30- The Ball part 1

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As I make my way into the front entrance of the mansion I can't help but feel extremely anxious. The people of Mystic Falls fill the room in their best attire, while sipping on what I'm sure is expensive champagne, an orchestra plays classical music in the background. I am wearing a stunning blue ball gown that Niklaus left for me in our room. Crystals are sewn into the bodist while the straps are a sheer chiffon fabric. My hair is half up and half down while curled to perfection. I also made sure to put on my most prestigious diamond earrings and necklace. I have white satin gloves on my hands, making me look and feel like Cinderella. Sitting on top of one of the gloves is the bracelet that I have not taken off once since I've been gifted it. Oddly enough it makes me feel safe.

As I look around the room I spot Damon and irritation fills me. Just what I needed, what's next? Dear ole Stefan decides to crash the party as well? I know damn well none of the Mikaelson siblings invited either of them. He spots me from across the crowd and makes his way toward me with two glasses of champagne, "I didn't expect to see your here Damon." I say as I wrap him in a small hug.

"You look stunning Alice

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"You look stunning Alice." I pull away and he holds the drink out but I hold out a hand and shake my head, "No thank you." He raises a surprised brow before downing one and setting the empty glass on a passing waiters tray. "You're done spiraling now?" He questions and I sigh. "Not particularly. Just taking a small break." He hums and takes another sip, "Do you know anything about the original witch wanting to meet with Elena." My body tenses, "Excuse me? She invited Elena, whom she tried to kill?" I ask completely flabbergasted. Well now I know for certain something is going on. "Well that answers my question." He says as he looks over the crowd, "Where's your boyfriend? Thought you two were attached at the hip." I roll my eyes. "Where's Stefan's girlfriend?" I question going for the low blow. He tenses, "Touché."

"Darling, you look extraordinary!" I hear a familiar voice say. Kol stands before me with his charming smile and he grabs my hand, tingles ignite from his touch which only multiplies as he presses his lips onto the back of my hand.

 Kol stands before me with his charming smile and he grabs my hand, tingles ignite from his touch which only multiplies as he presses his lips onto the back of my hand

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I smile brightly at him, "You look very handsome Kol." I can't help but gaze into his brow eyes. Damon holds out his hand toward Kol bringing me out of my trace. "Damon Salvatore. Have we met?" He says and Kol looks at him with a less genuine smile, "I've met a lot of people. And you don't particularly stand out." My eyes widen and before I know it I'm being dragged away by Kol while laughing. "That was hilarious and also very rude." I say in-between chuckles. He smiles at me before shrugging, "I was only telling the truth." I shake my head amused, "You do know he's my brother, right?" He raises an eyebrow, "You two certainly don't look alike."
"He turned me, after that he took me in. Treated me like the family I've always wanted." I say while surveying the room. I see Elena walking sandwiched between my brothers, "Stupid doppelgänger's."
"You share a hatred for her? Rebekah wouldn't shut up about her." I sigh, "I don't hate her. Mostly hate how my brothers are blind when it comes to her. She clearly is in love with the two of them but won't admit it. She's stringing them both along and one of them will end up heartbroken in the end. Plus they have almost got me killed for her way too many times." Kol scoffs, "They don't deserve the title you grant them." I can't help the frown that overtakes my face. "You can't help who you love." I say softly. He rubs a circle on my hand with his thumb, I didn't even realize we were still holding hands. "Sometime you have to be selfish darling. Put yourself first before they destroy you." He says before smiling softly at me and walking into the crowd leaving me to pander his words.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2022 ⏰

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