Shes back- stiles/tw imagine

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this DOES NOT Contain sexual activity just fluff (:

Y/n's pov:

"Shit shit shit" I curse under my breath relizing im going to miss the bus I run down my stairs "bye mum" I say quickly before running down the driveway I sprint as fast I possibly can to the bus stop down the street I pass familiar faces from my childhood on the way but I really don't wanna miss my bus so I don't stop , I keep running till I see the bus pull up in the bus stop "fuck it " I say my eyes glowing and my legs going at a pace humanly impossible I'm panting I get there just in time to step on the bus step making the doors hold from shutting "morning" i pant out to the driver with a smile before walking in and taking my seat I sigh and pull out my phone i text some of my old friends from New York missing them I mean of course im happy to be back in beacon hills don't get me wrong I was here until I was 13 and have the best memories but I'm scared none of my friends here will remember me i mean I remember them like Lyida, Allison, malia, Scott, Isaac, and Noah and Melissa but I most remember stiles god I've missed him so much I was so in love with him as a kid hah but I'm definitely definitely over that...I think or atleast hope but anyways you get the point I'm scared I'm cut out of my thoughts by the bus driver yelling back to me "hay kiddo you don't wanna be late" I chuckle and nod my head "that I don't" I say grabbing my bag and hoping out of my seat "thanks" I say before hoping out of the bus I hear the doors close behind me I spin my bag from my back to my side and lean over and dig though it trying to find my time table "shit it has to be in here I swear I put it in here" i whisper to myself I keep digging i gasp in relief after I find the piece of paper from the bottom of my bag I sigh and try to get all the wrinkles as I swing my bag back onto my back I look at my phone seeing it's only 8:40 "ok still 20 minutes" I mumble to myself as I try to start reading the fucked up peice of paper "y/n"I hear a random voice yell I ignore it thinking I'm being paranoid but a minute later I see feet In front of me over the top of the page "y/n" the voice repeats I look up and see the one and only "oh my god scott" I say as he pulls me into a hug "hay y/n wow it's been ages" he says pulling away I nod " I didn't think you guys would recognise me or even remember me" I say moving my arms passionately as I talk that's a little somthing I picked up from stiles "you do look different but Lydia recognised you the moment you hoped off the bus..she just didn't want to come over and embarrass herself if it was a random loser...her words exactly" Scott says I laugh "well we're is she" i asks scott turns around and points to a girl leaning on a pole we make eye contact and we both start to run at eachother meeting half way in a hug "oh my god y/n" Lydia says excitedly "Lydia hay oh my god it's so so so good to see you" I say as she tightens the hug she chuckles and pulls away "i have missed you so much...we have missed you so much" she says with a smile from ear to ear on her face my face matching hers I chuckle confused "we" I repeat as a question Lydia rolls her eyes and turns sideways motioning her hand to a group of people eagerly standing behind us I smile and they all jog over and pull me into a tight group hug "hay guys hi" I say tears threatening to come out of my eyes they all say there hellos before they let me go "it's been so long wow you look so hot" malia states I laugh "so do you malia and I know I missed you guys" I say looking around the group but I don't see three certain people "is Allison in the bathroom" i ask them scott looks at me sadly as the group goes deadly silent "no y/n um I'm sorry she passed away about 3 years ago" Lydia says i take a step back "oh my god that's awful I'm so sorry i had no idea" I say walking to Scott and hugging him "thanks y/n" he whispers in my ear I pull away and smile sadly malia clears her throat "oh and issac left for New York...about the same time" she says with a nod I smile and look at the ground Lydia laughs "and I bet your wondering were a certain Somome else is" she states with a wink I shoot my head up and shake my head in a confused manner "what no I'm oh shut up I was like 9 and I'm over it now" I say to her she nods "well y/n he actually got really hot over the years" malia says like it's nothing "did you guys" i ask her she laughs "oh yeah for like a second but not anymore I think there's someone else and im with Scott now" she says scott nods and smiles at her..."wow I guess I missed a lot" i chuckle "well I'm still done with teenage boys" Lydia pipes in we all laugh at her statement before they all pull me back into a quick group hug.

Stiles pov:

I dry my hands on my shirt as I walk out of the bathroom I sigh and put my head back as i see Liam standing there waiting for me...yeah I'm on babysitting duty "come on" I say to him he starts to follow me "were are we going" he asks I roll my eyes "to Scott you dumbass" I say and not even a moment after I finsh my sentence he speaks up again "hay stiles who is y/n" I shake my head "what did you just say"i ask him think I'm just being paranoid "um y/n who is she" he repeates....ok definitely not paranoid "oh Um y/n wow haven't heard that in a long time" i mostly say to myself "did she die" Liam asks in the most insensitive way ever I chuckle "no no she just moved away when we were all like 12 or somthing we haven't seen her since" I say "oh" Liam says with a shrug "wait why do you ask" i ask Liam confused "oh I heard Lydia say that she thinks she saw her to Scott before we walked off...but maybe she said somthing else" he says now walking beside me my eyes widen "y/n" i state in excitement before I start to run to the front of the school were Scott was waiting for me "stiles wait" I hear liam say behind me but of course I don't I mean is y/n back is she really back I stop dead in my tracks as I see Lydia, malia and Scott all huddled up talking to someone I can only see the top of there brunette hair but I know it's y/n and then I hear that laugh oh god that laugh oh how I've missed that laugh I smile widey running over to the group going to push past malia and Scott but I don't make it though thankfully Lydia is distracting y/n talking about their outfits I step back and grab my shoulder "ow ah" I say "ha sorry dude" I hear Scott laugh I nod my hand still on my shoulder "let me push though let me look cool" i whisper to Scott he then tells malia and nods back to me "3...2..1" scott counts down before I push past the properly this time and that's when I see her she has her brown eyes looking up at me they shine in the sun I sigh as we both walk to eachother I pick her up in a hug and spin her around she giggles and pats my back "stiles stiles" she yells though her giggles I chuckle and put her on the ground smoothly pulling her into a normal hug "y/n holy shit what how are you here" i ask her running my hand though her hair "what are you unhappy to see me stiles" she asks me as she pulls away I shake my head quickly "no absolutely not oh my god you have no idea how much I missed you" I say pulling her into yet another tight hug she giggles again before sighing "I think I have an idea" she whispers in my ear I chuckle at her before pulling away she turns to malia "you were right malia" she says with a wink everyone bursts out laughing "wait what no what's happing why are we laughing" i ask but nobody Telles usual,  y/n walks next to me "and I haven't seen you before" she says nicely to Liam he laughs and puts his hand out "im Liam it's nice to meet you y/n" he says y/n laughs with a smile "how old are you" she asks "I'm 15" he reply's she giggles and kisses his cheek "it's nice to meet you Liam" she says pulling away the bell Rings "y/n time table now I wanna change your classes to mine" I say to her she rolls her eyes "stiles you cant do that"she says yet she still hands me the paper "trust me I have my ways" i mutter reading over The paper I let out an excited noise and look back up to see that the rest of the pack have left leaving only us "well I don't need to cause your already in ALL my classes" I say as she walks closer to me she laughs "well I don't wanna be late me first day back lead the way" she says I nod as we start walking "we really did miss You.....I missed you" I mumble the last part she giggles and looks up at me "I miss you guys to...I missed you to stiles" she mumbled the last bit mimicking my actions I chuckle god it's good to have my y/n back.

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