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"Wow," I breathed as I stepped into the restaurant as I took in the atmosphere.

Kaden had said it was a surprise but I never thought it would be anything like this. It was a fancy restaurant that felt painfully intimidating to me. We followed the waitress to our table. I could barely read and understand half of what was on the menu and I had never eaten most of it all my life.

"So, do you like it?" Kaden asked me after the waitress had left with our orders.

"Yes, it's nice," I replied. "I've never been in a place like this."

"I could only get a reservation here because the pack owns it but we rarely come by," he told me, leaning. "Tell me about yourself. You used to love unicorns and kittens. Did anything change?"

I giggled. "Unfortunately, yes. Growing up with Dan changed me. I'm into bikes and rock bands now. What about you? I don't remember much."

"I guess people change over time. I'm supposed to take over the pack next so most of my life has been spent training for that. It's a lot of pressure and responsibilities that I barely got time to myself," he tells me with a shrug.

"I'm not quite sure what being an alpha entails but it seems like a big deal," I sympathize.

"It is, especially with everyone looking up to you. I don't know if I'll ever be good enough," he said.

I reached out and held his hand. "Hey, don't say that. I'm sure you'll do your best and that's what matters. It means so much to you to make everyone happy. I bet that's the first thing to being a great leader."

"Thanks, Nicola. You have no idea how much that means. I actually..."

I tilt my head to the side. "What? Tell me."

"I shouldn't, really. It doesn't matter," he waves his hand.

"Come on. You said we were best friends. You've been really supportive to me and I'd love it if I can be someone you can lean on too," I urge him on.

"Nicola," he starts, then stops. "I don't want to come on too strong for you. I don't want to push or scare you away. You're new to all of this and when I'm with you, I'm.. different, in a good way."

"Try me," I told him.

He chewed his bottom lip nervously. "I don't know how you feel about me liking you the way I do. But with how I am so free and happy around you, I constantly keep wishing you could be mine. It's too early to decide but I want you to be my Luna."

I fiddle with my fork for a minute or so as I process his words. I can feel his nervousness radiating towards me but I can't really find the right words.

"What happens after a date?" I asked, still not looking at him.

"Uh.. um... If the people like it then they keep seeing each other and see how far they go. If not then, they just part ways," he responds.

I tap on the table. "Can we do that then?"

I look up and see Kaden looking like a puppy in the rain that has been kicked. "You want us to stop? Is it because of what I said? I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable--"

"Kaden, stop!" I said, waving my hands in front of him to get him to snap out of his trance. "Not that! I mean... To keep seeing each and to see how far we can go... You never gave me the chance to say anything but I like you too."

He gasped at me, eyes wide and jaw hanging low. "What? You.. you..."

I nervously tugged some hair behind my ear. "You're kind and nice and I'm comfortable around you. I'm not sure what it is but I think I like you too. I don't know if I can be a Luna yet but maybe I can think about it as time goes by. I don't know if it's enough."

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