Chapter 10

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    Fuck. Fuck. Shit. Motherfucker. God damnit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

Dinner was a horrible affair. Her food tasted like ash and she was too horrified to even attempt to try the wine for fear of it being drugged. Thanks Batman for making her paranoid. Fucker.

  Harley had kept her gaze trained at anyone expect for the brown haired man who sat across from her. It was him. It had to be him.

  He looked exactly like he did in that fantasy that the Enchantress had manipulated into her mind, and for a moment, her stomach had clenched at the idea of the two precious babies that had never existed. She would have made a good mother.....

  But back to the main point. She wasn't sure of Joker's angle, if indeed he did have an angle, and dinner couldn't have ended soon enough, and she practically dragged Mrs Bates to the ladies tea room, now spiking her coffee with booze to calm her nerves. 

  "My that young man was quite handsome. Reminds me of a boy I once knew when my parents took me to New Orleans back in the day for Mardi Gras.....Leto his name was......" Mrs. Bates sighed wistfully but Harley was too busy chugging down her drink to play into the living Golden Girls' Blanche's obvious attempt at getting the other interested in her life.

  "What was his name? The guy at the table?" Harley asked clearing her throat and Mrs. Bates was drawn from what was no doubt another daydream of her past love affairs.

  "Oh, um.......Jack Mcarthy? No, no...McCallaway...? Oh it's slipped my mind. Anyway, I must show you a new art piece my Arthur got for me on his last business trip to Paris, it's absolutely breathtaking my-My goodness child, are  you alright?" Mrs. Bates held out a hand as she stared at Harley concerned.

  Blinking, the blonde looked down and realized that she'd been digging her nails into her palms, drawing blood that was staining her dress. "Oh, it's a medical condition. I've mastered not doing it but when I drink a bit, I sometimes forget." Harley chuckled, taking a napkin from the tea tray and blotted her bleeding palms.

  Mrs. Bates still looked highly spooked and she continued her conversation after a moment of hesitation, wearily eyeing Harley from time to time.

   She thought when she returned to her bedroom, she'd be able to collect her thoughts. No such fucking luck. Because Rick wasn't back yet. Joker was as jealous and possessive as a lion when a lioness was in heat and the very fact that she not only was out of prison, but with another man while he was supposed to be dead.....Fuck she might as well start digging her own grave.

  "C'mon Ricky.....where are you?" Her fingers flew across the keys of the iPhone Waller had provided, no doubt tracked, but she couldn't give a shit at that moment, "please answer me baby....."

  After ten minutes with no reply, she threw her phone over to the bed in a fit of anger, sliding to the ground and bringing her knees to her chest as she squeezed her eyes shut. Bruce whimpered, walking over and nudged her arm with his snout before settling next to her legs, ears drooping.

She couldn't lose Rick. She couldn't. Sure she had told Diablo that people like them didn't get to be normal......But she hadn't realized how nice normal could be again when she spent time with a man who didn't psychologically and physically abuse her on a daily basis. If something happened to Rick because of her she'd never forgive herself.

The turning of the bedroom door caused her to lift her head and she braced herself against the wall, curling into herself, prepared for the lashing of words from Joker........

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