I dont- dylan imagine

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this DOES NOT contain sexual activity
Fluff, kissing, 

Dylan's pov:

"Are you sure she said that man" i ask my best friend Tyler he looks to me and puts his x-box controller down on the couch "yes she said you could come Dylan" he says I sigh "but I didn't get an invite I mean it's a wedding, I would NEED an invite" I say he rolls his eyes "she told me you could come ok" he says we are talking about y/n my y/n well not mine anymore cause she's getting fucking married..I haven't seen her in almost 5 years after season 2 of teen wolf took off and she moved away we both just got busy and fell out I guess, we used to be best friends and everyone always said we are soulmates and made for each other and I agreed but I guess they were wrong because I've always been in love with her I still am but she obviously isn't in love with me or never was since she's getting married in 2 days but she apparently wants me to come but I don't get why "come on we should buy you a suit" Tyler says hopping out to turn the x-box off and grab his car keys I roll my eyes and hop off the couch following him out my front door and into his car.

"What about this 1" Tyler says  holding a suit from the racks I sigh "bright blue seriously can you just be serious for once please" I say annoyed he raises his hands in defensive "sorry man" he says with a chuckle putting the suit back on the rack I start to walk around the shop and see a nice black suit with only a middle button I pick it out "hay posey" I yell and he comes running from behind me "yeah that's good dude" he says I nod "I have a white button up at home i can use" I say he nods and grabs my size for me I smile and grab it off him walking up to the front desk "ah fancy event boys" the lady behind the desk asks I laugh "yeah the love of his life he hasn't seen in 5 years is getting married to someone else in 2 days" Tyler blurts out I elbow him in the gut and give him a look he shrugs "oh well sorry about that..but that's 100.45 cents please" she says I grab my card out and scan it before she give us our bag "thank you" I say as we walk out I sigh "you'll look good dude" Tyler says I nod "thanks buddy" I say "food" he asks "food" i confirm with a head nod.

I'm standing in front of the mirror spiking up my hair its the only way I know how to do it and its like stuck that way now from all the hours it's stuck with gell I flatten out my suit not bothering to do the button up I tie up my brown fancy Boot things that my mum got for me and grab my phone chucking it in my pocket before I head outside to the car the venue is 4 hours and 45 minutes from where I am right now so I have a long drive but y/n is worth every bit if it even if She's just breaking my heart into more pieces I turn the car on and start to drive to y/n.

Y/n's pov

I sigh as I look at my self in the mirror as my bridesmaids laugh behind me I run my hands over my white dress "you look beautiful girl" 1 of the girls say I smile and then turn around to them I go to say somthing before there's a knock on the door "I'll get it" my best friend Shelly says we have grown close after I met her when I was hanging out with Tyler 1 night "thanks" I say as I put an earring in my ear "hay it's Tyler" I hear her yell I squeal happily "ah let him in" I say and i hear her chuckle "hay y/n" I hear Tyler say excitedly I turn around and walk to hug him he hugs me back "hay tyler" I say he pulls away and looks at me "wow you look beautiful" he says I chuckle and hit his shoulder playfully "wanna take a walk" he asks I tilt my head confused but agree "Shelly your in charge and make sure these girls are dressed pleaseee" I say she nods "i I caption" she says I chuckle and walk out with Tyler we walk along the jetty that sees out to water "I have to tell you somthing" Tyler speaks up "ok should I be scared" I tease he chuckles nervously "oh Tyler what is it this time" i ask concerned he looks at me "I invited someone" he says I chuckle "who's the girl this time" I say nudging him he rolls his eyes "it's not a girl y/n" he says seriously "well then I'm confused who is it" i ask him he stops walking and faces me "I think you know" he says giving me a sad look i shake my head at him and look down "why would you invite him" i ask not looking at him "he needed to be here y/n, you both know that" he says simply I look up to him "thanks Tyler thanks a lot" I say sarcastically before Turing away and walking away I hear him call after me but I don't stop I just continue walking back to my room, I walk though the door trying not to cry I don't wanna ruin my makeup "you ok y/n" Shelly asks me I look at her "uh no not really" I say she walks over to me and puts her hands on my shoulders "what's up" she asks I look at her my eyes tearing up "Dylan's here" I say and her face drops.

