Friends with benefits-dylan smut

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this DOES contain sexual activity
Dirty talk, unprotected sex (wrap it up) , fluff

Y/n's pov

I turn the shower off and wrap a towel around my body before I walk out of the bathroom I work over to my wardrobe when I smell the familiar smell of a cigarette...i don't smoke by the way, I roll my eyes and slam my wardrobe shut before I walk out of my bed room and down my stairs and the smells gets stronger as I get closer I see my best friends figure standing on my balcony he's bent over the railing with the cigarette I can smell in his hand I sigh sadly and shake my head as I walk to the kitchen and grab him a water bottle Out of the fridge and head back to the balcony I lean against the door that opens to the balcony "hi" I say softly he turns around and gives me a sad smile "you ok" i ask him knowing hes been going though a hard time recently with breaking up with his girlfriend and some family stuff that he hasn't told me much about he looks back out to the view of the night sky and nods I walk over to him and rub circles on his back "here have some water dyl" I say as I hold the water in his face he chuckles and takes is out of my hand I smile , continuously rubbing his back he takes a couple sips of water before he looks at me sadly and rests his head on my shoulder I move my hand to his soft brown hair running my hands though it he sighs and it hits the top of my chest not covered by my towel I get goosebumps from his hot breath...that reeks of smoke "you should really stop smoking Dylan you know it takes 7 minutes of your life" I say I feel his chuckle and nod "I know y/n but it's just 7 minutes" he says "what Dylan that's 7 minutes I don't get with you, your family doesn't get with you, your fans don't get" i says knowing how many people love him with all they have including me "yeah well they'll live" he says I move away from him his head falls off my shoulder "well I won't mean so much to me your my best friend" I say shoving his shoulder playfully he looks at me and stares for a while before putting the cigarette out on the railing and chucking it over into the ground below us  "your right I mean that's 7 minutes without your smart ass and who'd want to lose that" he says shoving my shoulder back I giggle "exactly" I say I can see he's coming back around...he has these sad episodes he normally comes over here when he does I've given him a key because of it I want him to know I'm there for him we both let out a breath at the same time "come here" I hear him say as he opens his arms I smile and walk into them wrapping my arms around his back I smell his sent that has started to smell like home "hay y/n thank you" he says in my ear "for what" i ask he starts to sway us side to side slowly "being there for me....ya know being my best friend" he says making my heart melt into complete liquid I nod against his shoulder "could not ask for a better friend Dylan I'll always be here for you" I say honestly he really is the best "I know I'm away a lot filming and stuff like that but I'm always gonna be there for you too y/n you know that right?" He asks me "of course I know that Dylan thank you" I say he sighs as we pull away "good" he says I nod he drags his eyes down my body finally realising I'm only in a towel "speaking of good...I really like this outfit miss y/n" he says I laugh and shake my head "dylan..we said once" I say he puts his head back and sighs annoyed "I know I know but you can't tell me you didn't like it" he says confidently I smirk and roll my eyes "well I didn't like it" I say completely lying my ass off he laughs and tilt his head "huh is that so cause I remember it differently I remember you begging me to fuck your wet little pussy and you screaming my name as you came all over my perfect cock as you called it" he says moving closer to me i squint my eyes and laugh "well uh did you like you" i asks getting self conscious he picks up on it...he always does it's annoying how well he can read me "of course I did y/n and if you would like to and would let me I would love to be it again" he says I look anywhere but his eyes "so what like friends with benefits or somthing" i asks he shrugs "I'm not sure but your my best friend before anything sexual and I can't lose you so if this will make me lose you..then no" he says walking closer to me I smile "you could never lose me dylan" I say honestly because he couldn't....I love him he smiles "You couldn't lose me either"

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