Chapter 6

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Harley's eyes flickered across the taxi window as they left the airport.

From here on out she and Rick were on their own and she really liked the idea of not being watched by that crazy dragon lady.

  "Can we stop at the big wheel while we're here? Ooh and the Space Needle?!" She chatters excitedly, clutching to Rick's arm as the man flipped through his iPad, going over their case, "I heard they make great coffee in Seattle, better than my machine."

  "Maybe after babe." He muttered, eyes never leaving the screen.

Harley rolled her eyes at the lack of attention, again before returning her gaze outside to watch the city fly by.

   After settling in their hotel room (very expensive since they had to act and look the part) Harley lounged in her black bathing suit, watching Rick go over the case again.

   She had informed him ten minutes before she'd be going to the hot tub on the deck and wondered if she really needed a suit but she hasn't gotten the reaction she wanted. Actually, she didn't get any reaction from the hunk a hunk of burning love she was currently with.

   Rolling her eyes for what felt like the thousandth time, she climbed off the bed and walked over to the man, leaning over his back and began kissing and nibbling on his neck.


   "Come on Rick. We haven't been alone for a long time and maybe now we can finally "connect" if you know what I mean...." she moved to straddle his lap "Take a break okay. We don't have to start until tomorrow so let's enjoy the rest of today while we got it....." she nuzzled against him and he regarded her, eyes trailing over her well toned physique and damn, she was wearing a black bikini too.......

   "Ah, what the hell," he shrugged before standing, taking his shirt off and lifted her, Harley's legs immediately locking around his waist as he Carrie ever over to the king size bed.

Hours later, Rick was awoken by the sound of Harley's cries. He quickly reached for the gun placed under the bed, pointing it at invisible people.

Frowning, he glanced to his side, expression softening when he saw Harley whimpering and crying out in her sleep, face twisted as she whimpered, clutching the sheets with an iron grip.

Putting the gun away, he carefully approached her, time with June had taught him how to approach a woman having a nightmare.

"Harley? Har, come on darlin'..... wake up." He touched her face and she suddenly jumped, eyes wide and terrified, not knowing where she was at the present moment.

After a few seconds, her mind caught up with her and she relaxed, turning to look at Rick who stared at her with unmasked concern.

Hastily wiping her eyes, she gave him a large fake smile, "Aw, is Ricky Ricardo worried about little ole me?" She laughed, but it was broken as her voice got caught in her throat.

"Come here." Was all he said, and with a frown and a slight move of hesitation, Harley moved so she was pressed against his chest, Rick leaning back so they were lying in bed.

No words were exchanged, the room silent save for the hum of the refrigerator and the sounds of the city nightlife.

Silence for once was all Harley wanted at the present moment.....Besides the steady beat of Rick Flag's heart.

Hi! So yeah I know, lack of updating for this story, but I've been busy and my others stories are much easier to write about. I have been having writer's block for this story, but I haven't abandoned it.

I think it serves a chance because there are practically, NO Harley and Rick stories out there and I think this print would have been interesting (I'm not a HarleyDeadshot fan at all.)

Ok, so hopefully I'll be able to update sometime this month but check out my other stories kn the mean time.

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