Chapter 5: Alcohol

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"Come on" Says Jamie as he rips me from my conversations with Evgeni.

"What?" I say annoyed

"Let's go"

"Is this because of Tyler?"

"Yes now come on"

"He's really going to ruin the fucking night because he's acting like a baby!?" I rage

"Nicola now is not the time" Jamie rolls his eyes and continues to pull on my arm as we make our way to the parking lot.

Tyler takes the back seat and slump into the passenger seat. Jamie quickly starts the car and were on the road home. No one says a word as we drive on the pitch black rode. As we begin to approach the apartment Tyler begins to talk.

"I'm sorry if I ruined the night" he mumbles

"It's the one thing I look froward to and you ruined it" I say as swing open the car door and rudely slam it, leaving Jamie and Tyler in the car.

I pull off my heels before entering the building.

"Nicola is everything alright?" Questions the door man

"I wish" I mumble than head to the elevator. I make my way to my apartment where I strip off the dress and put on an over sized T shirt. As I'm sitting on the sofa the door swings open, I forgot Jamie has the key.

"Can you calm down?" he fusses

"I don't get why his problems have to do with us!"

"Nicola I was being a good friend"

"Jamie I'm over it, I wanna go to bed.... I'll see you tomorrow at practice"


One last real practice before opening night, tomorrow. It was also my birthday but I was to wrapped up in hockey and writing to even think about it.

"Nicola! Nicola" I hear Jamie calling, he must have just gotten out of the team meeting.

"Anything good?" I laugh

"Guess whose Captain" he smirks

"Jamie don't play games with me"

"I'm not Nicola, I'm actually captain!" he practically yells. I jump at him with open arms and hug him tightly.

"Jamie I'm so happy for you!"

This would be the biggest headline all year, Jamie Benn the new captain of the Dallas Stars. It was later that night that I was typing the big headline.

"Jamie Benn, ready for the responsibility of Captain?"

"I'm headlining?" he questions as he takes a seat on the couch

"Being captain is kind of a big deal"

"We'll your birthday tomorrow is kind of a big deal, what do you wanna do? After the game"

"nothing, I could care less" I laugh, my birthday was never something I really made a big extravagant about. I just did a cake with a few friends each year.

"Come on Nicola, nothing?"

"Nothing" I shrug "Well, you can make me a root beer floot, it will be the highlight of my 22nd birthday"

"If that's what you want. Remember your 21st birthday?"

"Yea you took me out with the whole team and bought me my first legal alcoholic drink" I smirk at the memory

"I did indeed, its getting late, I'll see you at morning skate"

"okay, make sure you get me that win tomorrow, that would be an amazing present" I than hug him goodbye.


One team has to loose, unfortunately it was us in the season opener. A win defiantly would've made my birthday a little more spectacular but I had Jamie's root beer float to look forward to so I guess it eased a little pain.

"We had one job" mumbles Jamie as him, Tyler and I get into the elevator

"Don't be so hard on yourself Jamie. I think we have tons of potential this season."

"We let down the fans" he mumbled

"You guys haven't made playoffs, you can't really let them down that much" i said sarcastically

"hur hur, but they were expecting a new team"

"You guys are a new team, one loss doesn't define your whole season"

The elevator door opens to Jamie's floor, which literally was Jamie's floor. No one else lived here because it was his penthouse.

"Root beer float!" I chanted as we entered the kitchen. I sat there and Tyler lets out Marshall from his crate. As Jamie made my root beer float I took a seat on the couch and played with Marshall, I was a big mush for dogs.

"Hey uh Jamie I'm gonna go out could I have the house keys?" asked Tyler who emerged from his room with jeans and a white polo.

"Okay, they're hanging by the door. Where you going?"

"Just wanna grab a drink" he mumbles. Now he was going to drown his loss in alcohol. That to me was being a real loser.

"Wanna come with?" he asks

"No Jamie nor anyone on the team goes out for drinks after a loss like you" I snap

"Jeez I was just asking"

"Whatever, go blow your career" I roll my eyes

"I can do whatever the fuck I want. Drinking doesn't ruin my career" he yells back. I was taken back, I had never had Tyler yell at me.

"Why the fuck do you think the bruins traded your ass?" I scream back

"Guys!" Jamie screamed and stops our bickering

"Let Tyler go out and Tyler leave Nicola alone"

"I don't even see what the big deal about drinking is" he mumbles

"Well you know what? A fucking drunk driving hockey player killed my brother! After that, that hockey player never stepped out on the ice again and neither did my brother! Alcohol is fucking disgusting! Alcoholics like you are disgusting. Its a blessing to play in this fucking league and you treat it like shit" With tears in my eyes I busted out of the door and straight into the elevator. I hit the lobby button, my apartment wasn't a good choice for me right now.

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