Misson falied-mitch imagine PT.2

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this DOES NOT Contain sexual activity just fluff (:
(Last part lol)

Mitches pov:

"Go rapp I'm not waiting here all day" herley says sternly with his arms folded in front of his chest I roll my eyes at him but nod cause I do kinda need a ride home again i turn back to the building I roll my shoulders and crack my knuckles before I walk in-front of the doors and they slide open infront of us I sigh and walk in herley close behind me, We pass gift shops and small pop up cafes before walking though another set of doors I nod to myself and walk up the lady sitting behind a front desk she looks up at me "hi Welcome the state hospital how can I help you" she asks with a smile I smile back "hi thank you we would like to visit y/f/n" I say to the woman she nods and types on her computer for a moment and in that quick slight moment I get even more anxious and scared then I thought id be but she turns back to us "visiting hours are 4 to 8:30 unless the patient asks for longer or you are immediate family and she is in room 314 just go Through those doors then down the right " she says pointing to some doors on my left "alright thanks so much" I say before me and Stan make our way though the doors "we have about 3 and a half hours" stan says I nod "hopefully she can be released soon" I mumble as we walk though the corridors trying to find her room "mitch just remember" stan starts but I cut him off "don't make it personal yeah yeah I got it" I say rolling my eyes he chuckles "I was going to say to be careful with her she's just been shot" he says chuckle as I roll my eyes again , we make it y/n's room after walking and getting a bit lost I sigh "room 314" I say nodding Stan pats my back "now or never" Stan says I nod and knock gently on the door "come in" I hear y/n say the pain laced in her voice makes my heart break I sigh before I gently open the door to see her lying down she looks over to the door and I see her face light up and her beautiful smile appear "mitch" she says "hay y/n" I say back she begins to sit up but let's out a whince and grabs her stomach i rush over to help her sit up she smiles weakly at me I smile back and sit down in the chair next to her bed "hay kiddo how you feeling" Stan asks standing at the end of her bed she smiles and nods "like I've been fucking shot" she teases him we both let out a chuckle "well y/n I have some thing for you to sign and then once your out and feeling better we will talk about what the next step is...for now try to rest and don't worry about it" he says calmly "oh come here" she says to him holding her arm out he rolls his eyes but walks over...Stan never hugs anyone like ever so seeing him latch to y/n was a very weird sight "thanks Stan" she says kissing his cheek...even weirder he smiles and looks at me and then back to y/n "I'll give you to some time..mitch I'll be getting coffee" he says we both nod "byeeeee" y/n drags out with a huge smile...god how is she even happy when she's laying in a hospital bed with a bullet hole in her stomach "so rapp how's it been" she asks breaking the long silence the accured as soon as stan left, I shake my head "y/n I'm so sorry I shouldn't of got distracted and I should of kept and eye out and watched you like I was supposed to I'm sorry" I ramble out she sighs and grabs my hand pulling it onto her hospital bed holing it she looks at me "yes you should of not got distracted rapp but that dose not mean this is your fault he knew who we were even with you watching me...he still would of shot me Mitch ok this is not your fault it's not" she says her thumb running over my hand my eyes start to water as a tear drops out "Mitch are you ok" she asks worried I look up at her "after Katrina I swore I wouldn't let it happen again" I say shaking my head y/n tilts her head "Katrina" she asks confused "I never told you why I started doing this did I" i ask her tears still falling slowly she shakes her head  "well I was on a trip with my girlfriend Katrina we were swimming I had just proposed to her...I left for 1 second to get drinks then boom she was gone there was a terrorist attach at the beach...they shot her in front of me I watched her die and so I started to hunt him down then the cia approached me it was this or a super max and well now I'm here" I say not looking at y/n she pulls my chin up with her finger to look at me I see she is crying as well "I'm so sorry Mitch I didn't know....I'm sure she loved you" she says cupping my cheeks I nod "but Mitch Katrina was not your fault and i this is not your fault you can not blame yourself for bad people Mitch" she says I know she's right but I feel so guilty "I know but I can try to stop them" I say she smiles "I know and that's what I" she goes to say something but stops and removes her hands and puts them in her lap "are you ok" i ask confused at the sudden switch she nods not looking at me she goes to reach for the tv remote and Turing it on I roll my eyes "ok scooch" I say to her she looks at me confused "move your ass over y/n" I say again she rolls her eyes with a small smile she's trying to hid from me she slowly moves over but still keeping her