13- Hybrid Failures

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An extremely bloody Ray, is now laying on a pool table as rock music blares through the speakers. I'm sat at the bar sipping a glass of liquor as we wait for Stefan to return. Rays pack of werewolves will be in the smokey mountains tomorrow as they prepare for the full moon. Klaus, stands over Ray, with a pocket knife in hand, "Okay, it's a three step process, Ray. This is step one. I want you to drink from my wrist." Ray breaths heavy as he questions, "I already told you where to find the pack. What more do you want from me?"

"Have you been listening to a word I've been saying, Ray? I have great plans for you." Klaus says as he points the switchblade at Ray. Klaus drags the blade across his wrist and I zone in on his blood, flowing directly from his veins. I inhale and smell the most divine scent of blood, making my face transform. I turn my gaze away from him and stare at the bar instead. I down my glass before taking deep breaths to gain control over my urges.

When I finally gain my composure I hear a snap and look over my shoulder to find Ray dead, Klaus stands over his body and Stefan watches with his hands on his hips. "You're back." Klaus says as he looks up at Stefan. "Did you doubt me?" Stefan questions. "Not for a second. I knew you'd pass the test. You still care for your brother, for your old life."
"Nah, I don't care about anything anymore." Stefan says as he takes the barstool beside me.

" Stefan says as he takes the barstool beside me

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"You put on a good show Stefan. I almost believe you. Let's hope, for your brother's sake, he does. You never stop caring about family, do you? But, every time you feed, the blood makes it easier to let go." Klaus taunts Stefan as he leans into his ear.
"Klaus, stop being a dick." I sigh annoyed with his dramatics. I'm still annoyed neither of them told me about Damon trailing us. I see tears pooling in Stefan's eyes before he storms out of the bar. I sigh and run my hands through hair and I feel hands wrapped around my waist. "I didn't mean to upset you my love." Klaus whispers into my ear. I rub his arms, "Yeah, but you did." I say honestly. He sighs and presses a kiss to the side of my head before walking over to Rays body and picking him up.

Smoky Mountains

I look up at the mountain before looking over at Klaus, "We have to go all the way up there?" I question while pointing at the mountain. He only nods while looking down at his phone. "You know how you upset me last night for lying to me." He looks up at me, "Technically I wasn't lying to you. I was just withholding the truth." I send him an unamused look as I walk up to him, "Well I just thought of a way you could make it up to me."


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