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I smiled as we finally came back to the Windrows' home from the so called pack house. It was a nice place, like a dormitory where people stayed and could visit. I was yet to understand the entire story but that was right about it. The people there were nice and tried to make me feel welcome. They almost made it easy to forget about Danny. Almost.

"Hey, you okay?" Kaden asked as he walked into my room after knocking.

I smiled softly at him. "I'm trying, I guess."

He leaned against the wall beside the desk I sat at, his face gentle. Kaden was the person I connected to the most. He was a great friend who I was grateful to have.

"I have no idea how you are feeling about all of this. I can only guess how much you are hurting. I just need you to know that I am here if you ever want to talk about it," he offered, taking my hand and giving it a light squeeze.

The kind gesture tugged at my heart. "Thanks, that means a lot. And I will, just not now. Maybe after I have figured it all out myself."

"That's okay," he replied. "Take your time. I'm here."

He pushed himself off the wall and began walking towards the door. I surprised him, and myself, when I stopped him.

"Do you mind staying for a while? I don't like to be alone when there is a lot on my mind," I told him.

He hesitated, looking at the floor. "Yeah, sure. What would you like me to do?"

"Um, let's just talk. Tell me more about your community, your family or Maya and Angelo," I requested as I moved from the desk to my bed.

Kaden took the chair that I left and was thoughtful for a moment. "That's a lot. I'm not sure where to start... Well, you met my friends. It's been Angelo and I for a really long time now. We met Maya a couple of months ago. We just stuck together like glue. She's usually hard to handle but she's okay once you get to know her. I've grown up here, if you hadn't guessed, and you used to come around here too."

"I did?"

"You don't remember?" He asked, peering at me with a smile on his face. "We pretty much grew up together. I can't blame you for not remembering, though, it's been a really long time."

I felt a smile growing on my face. All my life, I just wished to be grounded, somewhat. Moving from place to place made me feel lost and alone. But now, I was where someone knew about me. I had history here.


"Yeah. You would come around with your parents. They were nice people. Your brother hated me, though. I couldn't stand him either," Kaden explained.

"Is that why Danny wanted me to be brought here? I thought it was just random," I muttered to myself as I began to see some light.

"I think he wanted you to move here. We're basically family. Maybe he just never expected..."

I sighed, wrapping my arms around myself as the memory of my torn up brother on the asphalt returned. I closed my eyes, a shudder running down my spine and tears stinging my eyes as I fought to push it out of my mind.

"I wish I knew what really happened," I mumbled. "I have so many questions and I'm afraid I won't get the closure I need. Why was he out there? What went wrong? Was he hiding something from me? How in the world would he get caught up in an animal attack?"

I had been in denial for a long time now. It was still surreal that Danny is gone. No one could tell me why he was so far away from town or how he even got there. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that an animal attacked him. Was it just random, or was there more?

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