unforgivable creature

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"I am an unforgivable creature. But darling, I will love you. I will love you through all my disgusting performances"


She hated him in that moment. Truly. Because she could see in Jungkook's eyes that he would use force to keep her close. He would do anything to keep her by his side, even if it was against her will.

She knew she needed to be careful, despite the blood boiling in her veins. There was a fine line to be walked here. If she was too defiant, they might use actual force and lock her up, if she was too compliant, they'd do anything they wanted and she'd be helpless.

"No you don't, calm down," Jungkook huffed, but she could tell by the way he started picking at his face that her words had bothered him.

"Do you honestly think I want to be with people who would consider using force "

"To protect you!"

"Don't you think you should check with me first? Like what do I want?"

"That doesn't fucking matter right now. I'm keeping you close. If someone tries to take you again, they're dead. I mean that Anastasia," He threatened while Namjoon and Seokjin left the room to do who knows what.

"Do you even hear yourself?!" She screamed, slamming her hands against his chest to try and shove him back. He stumbled just enough that she could slip by him and make it to the door.

"I hear myself just fine. You're mine , no one will ever take you again," He growled, grabbing the back of her neck and yanking her back, "and I'll be yours if you want me, but either way you're not leaving this fucking hotel room"

She lost all composure, screaming as she struggled to get out of his hold, repeatedly elbowing his chest in an attempt to get free.

"Stop it," He grunted, wrapping his arms around her securely, "You're gonna hurt yourself"

"Get off me! Let me go! I don't want to be here!" She sobbed, "I hate you, I'm not a possession, just let me go"

Jungkook stilled, "Stop saying that"

She could hear in his voice that he was getting hurt and angry, the worst combination. But right now she wanted to hurt him, she wanted him to know just how not okay she was.

"What, stop saying I hate you? I do"

Clenching his jaw he glared at her, "What are you doing?"

Angry tears betrayed her as her vision got blurry. "Nothing Jungkook, I'm nothing but a doll for you to manipulate"

Rolling his eyes, "You're so fucking dramatic, I'm protecting you"

"Dramatic?! You're the ones that lit my fucking kitchen on fire to force me to be dependent on you. Jungkook stop acting like I'm some oblivious idiot"

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