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I was surely shoving fruits into my mouth from a small bowl in the kitchen when Martha strolled in. Danny and Brianna had been preoccupied with each other ever since Brianna arrived, which was three days ago. I only learned recently that she decided to extend her stay in Danny's bedroom for an entire week, which was okay. They were having fun. Kaden was busy, unfortunately. His father was the alpha of the pack, and Martha the Luna. It was a big deal and he had to learn the ropes before taking over a couple of years from now. He couldn't be around as much as he wanted to. He profusely apologised for leaving me alone and made it up to me by coming to my room after he returned later in the evening, even though he was so exhausted. Sometimes he would just pass out on my bed and I'd leave him there.

Martha smiled as she approached me. She's taken me in like a mother would, not that I know what that is like, but I think I'm getting a general idea. Her Luna duties entailed visiting people a lot and doing stuff around the packhouse.

"Hey, sweetie. Is everything okay?" She asked me as she leaned forward on the counter.

I nodded. "Yep. Just eating fruit."

Luther and Anna spent most of their time at the packhouse with children their ages. When they came home, they tortured me. Anna grabbed my hair and Luther had sick ideas for games. Now I know how Danny felt about having a baby sister.

"Do you like it here?" She asked, not for the first time though. Everyone's always asking me that.

"I love it. I think it's nice. I mean, I still don't understand the whole werewolf thing, but overall, it's good."

Martha laughed. "I know you haven't accepted werewolves yet. That's why you won't go outside."

She got me there.

"About school tomorrow," I started. Tomorrow was Monday and I was going to finish school at Shallow Waters Academy, a werewolf school, or pack school as they call it. "Are there going to be werewolves around?"

"You mean, in wolf form?" Martha asked. "If so, then maybe. We have our school for privacy so that we can wolf out if we want."

I dropped my spoon and sighed. "Wonderful."

"You don't need to worry. You'll have Brianna with you and the pack is always ready to help," she offered.

"Brianna's coming?"

"She didn't tell you?"

I pouted. "I'm not told anything."

"That's to be expected," Martha said with a chuckle. "New mates stick together like super glue. They'll eventually learn how to live without each other. I remember when I met Andrew. He locked me up for an entire month."

I gasped in horror. "Locked you up?"

"In a good way," she said with a smile. "And we got Kaden in the end."

My face scrunched up. "Ew. I didn't need to know that."

Martha fixed herself a cup of green tea before ushering me to the living room. I liked the little chats we had when she had time. We talked about a lot, which felt so good because I never had an older female to talk to or any female at that. Just Brianna.

"I was thinking about trying something out with you," Martha said as she put down her cup. "Remember what we said about you having a gift? Well, it's specifically the gift of light. After some centuries, or more, some lucky girl is blessed with that gift. We don't know much about it since it's been hundreds of years before the last one but we believe that that light has a lot of purposes that can help a lot of people."

"That sounds nice," I murmured, unsure.

"You know, you can even heal someone with that gift. Do you have any idea how many people out there you can help?" Martha excitedly said.

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