heels. "Bruce! Bruce slow down! I can't keep-"

   Pausing, Harley stared wide eyed at the people behind bars with starfish? Over their faces, large single eyes locked on her as she moved past them.

"Now that's just creepy." She avoided looking directly at them, feeling like they were trying to analyze everything about her.......

    A sudden snarl from Bruce shocked her from her thoughts and she ducked as her hyena lunged over her, tearing into one of the starfish people who had managed to escape.

   "Good boy...." She muttered shakily before pressing forward, confident Bruce could handle things. But that all became redundant as she ventured further and after rounding her third corner, immediately spotted Rick fighting toilet head?

  "The hell?" She whispered, highly bemused by the fight she was watching. That is, until she saw the Peacemaker slam Rick into the wall and that was when all hell broke loose.

  Immediately jumping on the large man, she began to attempt to strangle him, her nails digging into his neck, only to have him grab her by her hair, throwing her to the other side of the room, where she landed harshly on her side, crying out at the familiar sensation of her ribs cracking.

   But Rick was in trouble. She didn't know why, but she knew she had to put aside her own pain and help him. Wincing, she stumbled to her feet, grabbing a semi large piece of debris, and ran at Peacemaker, slamming the concrete into the side of his head.

  "Goddamnit! I'm about sick of you now you little bitch!" Grabbing Harley by her throat, he started to lift her in the air, Harley's legs dangling beneath her while her fingers clawed at the hand around her throat.

   Just as she started seeing black spots in her vision, a flash of yellow suddenly appeared and she was once again thrown across the room as Rick tackled her assaulter, this time Harley's head slamming into the tile so hard, her vision blurred and blood began trailing from the back of her head.

   Harley wasn't sure exactly how long she had been unconscious for, but it must have been seconds because she woke to the peacemaker running out of the room. Asshole...

  Groaning, she slowly sat up, clutching her head. Looking blearily around she searched for Rick. Blue eyes widened and her chest tightened when she saw him, on his side, with a fucking piece of tile sticking out of his chest.

"Rick!" Ignoring the pounding in her head and the unbearable pain in her chest, Harley scrambled over to her lover, eyes wide as she took in his battered and bloody form, "Ricky? Rick, please wake up....." she shook him, mindful of his chest, "please wake up Rick please....." She cupped his dirty face with her equally dirty hands, stroking his cheeks tenderly, "I love you, please wake up....." Tears escaped her eyes as she leaned forward to press her forehead to his. "You promised me you wouldn't leave me...." Her body shook.

   The feeling of an arm comfortingly curling around her back had her jump and she stared down at her lover who smiled up at her, moving his hand to shakily wipe her tears from her eyes.

  "Have you ever known me to lie to you?"

   I'm SO sorry this update took so long! I've been very busy and had writer's block but I finally seem to be coming out of it! Know the next chapter is coming very very soon! - M ♥️

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