2- The Transition

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I sit up with a gasp, am I dead? I look around and find myself sat in a pile of my own blood. Emotions hit me as I touch my back and find no knife or cut on my back. But I remember it so vividly, and there is blood on the floor. What happened to me? I put my hands on the counter as I stand up, on the counter is the knife coated in my blood. I gulp and see my new novel on the counter, "Damon." I gasp as the memories all hit me at once. His demon face, if I died am I now a demon? I grab the book and walk out of the kitchen.

When in my room I quickly get out of my bloodied, pink dress and put a new one on as quick as possible, not bothering to remove the dried blood from my skin. As I run down the staircase with my book in hand Albert stumbles into the room. He looks at me seemly in shock as his eyes are wide, "You... You were dead. I... I killed you." He stumbles drunkenly. I cannot help but watch his pulse in his neck as if it is the only thing in the world. I slowly walk forward, hearing his voice as if it is a million moons away. I feel a pain in my gums as I creep forward before springing forward and biting into his neck. His blood fills my mouth as his screams echo in our estate, much as mine did when he stabbed me in the back. His blood is so warm, it tastes whimsical, addicting.

The blood is suddenly gone and I release my hold on him. His body drops to the floor as I feel high from his blood coursing through my veins. I look down and guilt overcomes me, his eyes open as he lays still on the ground, with the gaping wound on his neck. "Albert? No no no no what have I done? What have I done?!" I yell out as tears stream down my face. I killed him, why did I kill him? Why did he kill me? As tears stream down my face I lean down grabbing my book before running out of our estate.

As I run down the unpopulated, moonlight covered, streets of London, I have one thing on my mind. What is happening to me? Every person I pass I get the desire to do what I did to Albert to them, although I control myself. I rush into the hotel and run to the room I was this evening and begin pounding as tears stream down my face. The door opens revealing the man I'm looking for, "Alice? You shouldn't," I don't let him finish as I push past him into his room. When I hear the door close I spin back around, "What did you do to me?" I choke out while breathing heavy.

He looks at me with concern lacing his features, "I need you to tell me what happened." He says calmly grabbing both of my arms softly. "Albert... he came home, and said his brother saw us two together! I denied the accusation, as I truly did not remember, and he went mad! He hit me and then stabbed me!" I push out of his hold and begin pacing the room, "I woke up in a pile of my own blood. When he came home I... I couldn't control it." I put my hands in my face as shame overcomes me.

"You killed him." He sighs out from behind me, I turn toward him. "What am I supposed to do? Run? Hide? I will be killed! Although I thought I was already, what is happening to me?" I question him. He walks toward me and grabs my hand, dragging me to the sofa again, he sits beside me holding my hands before pulling out a handkerchief and cleaning my tears from my face, along with the blood around my lips, "You did die, with my blood in your system." He says calmy as I begin panicking. He grabs my hands holding me in place, I stagger out, "I don't understand Damon."

He cups my cheeks, "You are a vampire now." I shake my head, "A what?" He sighs, "A vampire, you feed on human blood." My eyes turn into saucers, "That's why I did what I did?" I question and he hums. "It is your new normal, I'll help you adjust." I pull out of his hold and lean back against the couch, not caring of how unladylike my behavior is. "Why would you help me?" He chuckles and hands me a glass of liquor, I look at it before downing the whole thing, coughing as it burns my throat. "Yeah it's strong. And it's my fault you are this way." He says with a shrug, trying to seem uninterested although I see through him.

"Word of warning, don't go into the sun, you will burn." I shake my head, "You are confusing me more by the second Damon." He laughs before standing up, he offers me his hand and I stare at it confused, he sighs, "Alice, let's go get your things, we have a ship that we need to be on tomorrow evening." I raise my eyebrow, "A ship?" He rolls his eyes and grabs my hand pulling me up. He puts his hands on my shoulders, "To my home country, America."

"You want me to travel across sea to America?" He nods and nudges me forward, "Yes, I thought I was pretty clear. Maybe you aren't as intelligent as I believed." I chuckle, "Shouldn't it be the opposite, I am questioning voyaging across the sea with someone I just met." He grabs his suitcase, "Do you have anywhere else you need to be? Last I checked you will be wanted for murder soon." I glare at him before storming ahead of him.

