15- Remembering

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I walk into Gloria's bar and walk to the table Stefan and I, usually occupy. I see him and a blonde women feeding on a brunette women and cringe before turning and walking off to grab a glass of champagne.

 I see him and a blonde women feeding on a brunette women and cringe before turning and walking off to grab a glass of champagne

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As I walk through the crowd, with my glass of champagne in hand, I see Stefan, the blonde, and the back of a man. "So this is the famous Stefan Salvatore." I hear an enchanting voice say, catching my attention. "I've been hearing so much about. You're right, he does have funny hair." I can't help the laugh that escapes my lips as I make it through the crowd. "I'm bored. I want to go." I begin ascending the stairs, "Then go without me, I'm not your girlfriend." I hear the blonde women say, a accent coating her voice. "No, you're my sister, which means...You have to do as I say." I can't stop the eye roll as I watch him pull her away from Stefan. I stand right behind them two and take a sip of my champagne as Stefan looks at me. "Sounds like something Damon would say." I say to Stefan and he chuckles.

The man turns around and my heart skips a beat

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The man turns around and my heart skips a beat. His light brown hair is gelled back to perfection, he is wearing a white and black suit that is fitted to his body perfectly. Stubble coats his jaw and around his plump pink lips that hold a small smirk. His most enchanting, attribute, his light blue eyes that I get lost in. "It appears I found someone to entertain me." He says deeply causing butterflies to flutter within me. He takes a step toward me and holds out his hand, I place my hand, that is covered by a satin white glove, into his hand. He pulls my hand to his lips and presses a soft kiss onto the back of it, despite the barrior of the glove it feels as though my hand has been shocked, not in an unpleasant way though. "It is a pleasure to meet you, I'm Nik, and your are?" My face warms up, "Alice Salvatore, the pleasure is all mine Nik." I say as a smile grows on his lips.

The bar turns back to the modern one I saw today. The bar is now filled with people dressed modernly instead of dressed for the jazz age. I take a deep breath before making my way to the main bar, I take a seat and lay my head on the bar top.

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