21- Lifeline

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My last few days in New York were fairly uneventful. I talked to Niklaus about trivial manners on the phone every night which was nice. We still haven't had a chance to meet in person as he was off successfully turning hybrids while I was working. I will be setting boundaries in our relationship, if he wants me back he will have to agree to them or there will be no us. I can't sacrifice things important to me, such as having a choice, being independent, for anyone. Rebekah hasn't responded to my last 2 calls which is odd, usually she's the one blowing up my phone to talk about how great her day at school was. If she's happy, I'm happy. Stefan hasn't respond either, not surprising though as last I heard from Damon, he was locked up In a cellar being starved.

As I pull up to the boarding house I see Damon's car bringing a smile to my face. 1. He will be able to carry all my luggage in and 2. Hopefully we can spend sometime together. Just as I'm about to open the front door my phone rings from inside my purse, I dig through it and pull out my phone and answer, "Hello Nik. I just got back to Mystic Falls can I call you back?" I question with my phone to my ear before opening the front door.
"Sweetheart, I need you to do something for me." He says in a serious tone that leaves me confused.
"Uh, okay. What?" I ask as I walk through the hallway.
"I need you confirm my father's death."
"What the hell are you talking... about..." As I enter the living room there is a man's body on the floor, veins covering his grey skin, with a dagger in his heart. I look up in utter confusion and see Stefan, Damon, and Elena staring at me, "Can I just enter this town and have a normal Welcome home for once!" I yell completely aspirated. "Alice?" I hear from my phone and I sigh. I take a picture of the dead body on the floor and send it to him, "Is that your father?"
"Yes, I'll he home soon and we can talk." He says sounding relieved before the line goes dead. I put my phone back in my purse and look back at my brothers, "Can someone explain what the hell is..." I gasp as I feel myself stabbed in the neck, injected with something that is burning me. I spin around and see Rebekah holding a now empty syringe. My vision becomes fuzzy although I can make out a saddened Rebekah, "I'm sorry Alice, we can't have you interference getting in the way. I hope you'll forgive me sister." My muscles go limb and darkness overcomes my vision.

"I don't need them. I just need to be rid of you." Klaus's voice echo's through my head, as though it is galaxies away. My head is so heavy I cannot move it or open my eyes.
"To what end, Niklaus? So you can live forever, with no one at your side? Nobody cares about you any more, boy! What do you have other than those whose loyalty you forced? No one. No one." I hear an unknown man's voice echo as well.
"I'm calling your bluff, father. Kill her." Father? He was dead! Kill her? Me?
"Come outside and face me, you little coward. And I won't have to."
"My whole life you've underestimated me. If you kill her you lose your leverage. So go ahead. Go on. Kill her. Come on, old man. Kill her. Kill her!!!" Klaus yells with more pain in his voice than Ive ever heard. Except for the night he left in Chicago. Oh my God, Mikael is his father. His father's murderous laugh echoes through my mind.
"Your impulse, Niklaus. It has and will forever be the one thing that keeps you from truly being great." I hear Klaus and a women's gasp, as flesh being torn open fills my ears, following by a thunk on the floor. I can feel myself getting stronger, finally able to move my fingers. "Now, your soulmate." I can feel myself throwing into a set of arms. Come on, come on, stupid vervain, if I die I'm coming back to kill Rebekah. "Another whose loyalty to you has been forced. Let me put her out of her misery." 


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