Chapter 2

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Rick and June's rekindled relationship lasted four months.

By the end of the third month, June finally admitted that she had applied for a position on a archeological expiation in Africa and that she would be leaving in a few days.

She also admitted that, though she loved Rick, she wasn't in love with him. Not like before. She never said it aloud, but it was probably the entrantress' magic that had sparked the fast blooming relationship.

  Though heartbroken, Rick put up a brace face and allowed the women to move out he next day, not making any effort to stop her or save their relationship. It would be easier that way.

   Though busy with work and assignments, Rick kept tabs on Harley, ensured she wasn't being mistreated again(he'd been disgusted by the treatment she had received from Griggs, who had been removed shorty).

   He visited her weekly, they played cards and he brought her books, the  only thing the guards were willing to let the women have and she was supervised at all times.

  After the first two visits, Rick actually began to look forward to Friday. Harley would beam and squeal every time she saw him, drop from her ropes and as soon as he was in the cell, grab him in a hug before planting a comical kiss on his cheek, to which he would roll his eyes, but pull out the deck of cards, Harley cartwheeling to her new bed and pat the seat next to her.

She knew he needed the company as much as she did.

   Due to saving the world, Waller had it also arranged that the team would get daily trips outside into the yard (heavily guarded, mind you) where they would do sparring, an activity the government official said would keep them sharp until their next assignment.

  Harley's new fondness for Flag wasn't unknown to the members of the squad, Floyd made a habit of giving the soldier a knowing look every time he came to escort him to see Zoe.

The hitman even commented once that Harley had asked them one day to avoid her face, as she had to ensure she looked "pretty when Ricky came the next day to see her."

  He'd had winked at Flag who glared at him as he was handcuffed out side of the apartment. He ignored him.

  Rick knew Harley had no one now, the Joker believed to be dead and everyone else beside the squad either too frightened or annoyed to spend any quality time with the young women.

  Underneath all the smiles and teasing, Rick knew that she was hurting. The loneliness and isolation, was eating away at her.

  So, he made an effort to try to always come to see her every Friday, if not for herself, than for himself.

   Harley bit her lip, as she looked over her cards, her black and red nails tapping as she thought.

  She glanced at Rick through her lashes trying to read his expression, but his poker face revealed nothing.

   She smirked suddenly, throwing down a card, Rick following a minute after. "So, guess what next week is?" She asked.

   "I have no clue. And I don't like guessing, so why don't you tell me?" Rick's Southern drawl sent a pleasant shiver down Harley's back, she'd always had a thing for southern men....

  "It's my birthday! Mmmhmm. I'll be turning twenty-six," she stared proudly. "I wanted to have a party, invite my friends, even Ivy, she's in Arkham though, but the guards didn't think that was gonna work. And I wanted a piñata that looked like Batman too." She pouted and Rick rolled his eyes.

"Well, this ain't a hotel and they're not obliged to cater to your every whim." Rick reminded and the women blew a raspberry at him and he glared warningly.

   "Whatever. Will you bring me something? A slice of cake? I love strawberry whipped cream." Harley gave him the biggest puppy dog eyes she could master.

  "We'll see Harley." He allowed a smile as the women cheered before suddenly throwing her card down.

  "Thanks Ricky and by the way, Gin!" She cackled as he stared in disbelief at her card.

   Unfortunately, Harley's birthday  landed on a Wednesday and due to heavy rain, they were kept inside, so she didn't get to see her friends/squad members.

  She was drinking her sixth espresso when a guard approached her cell, two others followed and they poured their guns at her as the first approached her, a box in his hands.

   "This came for you, any attempt of making a weapon will send you immediately to the hole, do you understand inmate?" The guard barked and Harley nodded.

The box was thrusted into her hands before the guards left her alone. Curiously, she took the letter (which had been opened by security obviously) and her face split into a wide grin when she saw a Hallmark card depicting a young women enjoying a drink with shopping bags at her feet. Inside was blank save a for a three words :

   "Happy Birthday Harley."

  Touched, she put the card next to her and opened the box, squealing loudly when she saw the content. A adorable piggy plushie sat in the box, along with a small box of chocolates.

Pulling it out, she gave it a hug, enjoying the feel of the soft plush and the dessert. It wasn't cake but it was still perfect.

   Rick inwardly smiled as he saw the stuffed animal sitting on Harley's cir on Friday, the card resting next to it.

  "Before I forget," he reached behind him as she dealt out the cards, "Happy Birthday Princess." He held out a covered slice of cake.

    And that was the moment that he had gained Harley's complete approval.

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