Like the other boys-stiles imagine

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This DOES NOT contain sexual activity
Kissing , fluff,

Y/n's pov:

I'm y/n yes the y/n the most popular girl in school along side my best friend Lydia, I get all the guys I get everthing I could ever want I ask for it and it's mine I mean my only problem in life is what I'm going to wear tomorrow I have everything...except what I really really REALLY want ok yeah go ahead call me spoiled for that and ungrateful I don't care because I only really want 1 thing....him.

I get a shorter skirt on today and a bit of a more revealing top grab my bag and put some shoes on and run down my stairs to Lydia I walk out the door and see Lydia's sports car...the newest model of course I open the door and hop in "hayy girlll" Lydia says with a quick side hug I smile and say hello back before she starts to drive to school she looks over to me "trying to impress someone" she asks as I fix my makeup in the small mirror I roll my eyes and snap it back to the roof "no Lydia" I haven't told her because she is well ya know her and stiles well he is....the opposite she probably doesn't even know who he is she just shrugs and continues to drive. We get to school and walk in all the eyes on us as usual I have boys winking at me trying to get close to me asking me out all that jazz but None of it is from him I look around the hall to see stiles standing with Scott leaning against the lockers he's not even looking at me god what do I have to do I mean all the boys love me so why dosent he I feel tears prick in my eyes I roll them back not wanting to ruin my makeup "im going to class" i state to Lydia and start to walk off to maths.

Stiles pov:

"Seriously another wet dream of y/n" scott teases me laughing my ass off I roll my eyes "stop it scott seriously I can't help it" I say running my hand over my buzzed hair "oh well speak of the devil" Scott says I turn around to see her god she is gorgeous but she looks different after I stare for a while I turn back to Scott "why is she wearing that" I ask him confused scott shrugs "she always looks like that dosent she" he asks me I nod "yeah I guess I don't know she just seems off" I say scott laughs "maybe cause you don't pay attention to her" he says like she actually wanted me to pay attention "scott enough with that I mean I'm just a skinny dorky kid with a buzz-cut and she's y/n I mean she's perfect and funny and nice and smart she will never notice me she probably dosent even know my name" I say sadly "dude she was literally just looking at you for like 5 minutes straight your such an idiot" Scott says laughing with a pat to my shoulder I turn around to see if he was lying but I don't even see her anymore so he must of been "I'm going to class" I say to Scott he nods "see you after maths" he asks me grabbing his bag off the floor I nod "yeah cya" I say walking to the maths room, I make it to the door and see y/n sitting in the back row my eyes widen I forget she was in my maths class I sigh and run my hands down my flannal straightening it before I walk in I feel Lydia shove past me I realize she going to sit with y/n I run as fast as I can in the tiny class room before I take the seat next to y/n "oh sorry Lydia didn't see you there" I say looking up at her she rolls her eyes and sits the other side to me Lydia looks over to y/n from across me she mouths somthing and I turn to y/n who just shrugs and looks at me with a smile I smile back with a head nod before the teacher walks in and starts the lesson.

Y/n's pov

I get a Gleam of hope when stiles sits next to me...I mean maybe he does like me well that was stupid to think cause he didn't even to try to talk to me or even look at me once so he must of just needed a seat im so stupid why would he like me I think as I write down some maths answers I hear stiles sigh and I look over to him to see his run his hands through his buzzed hair that I love I tap his shoulder and he jumps "oh sorry I didn't mean to scare you" I say he shrugs "stiles you ok" i ask him he looks at me confused "you know my name" he asks I chuckle "of course I know your name what are you talking about we been on the same classes since grade 4" I say confused he nods "yeah but your you" he says to me I tilt my head and he realises I was hurt by that "no no I mean like your popular and you know" he says I nod "anyways enough about me so you need help with the questions" i ask him pointing to his page he chuckles "yeah that would be great" he says I nod and smile as I explain and help him with the maths.

After the bell Rings I walk out of class with Lydia but my wrist is grabbed and pulled behind me "whoever you are no I don't want to go" I stop talking when I see stiles sanding in front of me "can we talk" he asks nervously I look back to Lydia "I'll meet you at lunch" I say she rolls her eyes and nods as she walks away "you ok" i asks but he drags me into an empty class room "yeah I just um why are you wearing that" he asks oh shit I've done to much he thinks I'm a slut...tears start to form at my eyes "i don't know it's cute I guess" I mumble looking down at the floor "are you trying to impress somome" he asks me I shake my head "no stiles" I yell he steps back "what wrong y/n" he asks I rolls my eyes "nothing I'm leaving" I say but again my wrist is grabbed "talk to me" he says I breakdown not caring anymore "why cant you want me like the others boys do" I yell/ whisper he looks at me confused "they stare at me while I stare at you" I continue as tears fall "y/n what are you talking about" he asks "nothing it's stupid" I say this time walking out of the room and down the hall I stop dead in my tracks when I hear stiles yell "I stare at you to y/n and I want you by the way" I turn around everyone looking at us but I don't care I smile and run up to him I jump and he Catches me in his arms i kiss him he smiles against my lips causing me to do the same he puts me down gently "y/n you don't have to act like this or dress like that I like you no matter what you wear I've liked you since 4th grade" he mumbles as we hug I giggle "I like you to stiles god I think I might actually love you" I blurt out but I instantly regret it "shit I mean" I say backing away from him he rolls his eyes with a smile pulling me back to him by my waist and kissing me 1 of his hands come to cup my cheek and I drag my around his neck I pull away but he keeps our foreheads together "I love you too y/f/n" he says trying to catch his breath from the kiss we had just shared I giggle and he chuckles "good cause I don't think I could wait another 4 years for you" I say "me neither so on the note...can I be your boyfriend" he asks me I bite my lip and nod against his forehead "fucking definitely" I say we both laugh as he pulls me back into another kiss the bell rings as we pull away "class" i ask him he puts his hand out for me to grab I do "class" he confirms as we walk to class hand on had....finally he's mine.

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