"Well you definitely are a vampire." Damon says as we stand over Albert's body. "Go pack everything important to you." I nod and run up the stairs into my bedroom. I pack all my books in a box, although there is only about 20 as I was forbidden to bring any to my new home. I pack away my 5 favorite dresses, my sketch books and paints, and my pictures of me as a child. I begin carrying a box down stairs before Damon snatches it out of my hands, "I will get them all, go wait in the carriage." I sigh and look around the room once more before heading outside.

I sit down in the carriage, closing the door behind me as Damon loads up all of my things. I can hear things from afar, it is strange. I can hear the two horses leading the carriages heart beat from in here. The door opens and Damon takes a seat beside me and we take off, "I took care of the body, people with simply believe you two died in a tragic fire." He says sounding grim. I look out the window and see the house engulfed in flames, feeling nothing for the house burning.

6 weeks later

I am sat in the armchair of the suite Damon compelled for us two. During these 6 weeks at sea I have spent most of my time relaxing with a book. It has been amazing not having to wait on a man. Damon and I have grown quite close while on our long voyage, I am starting to see him as family. He has been teaching me how to feed without killing people, as I did to Albert. I do not feel as guilty as I did once it first happened. As Damon likes to remind me he killed me first. Everyday he brings a passenger into the room for me and it seems like it is that time of the day.

Damon is wearing a small smirk as he brings a very pudgy man into the room, "Did you finally decide to stop victimizing women?" I question cheekily as I stand from my seat, setting my book down in the process. "Larger people have more blood." He says with a shrug before turning serious, "Remember snatch, eat, erase." I nod and speed forward looking the man in the eyes, "You will not scream, move, nor will you feel pain." He nods and I walk behind him quickly biting into his throat.

I moan as the first drop of warm blood hits my tastebuds. "Listen to his heart." I hear Damon say, as I continue gulping down the addicting warm liquid. I listen to the man's heart making sure to not lose control, his heart begins to slow. "Alice, your getting close." He says tensely as I continue drinking. The man's heart slows down significantly casing me to pull my fangs from his throat. I walk around in front of him and hold onto his shoulders, "Thank you, now, go and patch yourself up, forget this happened." He nods and then walks out of the room.

Suddenly I'm engulfed in a hug, "That's was your best feed yet Alice!" I cannot help the smile that overcomes my face. All my life I never received praise from my family only criticism, my heart warms of joy as he pulls back and pulls out a handkerchief handing it to me. "Thank you Damon, for everything." I say sincerely causing him to freeze, he seems to be uncomfortable with emotion filled things, one of the many things I have learned of him on our adventure. I wipe my mouth with the handkerchief as he makes his way to the door, "We are out of bourbon." He says before closing the door. I sigh and resume my reading.

Damon and I finally arrived in New York today, it is my first time out of London and I am finding America quite intriguing. Luckily our ship ported at night so I was able to leaving without burning alive. We just arrived at our new home, a beautiful apartment right in the middle of New York. Damon wouldn't allow me to carry my own luggage which I was perfectly alright with. Damon just finished carrying in both of our luggage, he takes the seat next to me on the beautiful velvet sofa.

"What are you reading now?" He questions before snatching it from my hands, "Damon don't be rude." I scold while snatching it from his hands. "Withering Heights. I'm so surprised." He says before rolling his eyes earning a slap in the shoulder, "Why do you always read the same books?" I sigh, "Because I enjoy them, and on the ship we voyaged on there was no book store." Damon looks at me sadly, "Alice, with you not having a daylight ring, you still will not be able to go to a book store." I look down sadly before his fingers raise my chin, "Don't pout, I'll stop there today and get you loads of books. Then you can stop reading this romantic stuff."

"Hey, it is nice to be engulfed in an alternate reality, and I'll have you know it is quite a somber book." He shrugs and picks up a book of his own Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. I smile softly at him and he sends me one of his usual smirks before we begin reading beside one another.

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