Bonus Chapter 1

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Dark grey clouds rumbled angrily, promising rain. I squirmed in my seat, nestling a cup of hot cocoa as I waited in the small coffee shop that was opposite the library where I worked. It was nearly empty as everyone had already fled at the prospect of rain.

My back straightened when the doorbell rang, a tall figure entering the small space and making it look smaller. His dark hair was messy, curly strands falling over his thick brows. A large black coat hung over his shoulders, covering his large frame.

His dark eyes swept across the room briefly, even though his body had already begun to move toward me. The dark orbs finally settled on me and I swallowed hard. For the handful of times I had met this man, he had intimidated me. It made my skin prickle with goosebumps and my palms sweat.

A tan turtleneck was tucked under his chin, a black band secured around his watch. He took the seat beside me gracefully, nothing out of place. I fidgeted, feeling insecure beside this marvelous man.

"I picked a bad day," i began with a nervous chuckle, watching the wind hurtle litter around.

"Really? Why do you say so?" He questioned, resting back into the padded walls while facing me.

"The weather is terrible," i grumbled.

He looked outside thoughtfully as the rain began to fall. "I like it."

I stirred my cocoa, my gaze fixed on the tiny whirlpool forming. I flinched when I felt his fingers brushing away strands of hair from my temple. I could not look at him. I imagined his dark eyes would be boring into my soul, leaving nothing unturned.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked his lips brushing against the shell of my ear.

My poor heart could not take it. It was too much intimacy for me. I was too busy trying to calm myself that I could not think. It felt right for all the wrong reasons. For one, he was much older than me. He did not clarify how old, but it was old enough for my mother to respect him.

"How old are you?" I found the nerve to ask.

He slowly breathed out. "Let's see. I'm not sure. Maybe a couple of centuries?"

I choked on air. He chuckled lightly, dragging down a waiter and ordering black coffee for himself and another hot cocoa to replace the lukewarm one I cradled.

"I wondered if my age would scare you. I guess I was right," he commented.

"I'm not afraid," I lied. "I'm just surprised."

"Time moves differently for me," he said, holding the mug to his lips.

He was being vague again, something he tended to do. It made it hard for me to ask and we ended up in silence once more.

"Why did you want to work at the library?" He finally asked.

I looked at the lonely building across the road. With the rain, it looked sad and depressing, red brick against the bleak and drab weather. Other than reading a lot of books, there was not much fun I got out of my job.

"I didn't," i honestly said. " I just happened to get the job."

Even though I could not ask questions, it was easy me to share thoughts I never thought I had. He did not seem to mind my childish rants and sat in silence, listening tentatively.

"Then why do you work there?"

I sighed. "It's odd. Everything is going well in the pack. I could make friends if I tried. I could also get a better job, I know that. But I can't help but feel like I'm drowning."

"Drowning in Shallow Waters?" He stated teasingly.

"Actually, yes. I've always felt that way, even though it's different now. See, at first I got swept up in the supposed beauty of it that I drowned in it. Now, it's like the weight of it is choking me," I explained.

I become comfortable, my body leaning to rest against his. His arm snuck around me, resting onto my shoulders without being too heavy for me. I marvelled at how he did that.

"Why do you feel like that?" He asked, vibrations emanating from his chest into my own.

"Hmm?" I hummed, getting lost in the moment.

His breath was silent but steady, his chest rising and falling at a steady rate. The warmth of his body seeped into my skin, his smooth fingers drawing circles against it. I snuggled deeper into his side, my arm falling over his waist.

This felt so normal, like pieces of a puzzle clicking together.

"I'm not a part of any of it," i mumbled, the realisation dawning on me. "Ive been the bad guy recently. They said I'm pushing everyone away. But what if it isn't me? I mean it is, but only because I don't feel like I belong."

Edmund looked at me in silence, his presence felt. I was like a woolen scarf to him. All he had to do was find the tiny piece out of place and I would come undone easily. I could lay my heart bare before him and it scared me.

It was evident to no one but me. The pack was nice and fun, everyone homey and welcoming. But I easily fell into the backdrop. At first, I thought I was just jealous. It made me hate myself for being so envious. Kaden and Maya were getting ready to take over the pack. Danny and Brianna were both ambitious, making big plans to have wonderful careers and even travel around the world. Mom and Mark were starting afresh. We were reconnecting but they wanted their own life as well.

Then there was me, without dreams or anything to live for. Maybe that was why I was so hung up on Edmund. Being here with him made my heart content. I wondered what his reason was. Why did he bother being with a girl like me?

The way I felt for him. How he was the only thing close to living for. Could I call that love? Or was it just loneliness?

That was a sneak peak into Edmund and Nicola. I know I never wrote much about them. That's why I wanted you to get to know them better. Tell me what you think and if you want more

Lots of love

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