11- The Birthday

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Klaus insisted on staying with me instead of at a hotel, which leads us to our current predicament. We are laying in my bed, the same way we were in Atlanta, cuddled together with me laying on his chest as he plays with my hair. My brain has been running a million miles a minute since we laid down. I cannot get him off my mind. When I was working I couldn't help but miss him even though he was literally in the same building. And when he smiles at me my heart fills with happiness and I don't know what to do. Clearly I'm infatuated with him and am attached. I have never felt the way I feel for him in my long existence. Even with trying to fight the feeling away, they are still there. It's as though my head and heart are fighting a battle the former knows will lose.

"What's on your mind sweetheart?" Klaus questions softly as he brushes my hair behind my ear. I lick my lips before taking a deep breath, "You." I say quickly while dragging my finger on his bare chest as nervousness creeps up me. He hums, "I assure you love, I cannot get you out of my head either." I look up at him, "I don't know what to do." I look into his blue eyes that hold so much emotion, "You could stop fighting the way you feel." I gulp and shake my head, "Klaus, it isn't that easy for me. I... fuck, I'm damaged." He cups my face in his soft hands and I can't help the sigh of comfort that escapes me. "What are you feeling right now, Alice?"

"More comfortable than I've ever felt in my life. Under that I feel venerable." He smiles softly at me, "Then give into it my love, stop fighting it." I smile softly at him and lay my head on his chest again. Enjoying the sound of his dead heart beating and the sound of air filling his lungs. "Do you trust me." He says softly as he brushes his hands through my curls. "Of course." I answer not even needing to think of my answer as I have time and time again. "Then give me a chance to be yours." My body freezes, lungs, heart and all. "I can't just jump into something, Klaus. I haven't been with someone in a very long time. Have not had any form of romantic relationships."

"Then we will go as slow as you need. I will take any part of you, you will grant me, however long it takes for you to be comfortable." I let out a sigh, "Okay." He drags me back up and looks at me with hope filling his eyes, "Okay?" He questions with a smirk. "I will stop fighting my feeling for you, Klaus."

Saturday Morning

The week has gone by extremely fast. Yesterday I didn't leave work until 9pm but I did finish the last thing I needed to do in person for my company's. Klaus decided on staying at home when I told him I would be staying late. He came to work with me on Wednesday and then decided to just stay at my place the last 2 days. He said he was working on a painting in my art room and that I cannot see it until it's finished. Things between us have been great. I have kept my word and have stopped fighting my feelings for him, while still going slow.

Most nights when I have come home I usually read while he sketches, both of us having a glass of liquor. The silence we share while doing so is comfortable. It is strange, suddenly having someone to share my alone time with. But it is nice, knowing someone is there if you need them. Klaus said that he still doesn't have a lead on the werewolf we are looking for, but when he does we will leave New York, and I am okay with that. Clearly finding these werewolves is important to him and now my company's are good again for around another month. I haven't heard from Stefan at all this week, although him and Klaus are on the phone quite often. Klaus told me he has Stefan chasing a dead end since he disrespected me. I still cannot believe he said that to me, or did that to me, I suppose since he was willing to go through with it.

I reach over to the other side of the bed and find it empty making me sigh sadly. Today is my birthday, yay me. I never have cared for it as when I was human it was never celebrated, so I simply have never told anyone of it. I take a shower and get ready for the day then make a mimosa and sit on my balcony with a book.

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