9- Atlanta

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A month later
June 6th, 2010
Atlanta, Georgia

Klaus has his arm wrapped around my waist as we step into the cocktail bar we decided to visit tonight. He compelled the owner to give us access to the private rooftop bar where the ambiance is cozy. There is a big fireplace along with loads of coaches that over look the sunset above the city of Atlanta. "I'm going to use the loo, what do you want a bottle of Sweetheart?" I smile up at him, "Surprise me." He nods before walking off.

The last month has been quite enjoyable, except the moments I have to leave because Stefan is decapitating someone. He has been distant to me lately, only giving me one word responses when I ask him something, or just ignoring me all together. I have been trying to give him space although it is difficult when we are driving down the eastern board together.

We started in Virginia then went through North Carolina, South Carolina, and now are in Georgia. Along the way Klaus and Stefan have been killing many people, honestly I couldn't even guess a number. My toll is still sat at a whapping 1, I do enjoy feeding from people though so sometime I join them, but I always stick to what Damon taught me.

Klaus and I have gotten closer during our travels. He is the most intriguing man I have ever met. Every time I pull back a curtain of him I am amazed by 10 more. His actions and reputation reveal pure darkness, but with me it's as though he let's go of a façade. He doesn't hide his darkness from me, but also shows me the good in him that he keeps suppressed from the world.

I know I have feelings for him, what type of feelings? I don't understand them, but I wont be acting on them as I will just remain platonic with him. I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy our flirtatious banter and the way his touch leaves me wanting more. I will not let it go further though, I am happy in my life now, being independent, relaying on only myself and not a man. I will make sure my life stays that way despite the way he makes me feel.

"Here." Stefan hands me a drink and sits across from me on the opposite sofa. "Thanks." I say quietly and take a sip while scrolling mindlessly on my phone. "I need to talk to you." I look up surprised, "Uh okay." I mumble as I put my phone away making sure to give him my undivided attention.

"What's going on with you and Klaus?" He questions me making my face convey my utter confusion

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"What's going on with you and Klaus?" He questions me making my face convey my utter confusion. "What?" I certainly did not expect that to be the first thing he wants to talk to me about in a month. "You and him have been all over each other lately." He says as his jaw is tight and his brooding is more extreme than usual. "We're friends, don't be weird." I say with a shrug.

"That's not what it looks like to me." He says in an accusatory tone making me sit up straighter. "Just say what your getting at Stefan." I say tensely. "Are you sleeping with him." I freeze. Irritation floods me, "No, but how would that be any of your business if I was?"

 Irritation floods me, "No, but how would that be any of your business if I was?"

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