Strippers-Stuart imagine

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This DOES NOT  contain sexual activity
Strip club, strippers, underage drinking, fluff

Y/n's pov

I get out of my car and grab my bag before shutting the door I sigh and make my way over to the coffee van and ordering some coffees like I always do...every morning for my team here at google, I stand and wait for them to be made standing on my phone and scrolling on social media I hear my name called and I walk up and grab the 2 cup trays I say thank you to the man and start to walk off to the building 1 cup tray I'm each hand I walk across the grass and past some tables and chairs before I make it to the double glass doors of the main building I struggle to open the door with the cup trays in my hand but with a bit of persistence I finally get it open and start to walk around the large building up a flight of stairs over a bridge that looks down to the main floor below and down a corridor before I end up at the internship "offices" they are not offices they are boxes with glass walls I sigh and walk in looking around for the room we are in today I laugh when I hear billy and nick rambling about somthing for down the hall I past some other groups giving them smiles until I finally make it to the team I sigh and walk into the inclosed room and as soon as I walk in I  hear "yes's" and "your a life saver" from the group as they see I have coffee even tho I bring it everyday I laugh and start to take them out of the cup trays and delivering them at the group "nesha caramel iced coffee" i state putting it down onto the desk she's working at she says thank you "lyle straight black" I say handing him the cup he smiles and thanks me I grab another cup "yo-yo cold brew of course" I say giving him the cup at his desk as he's on his laptop he also thanks me I laugh "ok billy a large chocolate thickshake extra thick" I say handing him the drink his face beams and I chuckle "and nick a large strawberry thickshake also extra thick" I say handing him is cup aswell he thanks me exitedly "such children" I hear a familia voice mumble with a scoff I turn around "ahh Stuart of course how could I forget" I say teasing him he rolls his eyes and I grab his cup "a green teen because you don't drink coffe" I say handing him the cup he snatches it off me "very funny y/n very funny now shut up and help us with this please since you have now distracted billy and nick" he says I turn around to face the older men they are trading drinks and blowing bubbles and laughing with eachother completely unaware there are actual stakes here for some of us i laugh grabbing my own iced chocolate before getting close to Stuart and looking over his computer taking a sip though my straw "lets do it then" I say and he nods running me though what todays challenge is I listen closely and watch him intently I'm not going to lie he is incredibly gorgeous hot attractive pretty the little moles on his face the way his glasses sit perfectly on his face and the Bennie he always has on he's perfect "y/n" I hear neshas voice pulling me out of my thoughts i hum in response letting her know I'm listening "we are going out tonight did you wanna come" she asks me I shrug "yeah y/n come on losen up have some fun find a boy" nick says I roll my eyes I look to Stuart next to me "are you going" I ask him nervously "uh yeah I'm going...their right you should come it will be fun" he says not taking his eyes off the computer "wow stu are you being nice to you want me to come" I tease him he shoved my shoulder and tells me to shut up as we both chuckle "yeah ok I'll come" I say looking at Stuart I see him smile widely at his computer screen causing me to blush "ok anyways back to work people unless You wanna lose" I say Trying to change the subject everyone nods and heads back to their work for todays challenge.

Stuart's pov:

We start to pack up our things and head out we won the competition today thanks to y/n she answered the final question breaking the tie, god she's so smart not that I'll ever say that to her or anyone to even exist, I look over to her laughing with billy and nick god she has an amazing laugh billy and nick hug her and im guessing they are heading to we're we are going tonight they walk out the door leaving just me and y/n I clear my throat and walk over to her "um are you staying back" i ask her she looks up at me with a smile "uhhh I was going to but it's not important" she says Turing her laptop off and slipping it in her bag "oh ok cool" I say awkwardly "do you know we're we are going tonight" she asks me and shake my head "nope billy and nick said it's a surprise I have the directions though" I say to her she nods "um do you think I could ride with you" she asks me shyly I chuckle "if you really have to" I say sarcastically she rolls her eyes "come on" she says as she turns the light off and we head out the front door and into the car.

"Are you sure we are in the right place" she questiones I shrug "this is what they said" I tell her "a strip club" she says with a sigh "well that's great" she mumbleds "hay it's ok it's just for fun y/n" I say she rolls her eyes "yeah whatever" she says annoyed as she opens the car door and slams it I jump a little at the force she used I sigh and hop out "hay whats wrong with you Jesus" i say "nothing I just need to drink" she says not looking back at me and heading inside I follow and as soon as I walk in she has disappears I go to yell for her but I'm pulled away by billy "hay man lets find you a chick" nick says I roll my eyes and sit down on a couch and go on my phone "just 5 inches up I beg you" I hear nick say as he Uses his finger to guide my head up I look up and see a girl in skimpy lingerie my eyes widen as she climbs on me and starts to dance on me I chuckle "wow wow...woah" I say billy laughs "DRINKS" he shouts and nick nods they dance off together to the bar I shrug and continue to enjoy what is happing. 

This is awesome I've danced under fake rain girls have been all up on me, I've been on the pole , and it's been awesome but I'm trying to find y/n at the moment I've wondered all over the club and cant find her wait she said she needed a drink...the bar I think as I start to shove my way over to it I sigh in relief when I see her sitting at the bar with a drink twirling her straw I walk up and drum on the bar "too beers please" I say and the bartender nods "hay having fun" i ask y/n as I put money on the bar "yeah heaps" she says keeping her head down I grab the beers and slide 1 to her and i open the other and take a sip "why what's wrong" i ask her she looks at me "well I just don't wanna see basically half naked girls dancing on yo...people" she says changing her words...was she about to say me I tilt my head "I'm confused" I say taking another sip she sighs angryily and stands up off the chair "god I don't want you seeing a bunch of perfect girls who are naked and dancing all Over you cause then you'll see how bad my body is and how ugly I am and and i don't want that because I have a massive crush on you but you obviously don't feel the same so just go back to whatever girl you paid to get you off" she blurts out not  taking any breathes i choke on my drink "you think your ugly" i ask her she sits back down and puts her head in her hands and starts to cry I put my hand on her back "y/n listen to me, you are so definitely not ugly not even close I mean your fucking stunning and don't get me started on your body its amazing y/n your gorgeous" I say honestly she really is gorgeous "really" she sniffles out I chuckle "yes y/n but you are completely blind" I say she looks up to me confused I smile and wipe the tears off her face "your blind to not see i have a massive dorky crush on you to y/n" i say she smiles "really" she asks again I nod and smile "yes really y/n these girl don't compare to you, I love you y/n" I blurt out her eyes widen and she gets off the chair again and turns to me she grabs my face and pulls me into a kiss we both smile into it she pulls away slowly as I wrap my arms around her waist and hers drape around my neck "I love you to Stuart" she says and my heart explodes "let's go home, you can stay over" I say she nods and grabs our beers off the bar "let's go" she says and i grab her hand and pull her though the bar and outside to the car we hop in and i smile at her "you truly are beautiful y/n" I say she blushes and rolls her eyes "your not to bad yourself" she's says pulling me into another kiss she pulls away and chuckles as she fixes my classes on my nose I smile "thanks babe" I tease with a wink "drive" she demands as she rolls her eyes "yes mam" I say before driving us home.

Dylan obrien imagines Where stories live. Discover now