Chapter 16

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             Six months later

"You know, I always thought I'd make a decent enough ballerina.....Even before I became a doctor..... i figured if gymnastics didn't work, I could always be a dancer.....I can usually pull off any outfit too, kinda like how they told Marilyn Monroe she couldn't make a potato sack look sexy but she did ya know?"

  "She doesn't hold a candle in comparison to you."  He wrapped his arms around her from behind, pulling her flush against his chest.

  "Awww, are you trying to butter me up because it's definitely working. Flattery will get you everywhere with me." Harley leaned her head back, mindful of his still tender stitches.

They had survived. Somehow, the shard had missed Rick's heart by a few millimeters. His doctor, who spoke little English explained that had they brought him in five minutes later, he most likely would have died from blood loss.

  As far as the government and anyone else knew, Rick Flag had been gravely injured in that crumbled building and was on medical leave and Harley was declared MIA and after two months, the manhunt for the blonde had died down as there were more important matters and meta humans to focus on (much to her relief).

  The couple knew returning to Gotham was nearly impossible, what with Joker still lurking about, waiting for Harley to return and with everything that happened to Black Mask, she really had to let the heat die down for a while.  Had Rick not known what was on the drive, they wouldn't be able to return to the United States without immediately being hit by the coast guard or the Air Marshals.

   In exchange to keeping his silence, (something he did with extreme reluctance), Rick was permitted a property in upstate New York, on Lake Seneca. Harley had pushed and pleaded for him to ask for for a large lake house and with a locked jaw, Waller complied halfway, giving them a two story cottage with a stone exterior.

The nearest town was three miles in the opposite direction and although small in population, a bleach skinned blonde with tattoos across her face and body were bound to stick out so makeup and contacts were painstakingly applied to Harley every time and a fake birth certificate, driver's license, and name (Sharan Tate, with an "a," "Everyone says I look just like Sharon Tate Ricky!") and thus far no one was the wiser.

Which isn't to say Waller wasn't still watching them, waiting for either of them (mostly Harley) to screw up in some way so that she could have a reason to break their agreement and drag her back to prison and the Suicide Squad.

"I'm glad I didn't lose you," Harley's voice drew Rick's attention from the bald eagle he'd been watching perch on a tree, "I don't think I would have managed....." she smiled humorlessly and Rick turned her so he could properly face her, tiling her chin up.

"I ain't going no where Harl. Not without you that is." He assured her, thumb moving to wipe the stray tear that escaped from her eye.

"Promise?" she looked intensely into his eyes, and he lifted her so she sat on the railing, holding her waist to keep her upright.

  "Have you ever known me to break a promise darlin'?" Beaming, she threw her arms around him. In the distance the eagle who had been calling out to its mate stretched out its wings, taking flight and disappearing into the fading sunset.


  So I'm debating whether to end this story here or write a few more chapters. To be completely honest, I'm not sure how much further I can take this story (I've partly lost interest) but if I get enough votes for this chapter and feedback of you guys wanting me to continue I'll consider it. -M.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2022 ⏰

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