"Ok it's Ok I'm fine" I say as I see my bridesmaids walk down the isle in front of me after my little meltdown i pulled myself together I mean here I am about to Marry a great guy and im crying about Dylan he probably didn't even come he was probably busy like all the other 5 years I hear the music change and i know that's my cue I breath out nervously before walking out slowy down the isle unfortunately my dad passed away so I'm just by myself but I don't mind I look up at my soon to be husband standing at the alter with tears in his eyes I look to the front row to see my mum I smile at her before my eye catches Tyler who is crying beside my mum I look across from Tyler and see him we lock eyes for a split second but I look away and walk a little faster stepping up and grabbing his hands he looks at me I smile, the priest does his Speaking I can hear him but I'm not really playing attention I'm only looking at Dylan sitting in the front row looking at us sadly i feel my heart break but I'm pulled out my thoughts when I hear the words "I do" I look at my husband "do you y/f/n take James to be your lawfully wedded husband" the priest asks I look to James then to the priest then into the audience moving from my mum who is crying into a tissue then to Tyler doing the same thing then to Dylan I smile at him my eyes starting tear up dylan tilts his head confused and nods at me sadly I shake my head slightly and look back to James I sigh "i I don't" I say with a chuckle I hear a couple of gasps I look at James then to my ring "I cant say that to you James...because it's not true I'll never be able to fully love you because my heart will always belong to Someone else no matter how much I don't want it to I'm sorry James" I say putting the ring in his hand he nods sadly at me I lean to kiss his cheek before I turn around and face Dylan I chuckle "it's you Dylan...it's always been you" I say crying he looks at Tyler and tyler looks back at him both of their eyes wide "go dude" I hear Tyler whisper causing me to chuckle Dylan stands up and walks over to me "hi" he says tearing up I laugh "hi" i say smiling he chuckles and grabs both sides of my face and pulls me into a kiss I immediately kiss him back my hands draping over his shoulders and his go around my waist I pull away and we both let out a breath he smiles "I missed you and im so sorry I didn't call or anything I'm so sorry" he starts to ramble I laugh and shake my head "it's ok Dylan I'm sorry to but I never stopped loving you" i say he puts his forehead to mine and grabs my hands "I didn't stop loving you either y/n and i never will your my best friend and my biggest regret was walking away from you not having enough time being to busy Im so sorry" he says I smile pulling him into another kiss "I'm never letting you move away again and im never getting to busy I don't wanna let you go again y/n" he says now tears coming from his eyes "I love you y/f/n" He says "I love you more Dylan obrien" I say with a sniffle "impossible" he whispers before he kissed me again the whole audience cheers and i smile into the kiss and pull away "this is not our wedding by the way" I say he chuckles "why not" he tease "when we get married I wanna do it right I don't want it to be like this" I say honestly because I know we will be together till we are both old and rotting "I agree" he says and i chuckle kissing him again.

A little while later we are all in the reception James was fine with us having it even though we aren't married he just didn't wanna waist the cake me and Dylan sit in the chairs up the front of the room facing the dance floor "you know I never said it but you look really really hot tonight" I say to him he rolls his eyes "y/n you look absolutely perfect like stupid gorgeous" he says and i laugh kissing him again
"God I missed you y/n everyday of those 5 years your all I could think about" he says i nod my head "I know Dylan Im sorry I didn't call I guess I thought ya know after you got famous I wasn't enough and you didn't need me anymore I'm sorry" I say honestly he chuckles and cups my cheek "y/n I will never not need you and you will always always be enough I doesn't matter how famous I get I'm always going to be yours and i will need you until I'm in my fucking death bed" he says we both laugh and i nod pulling him into another short kiss before I look out to see my mum "I'll be back" I say to Dylan he nods and i slip out of my chair and make my way over to my mum "hay mum" I say she turns around "oh sweetheart are you ok that was fucking crazy" she says hugging me I chuckle and nod "I'm better then ok mum but I'm sorry I know you liked James" I say she rolls her eyes "please you weren't fooling anyone I always knew you'd end up together now go lover boys waiting for a dance" she says I nod and hug her before heading back to Dylan "wanna dance" I shout to Dylan  making my way to dance floor where a rap song is currently playing Dylan drags himself out of his chair and walks over to me though the crowd of dancing people we dance together for a while laughing and kissing before Tyler pops up "hay love birds" he says we both roll our eyes "hay Tyler" I say "I told you Dylan did I not tell you" tyler says Dylan throws his head back "yes you told me" Dylan says i look to Tyler and hug him tightly "thanks Tyler, thanks alot" I say and we both chuckle before we go back to dancing and then later on passing out in the limo on the way back to the hotel but I wouldn't trade this for the world.

Dylan obrien imagines Where stories live. Discover now