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Kaden said there were going to be a lot of changes. I encouraged him not to hold back if he could. He promised to guide me through the next stage of our relationship.

The first step was moving into his room. Danny was livid and got a couple of punches in before I promised him that we wouldn't do anything, yet. I just had to stay close to Kaden for the sake of his wolf, to calm him and to let him know he could protect me. Danny was reluctant when it came to us being mates but he couldn't deny the signs so he promised not to be a nuisance anymore.

Kaden was touchy, no, touchier. He couldn't go for five minutes without holding my hand or his fingers brushing against my skin. His eyes always sought me out and he wanted me to sit close to him, which happened to be on his lap. I refused that when the adults were around of course. The make-up sessions were becoming more frequent and steamy and would end with Kaden pulling back with shaky hands saying he didn't want Danny to kill him yet. Danny's reason was plausible enough to get us to wait, which was that I was still seventeen until the next month. It didn't help that I was tremendously horny.

I started studying as well. I hated it, especially since I had an extended break, but the tutors were nice and Kaden helped me study when he wasn't trying to steal a kiss. As an extracurricular activity, Martha started luna training with me, which was more of her flaunting me around as her soon-to-be daughter-in-law. I got a gist of what a luna was supposed to do. She had to be there for the pack, especially emotionally. After all, the alpha tended to the physical needs of the pack. Martha had us visit every household at least once a week. For widows and widowers, it was three times a week, and twice for single parents. I was in awe, and a little nervous, about luna's duties.

"You're glowing," Brianna had told me after she came to my room after school.

It was okay for Brianna to go to school with the pack kids. She was enjoying it too and had made a lot of friends. I tried not to feel jealous or hurt because she always made an effort to come and see me. She even invited me to group studies with her new friends.

"I am?" I asked, cupping my cheeks in surprise.

"Come on. Tell me," she urged, even though I had no idea what she means. "What's going on?"

"I don't know," I truthfully said. "But if I should guess, I would say it's because I'm really happy. My life is full of so many wondrous things. Danny and you are together, Kaden, Martha, Andrew, Anna and Luther and the pack. Everything just makes me so happy."

Brianna smiled. "Well then, let's celebrate. There's a small get-together at the pack housr tonight. You should come."

I shrugged. "Sure. Kaden said he'd be busy tonight anyway and I love any other opportunity to meet with the pack."

"Good. We leave in five."

Brianna seemed excited about this get-together. She was a social butterfly and loved opportunities like these. She fit in so well. She introduced me to a couple of people. I talked to a girl named Rose when she disappeared. I had been to her house with Martha on one of her visits and her mother was fond of me.

Everyone sat around the fire with a bottle or cup in hand, chatting away. A couple of guys brought some guitars and people danced. I lingered at the edge of the circle, waiting for Brianna to show up. When she didn't, I tried to find somewhere to sit. I found an empty seat but handheld it.

"Sorry, it's taken," a girl with bright red highlights in her dark brown hair said.

I nodded with a smile and had begun looking for another chair when I heard laughing. It came from the red hair girl's group and I didn't like the way it made my stomach twist.

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