Chapter 41: One Week

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My eyelids fluttered open to see Tyler lying sound asleep on the pillow next to me. His hair was a mess, a beautiful mess. His beard all scruffy and in desperate need of a trim.

As he lied there he looked angelic almost. Vivid flashbacks of the night we shared swarmed my head. I knew myself well, and my normal self would have fled. My normal self would pity me for being so emotionally vulnerable and letting Tyler use me.

But I wasn't normal old me anymore.

I had never felt so right about anything in my life. This right here, lying next to a shirtless Tyler, felt so right.

I watched as Tyler slowly awoke. His nose twitched before his eye slowly opened. He looked at me, I was the first thing he saw. A smile appeared on his face and he reached his hand out to tuck strands of my hair behind my ear.

"Morning" I whisper

"Morning" His voice raspy "What time is it?" He questioned as he lifted his head up in hopes to see a clock somewhere in our hotel room.

"It's nine, we have to get going" I blush at him. Tyler looks down at himself and his cheeks turn red as he realizes he's naked. But than he realizes I am to, and he remembers.

And he smiles even bigger.

Tyler moves closer and kisses me on the forehead. He gets up, his back facing me & I could help but smirk at the view. Slowly, Tyler puts on his underwear along with sweats and a Dallas Stars hoodie. He heads into the bathroom and comes out with tamed beard, his brown hair contained by a baseball cap.

"You gonna get ready?" He questions me. I realized than that I was till naked wrapped in the white sheets.

"I guess" I sigh. Sitting up, I keep the sheet wrapped around me.

"Don't look!" I blush

"Like I haven't seen it all" Tyler rolled his eyes. I twirled my finger, signaling him to turn around. Once he did I went straight to my carry on and began digging for a fresh pair of clothes.

I peaked over my back to see Tyler in a full stare. "Tyler!" I scream

"I'm sorry" he turns around "not" he mumbles under his breath

"God I hate you"

"Than what was all that you were moaning to me last night" He remarked . I rolled my eyes once more and quickly changed. I packed everything in my bag and patiently waited for Tyler to do the same.

But Tyler was a perfectionist believe it or not. He folded every shirt perfectly with not a single wrinkle or uneven fold.

"You're worse than a girl" I laugh

"Yea yea"

Once we were both completely rest was waited for a cab in the lobby. Like a gentleman, Tyler held the door open for me to get in the car. We sat in the back seat quietly, both of us tired from travels. Eventually we found ourselves cuddled into each other. The touch of Tyler soothed me, and being so close to his body was sending electricity running through me.

When we touched down in Dallas Tyler brought my bags into Jamie's apartment where he was cooking dinner.

"How did it go?" Jamie questions me. I bite my bottom lip and look at Tyler before answering Jamie.

"Very emotional trip I can tell you that" I sigh

"Well maybe we can discuss it over dinner" Jamie smiles before pulling me tightly in his chest and kissing the top of my head. I help him set the table while Tyler watches the Sports Center in the living room.

"You packing?" I ask Jamie as I place the glasses onto the table.

"Didn't even start" He sighs

"Jamie a week!"

"Did you pack yet?"

"Well-no" I laugh. I couldn't believe it myself that we were leaving for Russia in a week.

"What is Tyler going to do?" I question in a whisper.

"Tyler is flying his family out here" Tyler says as he enters the kitchen. "And he'll wear a team Canada Benn jersey" He laughs as he pats Jamie's shoulder.

"What am I going to do without you?" Jamie shakes his head as he takes his seat.

"I don't know man, score at least one goal?" Tyler jokes

"I'll try, I'll try"

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