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I couldn't help but feel like it was all my fault.

I stared at the scene before me, wide-eyed, as the angry grey clouds let out a rumble. I shivered when the first drops of rain fell onto my coat, wind blowing my hair into my eyes. Soon, the rain fell hard as pebbles onto my forehead, carrying dirt and sweat from my scalp down the wound running from beside my left eye to my cheek and ear. It stung but I paid no heed to the pain.

With my brows furrowed, I watched the water collecting in puddles, the scarlet colour fusing with the mud. The puddles gathered in a small, steady stream-like flow toward me. I inched away from the approaching murky water, energy bursting out of nowhere to my limbs as I stumbled backwards furiously. During my ordeal, I heard a sob, only to discover that it was my own. My lip quivered and tears gathered in my eyes due to distress. I lost footing and fell backwards, spraining my ankle. I fell with a thump, the murky water pooling around me. I raised my hands, scarlet water dripping down my sleeves. I screamed, the high pitched noise making my ears ring. I wiped it down my jeans but the red colour stained my palms and fingertips.

Fifteen minutes later, I was a sobbing mess of tears and snot. My ears picked up on the distinct sound of sirens. I had no energy to be disappointed by the inadequacy of the police force. If the had arrived earlier, maybe, just maybe, I wouldn't have blood on my hands.....

Hey guys. This is Dove. Thanks for checking out my book. If you like it, please don't forget to vote, comment and share. Enjoy 🕊️

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