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"Nicola, stop," Kaden said as he held me back but I put all my energy on being free of his hold.

This was Danny. My brother wasn't dead. He was right here. I wasn't dreaming. It was real. I would know him from anywhere. He was okay. But was he? I had to make sure. I couldn't lose him again.

"Danny! Let me go! Danny!" I cried.

"Help him, Andrew," Martha said, looking just as surprised as I was. "Someone call the doctor."

"Calm down, Nicola. We're going to help him, I promise," Kaden tried to assure me.

I nodded as I sniffled, wiping away tears from my face. "He's not dead."

"Angelo, help me get him to the guest room. Maya, check if Sanders is on his way. Martha, you stay with Nicola and make sure she's okay," Andrew said as he approached Danny.

I sniffled again as I took in my brother's form. There were scratches along his arms and legs and a large gash on his chest. I noticed that he still had the bandage wrapped around his ankle which he had sprained a week before he.. he was assumed to be dead.

Oh Danny.

He was okay. I felt both relieved and overwhelmed to see him there. He hadn't left me alone. He came back for me. I still had a lot of questions as I sobbed into Martha's shoulder and as the doctor arrived. I had to leave the room, they said. Something about me being hysterical. The blood I saw on him was still a problem, and the obvious fact that I saw something I still can't explain.

"Is he okay?" I asked Martha after she had left me in my room to bring me a glass of water.

She gave me a warm smile. "Of course he is. You have nothing to worry about. Doctor Sanders is just finishing up. I'm sure you can see him soon."

I gingerly held the water glass but put it down after a sip. My fingers were still shaking from the fight and I swallowed thickly. I was counting the seconds till I could see my brother again. Martha stayed with me for a while, trying to ease me into a conversation. She left me later to check up on things and I was left with my thoughts gnawing my mind.

A sharp knock had me gasping in surprise. "Hey." It was Kaden, smiling gently at me as he leaned against the doorway casually. His left arm was up his head against the doorway and his other arm held up by a sash.

"You're hurt," I realised.

"It's nothing. Just twisted it a bit when..." He explained, trailing off before clearing his throat. "Anyway, Daniel is awake so I came to get you so we can see him."

I jumped to my feet and walked over to him, feeling hopeful. I waited impatiently for him to lead me to Danny. He took my hand gently and hesitantly before smiling down at me.

"Don't be nervous. He's fine," he assured me. "You should be happy."

"I am, but I don't know," I mumbled, allowing him to lead me to Danny. "I'm nervous and worried too."

I tenses slightly when I felt his lips on my forehead. "Everything is going to be alright. I promise."

I relax into his side at the reassurance, not that I needed it. However, nervousness came back as we slowed down while approaching the guest bedroom. Kaden let go of my hand as I slipped inside the room to find my brother lying back, staring at the ceiling. A bandage was wrapped around his abdomen and another on his wrist whilst the older one on his ankle replaced. He moved when I approached his bed and audibly sighed, sitting right up.

"I was going crazy, I swear," he muttered as he stretched out his hand to me, his eyes on my face.

I forgot the reason why I was so worried as I took his hand, a smile growing on my face. He pulled me towards him, making me stumble on the carpet and fall onto his bare chest. I poured at him as he laughed, then remembered that he was still hurt.

Drowning In Shallow WaterWhere stories live. Discover now