all i see is you

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"I don't want to love you. I want to be free, I want to be me. But when I shut my eyes, all I see is you" - d.j.


Sweat dripped down the side of Anastasia's face as she trudged up the stairs to her apartment, the heat of the day making her feel lethargic.

Huffing, she grumbled under her breath, because why was it so hot? Softly kicking her boot against the rusty steel step, she attempted to dislodge the tiny rock stuck under the ball of her foot. It worked for all of three steps.

The 9 hours of classes she had just suffered through were not what she thought adulthood would be like. When she was younger, college was advertised as a new, free world with endless possibilities, when in reality it was just more homework, only now she paid for it. But at least she was almost home where it was air-conditioned — things wouldn't feel so bad after cooling down. Probably.

Reaching her front door, she fumbled with the keys. The navy blue door was as old as her, with an even older lock that needed a heavy hand and a specific angle to turn, but once she got the hang of it, it became easy.

A gentle cool surrounded her as she stepped across the threshold. Tossing her keys onto the small table next to the door, she dropped her bag beside the shoe rack and toed off her shoes. Wiggling her toes, she turned to face her living room, jaw dropping at the mess she found. Dishes covered her coffee table, blankets and pillows were strewn across the floor, and — was that a shirt tossed across the back of the couch?


It wasn't unusual for her best friend and long-time crush to come over unannounced while she was gone; he was very introverted. Sharing a space without the other present was his way of feeling close without leaving his comfort zone. Normally, it wasn't an issue, but every now and then he'd leave her place completely trashed.

Today was not the day to test her patience. After the day she'd just had, she was not in the mood to be patient, so she stormed back out of her apartment barefoot and stomped her way over to her best friend's door.

The two had gotten neighboring apartments straight out of high school four years ago — he had his own apartment to trash.

When the idea for neighboring places had initially been proposed (by Jungkook), Anastasia had been skeptical. Jungkook came from money, while she was barely middle class. Finding a place they both liked and could afford just hadn't sounded very realistic. However, contrary to what she'd assumed, he'd made the process very simple by agreeing to every place he was shown until they eventually landed in a humble apartment complex within walking distance of their college campus.

Pounding angrily, she waited for him to answer, temper rising like a thermometer in the summer heat when he took ages to answer. She knew he didn't have any classes today, he had no excuse for being a dick.

As soon as she heard the door unlock, she burst through, stopping herself from spitefully knocking over his shoe rack and making a mess in his home.

"Jungkook! Are you seriously incapable of respecting other—" She cut herself off the second she realized that the handsome man with his hand on the doorknob was not Jungkook. Instead, a tall man with dark, curly hair that fell into his eyes stood in his place.

"Please, don't let me stop you," He taunted, pushing the door closed with two long fingers before brushing past her to the living room.

Gaping after him, she tried to ground herself. Had he seriously just shoulder-checked her? Her teeth made an audible sound when she snapped her jaw close and counted to ten. Just who the hell did he think he was?

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