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Today is the big day.

I was jittery with excitement. The last two days have been the worst. We woke up too early and went to bed late with sore muscles. Not only do I have luna duties, I had to pass on some of my knowledge to Brianna, study and get my blood drawn by Margot as she tried teaching me ways to use the magic, even though none of it worked. So at the end of each day I was physically, emotionally and mentally drained.

Kaden did as he promised, however. He had to go for hours with Andrew and Danny but when he wasn't working, he was with me. He introduced me to the pack members and helped me feel at home. I was getting more comfortable with the pack.

Martha hired a very expensive seamstress for our dresses. Brianna got an off shoulder dress with a dropped waistline that accentuated her figure. I opted for a closed back dress with a natural waistline and only going past my calves. Jane had offered to do my make up. I was not used to this so I asked her to apply the minimum amount allowable. She used some mascara, eyeliner, pale pink chapstick, added some powder to my cheeks and finished it off with light blue eyeshadow and I managed to look magnificent. I paired the dress with a pair of navy blue open toe heeled pumps.

I left the room to find Brianna and make sure she hadn't chosen the lobster claw heels she had been threatening to wear. I found her in a heated conversation with Danny. I had not planned on eaves dropping until I heard my name.

"Why can't you just let it go?!"

"Let it go? You used my sister, Brianna! Your intentions were not genuine! She was just a stepping stone to get to me! How can I even trust you?!"

I stumbled backwards in a daze. Brianna used me? She couldn't have. She is my best friend. She was the one person in my life I let know my deepest secrets. I knew she was always in love with Danny but to imagine that she stayed as my friend only to get close to him hurt. Especially when others have done it before.

My breathing came out labored as did not know what to do. Kaden. I could talk to Kaden about it. He was probably getting ready. I needed to see him before I fell apart. I ran to his room and almost burst in but he was with Angelo. I did not want Angelo to see my tear stricken face. I waited by the door as I wiped my tears and calmed down.

"..this to yourself or the pack. I just wish you were honest for once."

"I'm an alpha, Angelo. I'm already a wimp. The least I could do is to fake it."

"Oh yeah? And you think that Nicola really is your mate?"

"If you're trying to plant seeds of doubt in my head I wont hesitate to ask you to leave."

Angelo laughed coldly. He never seemed to hate the idea of Kaden and I together. In fact, he was accepting when we talked about it the other night. As I peeked into the room through a gap in the doorway, I tried to figure out what his deal was.

"We're best friends. It didn't come as a surprise to me that we would fall in love with the same girl. But I know now that she'll mean to me so much as she does to you. From the beginning, she was always yours no matter how hard I tried to fight it."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Kaden forced out through gritted teeth.

"I'm talking about Maya, Kaden. I'm talking about your feelings for her. Youre both so stubborn that it makes sense you're made for each other. It's almost funny how she used me the same way you're using Nicola to fill up that hole in your heart even though you know she'll never be enough."


"Even though you know that in the end, she'll give all of her and all you have to do is take without giving anything back. And even when she have nothing left, you won't stop."

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