eyes on the tv I take my boots off and hop in the bed next to her, after about 5 minutes of her eyes being drawn to the tv and not daring to even move I'm getting annoyed   "y/n" i ask her but no response "ok y/n quit it what is wrong talk to me" I say desperately "please y/n tel me what's going on" I add she looks at me tears running down her face "I just do you remember what I said to you you know...when I was dying" she asks chuckling at the end of the sentence then it clicks I know what she's talking about I look at her and nod my head "well I just I don't want you to think that I just said it cause I was dying like a spare of the moment thing but now after hearing about Katrina I get if you don't want to date or if you aren't ready god what am I say I don't even know if you like me" she says moving her head away from me yet again I chuckle and shake my head "y/n look at me" i say and she turns her head to face me "Katrina died and she's gone...she'd want me to move on a find love again" I say smiling at her she sniffles "well have you" she asks me "have i what" I ask her she hits my chest "found love again" she asks playing with her hands I laugh again and kiss the top of her head before looking at her "yes fuck yes I have" I say looking at her "have you" i ask her she smiles shyly and nods "fuck yes" she repeats i smirk and lean in to kiss her as soon as our lips touch I feel alive the spark of electricity running though our bodies I feel her smile into the kiss causing me to do that same she pulls away "I love you y/n I love you so much and I can't believe I almost lost you" I say resting our foreheads together she gently grabs my wrist and kisses it "you couldn't lose me if you wanted to" she says with a smile I laugh "good because I don't want to" I say before she rolls her eyes playfully she pulls me into another long kiss followed by a short peck and another...and another ......and another "so Um what are we then" she asks me "well y/f/n can I have the honour of being your boyfriend" i ask her nervously she smiles "only if I have the honour of being your girlfriend" she jokes we laugh "I think that's how it works" I say "something like that" she says before kissing me again "but seriously I would love for you to be my boyfriend" she says "well thats lucky cause I want you to be my girlfriend" I reply she laughs "so dating" she asks "dating" I repeat kissing her again I pull away "wait I Brought something for you" I say she pouts "what Mitch why would you get me something you didn't have to" she says I laugh hoping off the bed carefully trying not to hurt her I dig though a bag I got at a gift shop on the way and grab the stuff hiding it behind me back and siting on the bed "eyes closed hands out" I say she rolls her eyes "just do it please" I ask she nods and does it "I'm saving the best for last" I say as I place an item in her hand "open" I order she opens her eyes and looks down "Mitch you didn't have to" she says as she sees her favourite candy and her favourite movies "we can pig and watch them while your stuck in here" i say she nods "I love it" she says I smile "next one" I say she rolls her eyes "Mitch no it's to much" she says "eyes" i drag out and she closes them again "I don't think you can hold this one" I say making her furrow her eyebrows "ok just open you'll see" I say and she opens her eyes she looks back to me as the widen as she sees a giant brown teddy bear Holding a red heart that reads i love you she grabs it instantly and hugs it for being an assassin she is basically a child and I know that she loves stuffed animals "Mitch I love it" she says "I cant lean to kiss you so kiss me please" she chuckles out "gladly" I say leaning to kiss her "what should we name him" she asks me with a huge smile on her face I smile at how adorable the girl sitting in front of me is "Ted" I suggest she shakes her head "Jeff" she shakes her head again "bill" she laughs "ok sorry but I'll pick" she says I nod and raise my hands in defensive she thinks for a while "Bibble mr. Bibble" she says extremely excited I laugh "mr. Bibble it is then...ok last but not least" i say she hugs Bibble and closes her eyes and puts her hands out I place the box in her hands "ok open" she opens her eyes and looks down before opening the box she gasp and picks up the box "MR.BIBBLE LOOK WHAT MY BOYFRIEND GOT ME" she yells putting it in front of his face before looking at me "you like it"I ask her she nods "I fucking love it I love it and I love You I fucking love you" she Says "I love you to" I say and lean to kiss her but cover bibbles eyes she giggles and I kiss her "help me put it on" she asks I nod "of course"I say picking up the sliver necklace laced with diamonds with a little heart charm on it I go behind her and carefully putting in around her neck she looks at me and smiles "now put this on" she says holding out the dvd case I laugh "yes mam" I say and walk over to the tv putting in on before slipping back into bed with y/n we cuddle up to each other as the movie starts, i lean down to kiss her head "I'm glad your alive" i whisper into her ear she giggles "I love you mitch rapp" she says "I love you to y/f/n"

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