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True to his word, Edmund didn't show up again. Everyone seemed very grateful that he had helped to handle Martha and Margot, but they also easily failed to notice his absence. I tried not to blame them. After all, only Mom and Maya had seen him. If it wasn't for the whole witch fiasco, Danny wouldn't have believed it.

Andrew, Kaden, Luther and Anna were terribly sick for an entire month. Mother said that it could have been worse if Edmund had not taken away the magic around the pack when he did. Andrew had the worst of it and was constantly breaking down at the thought of the mother of his children using magic on his family. He lost a lot of weight and was barely hanging on. Luther was angry but I thought he looked a little bit lost too. Anna was confused and would not stop asking for her mother any chance she could get. Kaden fared much better, thanks to Maya, and was recovering much quicker.

Martha and Margot had to be hospitalised. Their bodies had to adapt to not having magic and they were going crazy. Margot was the worst and she had a horrid temper. Martha never spoke a word to anyone. We didn't know what to do with them. Andrew didn't want them in his pack but Mom convinced him that they had to help Martha get better, at least for Anna. Kaden wanted her dead for keeping Maya from him.

Mom moved into the pack with Mark. Some of his rogue friends chose to stay as well, but most of them left after everything settled down. I moved out of the alpha's house to live with them, even though I pretty much hated Mark at first. Danny was worse than me and could not stand his sight because he was with Mom. He and Brianna moved to their home, after I had a word with Brianna and bitch slapped her. We're good now.

Mark helped Danny and Angelo out. With Kaden and Andrew recovering, as well as Andrew's beta Cornwell, who was not in the picture because Martha never liked him, they were our only options. The pack was not happy with their former Luna but we're coerced into letting her stay. Martha and Margot were given a home of their own but they stayed with an old couple to keep a strict eye on them. Maya was also helping out when she wasn't with Kaden. I hated to admit it, but she was an awesome Luna and everybody loved her.

Mom and Mark had a little graduation dinner for me after I got my diploma. I couldn't really graduate with everyone else because I hadn't been going to school. I was grateful for the both of them because it was small and nice. Brianna went to a party with some friends. She invited me to tag along but I refused. It didn't feel right.

I didn't know what to do with my life after that. Brianna was excited about college while I volunteered at a library. Time seemed to be moving slowly and dull for me, especially with everyone around me so excited about one thing or the other.

It took three years for Martha to be sane. Andrew had already taken back his position as alpha and proceeded to train Kaden some more. Martha started going around asking for forgiveness. Mom wouldn't have it. She had lost the most because of her. I just listened numbly to her and realised I didn't really want to hold a grudge with her. It seemed pointless. No one else really liked her, which was sad because she had used her magic for that purpose. It didn't help that Andrew found his true mate and didn't waste a second in marking her and making her his Luna when Martha hoped for a second chance. Sometimes, I wondered if she would have ever used her magic for good.

She really was getting better. She loved Anna so much and spent a lot of time with her. Luther was still angry but Martha still tried. Kaden and Andrew wanted nothing to do with her and she had lost hope when it came to them.

Kaden tried to be my friend again, even though it had been years. I wasn't eager about it but I played along. I was building rifts with a lot of people now. My life seemed bleak and pointless. Brianna had tried reaching out to me but I gave her the cold shoulder. Danny tried to meet me once a week and I somehow found a plausible excuse each time. And sometimes, I would spend days away from home just to be alone.

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