Chapter 31: Break The Tension

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As we sat all around the table with a feast in front of us you could feel the tension as Tyler sat across from me. I just wanted to disappear. I wanted nothing more than to disappear into thin air. You could tell everyone knew something was going on between tyler and I. My eyes were plastered onto my plate in fear of meeting Tyler's eyes. I didn't know what he wanted me to do, I had apologized and dropped the hatred for him. I mean maybe there was a little bit of hate that was still within me, but it could only disappear if could know Ty. But how could I know him? All I get from him now is dirty looks and evil words under his breath. He's avoided me all to well, there was no way.

Dinner went on and we were on our main course when the little talks among the table turned into one large conversation. Somehow the topic of hockey was being discussed with Cassidy doing most of the talking. She was rambling on about it and it wasn't until I heard her say a few words that had caught my attention.

"I was heading to the tryouts, making Canada's women team is a dream of mine" she rambles "And as soon as I walk in the head coach shoots me a dirty look and later he's checking off names and he calls my last name with an attitude. After he's done he kind of pulls me aside and goes 'you related to Tyler Seguin?' And I said yes and than he mumbled back 'figures'. Than later he questioned about the teams I've played for."

"So he already had a perception of you because of Tyler and former teams?" Her mother asks
"Uh yea and he gave me hell all tryout, I conditioned twice as much as everyone else"

"Hm that sounds familiar" Tyler stabs for this first time during the dinner his cold brown eyes glance up at me. With narrow eyes he shot me the dirtiest look before looking back down and pretending nothing happened. "Some people just want to judge before they meet someone, but you know later they defiantly change their minds" he mumbles in between each helping of corn. I couldn't do it anymore, I couldn't sit here and take this mental torture.

"If you don't mind I'd like to be excused" I mumble as I push my hair back and crumble the napkin that was on my lap before placing it back down on the table. A clank of my plate was all that was heard as I walked out of the room. With a few tears streaming down my cheek I opened the front door and began to walk down the long driveway.

Tyler's POV
Sometimes we take things to far and this was one of those times. I watched as Nicola got up with a sadden look on her face. My eyes met Jamie's and I could tell he was beyond mad with me. She didn't want to come here, she didn't want to be around me. She didn't want to be alone on Christmas nor did she want to ruin Jamie's plans so she came along to please him. And now I had been a total dick to her.

"I'll be back" mumble as I push my chair back and leave the table, everyone still hadn't said a word. I found myself sprinting to the front door. When I opened it and stood on the porch I could see Nicola's blonde hair just disappearing down the driveway. I began full running mode as I tried to go after her. She didn't even turn once as I shouted her name.

When I finally reached her at the end of the driveway where the gate had stopped her, I was panting out of breath.

"Nicola please" I say as I attempt to take in a gasp of air.

"What Tyler" She screamed, water works began streaming down her cheeks. "I'm fucking sorry! Okay I'm sorry I ruined your Christmas! I didn't even want to come, I should've never came. I'm sorry I'm such a selfish bitc-" I couldn't let her talk about herself like that, I had drove her to this. I shut her up quickly, kissing her lips mid sentence. Her muscles became tense but quickly loosened themselves as i deepened the kiss, cupping her face.

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