Chapter 15

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AN: I HIGHLY suggest playing the song above in the latter half of the chapter, it really helps set the mood/theme of what exactly is occurring in the scenes.


  "Come on babe...." Harley wheezed as she helped Rick out of the building. Helping her lover walk hurt with every step, but there was no way in hell, that Harley was going to leave him behind.

   She wasn't sure what she'd find when she came back.....

   The half-conscious, somewhat delicious man tried to keep his weight off the blonde, but excruciating pain in his chest made things somewhat difficult.

    Outside, the others were lingering around, watching the giant Starro  destroy the city, Cleo being the first to notice the wounded pair limping towards them after being alerted by Sebastian who squeaked loudly on her shoulder.

   "Captain! Harley!" The young girl's eyes widened as she ran over, helping to take some of Rick's weight off of Harley.

  "Fuck, you're still alive mate?" Dubois asked Rick when he finally came up to them, taking Harley's place, the blonde instead leaning on King Shark who promptly lifted her bridal style, carrying the exhausted woman who could only mutter a, "good shark," patting his arm.

  "Barely.....," Rick grunted as he was settled on a staircase, "the drive, is it?" He looked at the others, Cleo nodding and pulled it out so Rick could see.

  "I made sure he didn't get it." She assured the man who visibly relaxed.

  "What about that prick?" He asked Dubois, watching out of the corner of his eye as King Shark sat Harley next to him, Cleo lookin worriedly down at the woman while Bruce moved to sit next to Harley.


   "Asshole didn't give a real shit about the people. Just like Waller." Rick leaned his head back against the wall.

  "We need to get them to a hospital..." Poka Dot man pointed out, taking notice of the dried blood on Harley's neck and Rick's not so subtle piece of tile sticking out of his chest.

  "Right. King Shark, you're with me. We'll get them back to Soria." BloodSport instructed but Cleo blocked his path.

  "What about those people? They're innocent." She pointed int he direction where distant screams could be heard.

  "That's not our issue. We did our job, time to get the hell out of dodge."

  "They need our help. If they die, Colonel Rick's sacrifice would be for nothing!" The young girl pointed down at the man.

   Bloodsport glared at her for a minute before looking down at Rick, who was being tended to by Harley, the blonde him ripped off part of her skirt to secure the shard in his chest, attempting to stop the bleeding, and to prevent the shard from slipping out.

   "Damn it," Checking his bullets, he put his helmet back on, nodding to the others, "right. Let's kill this fucker," He turned back to the couple, "stay here until we get back. If he get's worse, look for Soria, she might be far, but we'll be farther." He instructed Harley, who was cradling Rick's head in her lap, hands shaking from her own pain, but eager to help the man be more comfortable.

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