Fun and Games

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Disclaimer: I do not own Power Rangers. Only my OCs.

Chapter 4: Fun and Games

"Here they come, rounding the bend of the final stretch. The three members from the Red Dragon dojo are in the lead. They're coming down the hill! Here they are! And Zoey Oliver crosses first with Jenna Scott not two seconds behind her. Fellow teammate, Raina De Santos comes in a half second later and will take third place. And the Red Dragon Dojo continues to dominate the Power Rangers Games."

The girls rolled over to where the rest of their team was waiting, "That's my girl!" Tommy grabbed his sister in a hug, whispering in her ear, "You make me so proud; you know that?"

"Same for you. I wouldn't be who I am today without you. I hope you realize that."

He leaned back to look at her, "I think we saved each other." They smiled as the rest of the team pulled her over to celebrate. Jason clapped him on the shoulder as Rocky and Adam joined them. "What's up guys?"

"Our siblings, huh? Who would have thought? They not only followed in our spandex wearing footsteps, but they are the true embodiment of community spirit." Rocky smiled encouragingly, "Well, the Angel Grove Angels are, anyways. Our two played tag along."

Adam laughed, "I'd love to see you call Raina a tag along to her face."

"He probably wouldn't live to have that first born he and Aisha have been talking about." Jason dodge the swipe Rocky threw at him and laughed, "You know it's true."

"We all do." Tommy nodded in agreement, "Come on. It's time for them to get ready for the final comp. The dreaded obstacle course."

"Dreaded for everyone else. These guys are going in with a significant lead." Adam gestured to the teens as stretched to stay limber, "First there was the pool and track at the school."

"Then the volleyball and broom ball games." Jason smirked, "You just know that that was Ernie's idea."

"I'm glad he's moved back," Rocky took a sip of his water, "he's really been missed. Do you think he'd be offended if, even though he's retired, we asked if he wanted to help out at the Youth Center on occasion?"

"I don't see why not. I'll ask him."

Adam continued for them, "They finished the triathlon in record time and the girls just kicked butt on the skate path."

"Not to mention all the guys participated and dominating a Total Trek comp earlier." Adam looked up, "Whose idea was that?"

"Mine." Tommy turned his head to study the teens, "I saw footage of them at the Total Trek in Blue Bay that Kelly was sponsoring. Since Angel Grove now has not only a skate park but a motocross track as well, I brought it up to Lieutenant Stone, who was putting today's events together. He seemed to like the idea."

"Do you think that's fair?" Adam quirked a brow, "I mean, minus Cam, every one of those teens do extreme sports."

"Yeah, and so do most of the teens in Angel Grove now."

"He's got a point. It's fair game now." Jason pointed to the teens, "They're calling us over. I think it's time to head to the obstacle course for the final round." They nodded as they started to walk over to the rest of their group. "Do we have any plans for after the games?"

"Youth Center to relax and eat. I don't think any of us are going to want to do anything active. Especially since we're going to the cabins tonight and spending all of tomorrow at the lake. You think they're active now," Tommy gestured to their group, "let's wait until they're let loose out there."

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