Love is a Word I Never Learned to Pronounce

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I wake to the ear piercing sound of my alarm clock screaming at me to get up and start the day. I reluctantly force myself out of bed, and walk to my closet to pick which material gets to drape over me today, after about five minutes of searching for the right clothes I finally pull out a  pair of black skinny jeans and a off the shoulder teal shirt with the words "keep dreaming" sprawled across the  front in bold black letters.                                                                             

        I throw the clothes onto my  un-made bead and walk to the bathroom with one hand being my guide along the wall, the other balled into a loose fist rubbing at my sleepy eye. As I walk into the bathroom I flip on the lights almost blinding myself. I turn the water hot to get the small room steamy, I strip down to nothing stepping into the even smaller area, letting the warm liquid roll down my body, I cup my hands and let them fill with water I splash my face a couple of times trying wake my self up. I flinch at the sound of  knocking against  the door

" You gotta hurry this morning Jen! I have to go to work, so Ive got  to drop you off at school early " my mother practically screams through the door to be heard over the water, most likely waking the whole house

"Ok, Ok, im getting out." I say as I shut the water off, and step out onto the black rug hugging tight to the bathtub wall, surrounded by a light cloud of mist, while rapping a towel around my body leaving and  wet foot print behind on the black material, as i open the door to lead my self into the hallway and a cool blast of air floods into the room chilling me to the bone, I speed walk to my room in search of warmth, quickly dressing my self. I run a brush through my damp hair and part it the way i want, it looks so calm when its wet but in a few hours it will be  blond and very curly with bangs falling next to my icy blue eyes. i spray my self down with a  sweet vanilla scent, thats his favorite. I do one last check in the mirror before I run to the kitchen to grab my bag bursting out the door to where my mom is waiting in the car, I guess I'll have to get breakfast at school, I hop into the passenger side and my mom gives a agitated sigh, gease someones on there period.

" Its about time, im gonna be late for work" she says putting the car into reverse and backing out of the drive way going in the direction of my school.

"sorry" i say slouching further into my seat, i know not to say anything back when shes in these moods

My stomach is suddenly filled with a million little butterfly's fluttering madly against my rib cage in anticipation of what will happen, I get to see Austin and for longer than  I usually do, just me and him. Happiness suddenly turns to dread, Ive liked  Austin ever sense i met him in the sixth grade and every day it gets stronger, im scared that it will just bubble up so much that i wont be able to hold it in any longer and I end up might tell him, but thats not what im scared of not only have I liked him sense sixth grade he's been my best friend sense sixth grade,  if i tell him I like him it  might mess all of that up, but because I have to watch what I say around him in case I give off  any hints its made me pull back from our friendship a little and he's getting worried that somethings wrong. My phone vibrates in my back pocket interrupting my disturbed thoughts

From: Austin

Meet me in the courtyard when you get here, we need to talk.

My hearts feels like it dropped from a cliff,  what if he's mad at me,  or worse what if  his dad has started to drink again and his mom is threatening to take Austin and move away from his abusive father, this has happened many times before and at one time i was one of his victims, either way today's going to be a hell of a day.








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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2013 ⏰

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