Chapter 4

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   For once, Harley was asleep, cuddling Waddles close to her chest as she slept. Her wild dreams were interrupted by a siren going off.

SWAT members marched into cell, and two approached her guns pointed at her warningly.

   "Come with us." One barked and Harley sat up pouting, giving a long stretch, only to have multiple guns pointed at her for the action.

   "It's rude to interrupt a girl's beauty sleep ya know. Didn't your mama ever teach ya that?" She wagged a finger only to be pushed harshly onto the bed and have her hands cuffed.

    "Let's move her out." The same man mantles again and Harley was led out of her cell.

   This time around they didn't strap her down, rather simply shoved her into an office none to gently causing her to pout and rub her butt in mock-hurt.

    "She's all yours sir." The leader nodded before closing the door, and Harley heard it lock behind her.

Looking around her eyes fell on a very familiar face and her mouth split in a wide grin as the figure approached her.

   "Ricky!" She squealed and threw herself on the man, hugging him as tightly as she could, the action causing the army veteran to stumble slightly from her sudden weight.

  Rick chuckled, giving her a quick squeeze back before easing her off, into to have Harley rest her hands on his chest.

"Good to see you too. Now, Waller has set up a mission that requires your "acting skills" so to speak. Since you worked for the Joker, you know most of his business associates right?"

She nodded, playing with a pigtail, looking a bit board yet curious "Good. Me and you are to go undercover to Washington state, to retrieve some very important information and to deliver someone to Waller." He explained.

"Ooooh, dress up? Sounds like fun, I'm in. So long as you don't put that pellet thing in my neck again." She rubbed the spot absentmindedly.

"Na, you proved yourself last time and she agreed that you won't be needing it," Harley cheered doing a fist pump "But Harley, this isn't a game, one toe out of line, you'll be dead the moment you exit any building. This isn't like last time where you could shoot and punch anything you wanted. This is undercover work, and we can't afford to screw it up. I'm serious." He warned and she nodded, waving a hand as she cocked head at Rick with a smirk.

"Sure, sure. Anything for you Ricky." She batted her lashes and he sighed, shoving a file towards her.

"Your alias is Marilyn Harrison, an illegal jewel-trader, recently married to Jax Harrison, an ex-marine now Arms Trafficker of the highest value. We're heading up to Washington to offer Lucious Bates, who runs one of the largest nuclear trades, a partnership. The mission is to get his documents and get him to Waller. If we fail the mission she will kill you. And you know from last time that there's no bullshit with her."

    "Aw, you worried about me cowboy?" Harley purred, sliding up to him and wrapping her arms around his neck.

  "I don't want to see you killed and have to do the paperwork." He scowled and she giggled blowing him a kiss.

  "Whatever you say babe. My lips are sealed," She mimicked zipping her lips and threw away the imaginary key."But I do have one question. Why is Waller having us do this? Isn't there like some FBI people who do this regularly?" Harley made hand gestures as she spoke.

   Rick shrugged. "Honesty, I don't know. And if I ask her, she won't give me an answer, at least not a clear one. That women's got an agenda of her own. She also promised to take twenty-five years off your sentence if all goes well. That's leaving you with six years only. Let's just stick together and keep our eyes open alright?"

  Harley nodded before glancing at a random corner and stalked over, feeling the walk before peaking away a plastic like material and took out a video camera, and proceeded to shove it in the desk drawer.

   As soon as she turned around, she proceeded to jump onto Rick, who automatically grabbed her legs to support her as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her lips to his in a hot kiss.

  Rick moved so he was leaning against the desk, resting his weight against it as Harley locked her legs tighter around him.

When oxygen became necessary, they pulled apart and Harley buried her head in Rick's neck, inhaling his cologne.

  "I'v been waiting since they brought me in here to do that." She cooed, kissing his cheek than stroking it.

   "I know. But we have to be careful. Once we start the mission, she'll be watching us like a hawk. So these moments have to be saved when we're alone." Rick smiled when Harley nodded, kissing her forehead before easing her off.

"How've you been? They been treating you ok?" He asked seriously and she smiled fondly at the concerned look on his face.

   "Yeah, won't give me the special things I asked for, like a supply of chocolate, but beside that, I'm ok. I got my ropes back too. When Griggs was here, he used to make me drink this horrible nutrient substance through my nose and make me watch YouTube videos..." Harley shuddered closing her eyes and Rick's narrowed as he clenched his fists.

  Shortly after dropping off the Squad members, Griggs suddenly stopped coming to work, according to his men, he said he got board with the job.

Rick called immediate bullshit on that, the man was a asshole and loved being one. Someone must have done something to him, not that he could blame them.

Wrapping his arms around the women, Rick pressed her head against his heart as he stroked her hair. Harley clung to him, noting that Joker had actually never done something like this for her.

"And what would he say if he caught you with Flag?" One of the voices spoke nastily.

"It's not like I'm cheating. Puddin' ....... Puddin' is gone. He made me promise I would live for him and that's what I'm doing, I'm keeping his image alive, I'm reminding everyone that he created me."

"Oh yes, wrapped up in the arms of a war hero is keeping his image up." The voice spat.

"I promise you won't ever have to go through any of that again. As soon as your sentence is up, I'm going to take you far from all this, you won't ever have to see or think about it ever again. You hear me Harley? I'm gonna take care of you." Rick spoke in her ear, distracting her from the voices and she smiled sadly.

"That's sweet Rick. But I can't forget my past. It never goes away."

"Well Than you make a figure worth remembering." He shot back and she laughed.

   The jingling of the doorknob made them pull apart immediately just in time as the head guard walked in the room.

"Time's up sir. Inmate back to your cell." He moved aside to allow two of his men cuff Harley.

"I guess I'll see you when the mission starts huh?" Harley glanced at Rick, sending him a wink and blew a kiss, laughing as the guards tugged her out.

"She's something else." The head guard commented as she made his way out the door.

Rick watched them until they were out of aight, Harley's laughter echoing off the walls before fading out. "She sure is......"

How is it? An I keeping Harley in character? I know they're moving pretty fast but I'm not a slow burner for a romance and Harley isn't either. 😉 Please leave a review or comment so I can see what you guys think. Thanks for reading!

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