Chapter 25: Drink, Drank, Drunk

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"Another shot
To burn my throat
To wash your taste
Off my tongue.
Another shot
To keep my head spinning
To blur the memories
Of nights past.
Another shot
To numb my skin
To erase the feeling
Of yours.
Another shot
To fill my mouth
To keep me from speaking
Your name.
Another shot
To forget
I will never have
Another shot
With you."

Tyler's POV

I stood in her room, her bed wasn't made and still had the impressment in the covers of where her body had last laid. The room still smelled of Vanilla, the perfume she always wore. Her jacket was thrown sloppily on the desk chair. The desk itself covered in papers that have been written on.

I walked over and picked up a picture that she had framed, a picture of her and I. The night at the club, completely sober. She would be coming home any time today with Jamie. And she would hate me, and she would never want to even stand next to me let alone talk to me. And she would go back to hating my existence but I would be stuck. I would be stuck loving her. And I would be stuck watching her laugh with Jamie. I would be stuck admiring her soft blonde hair and glowing green eyes that seemed to sparkle when she talked about her passions.

I was stuck loving her, and her not loving me.

My mind tossed and turned with flashes of her smiling and laughing. The night we shared after the date, I could still taste her lips. I couldn't take it anymore, I just couldn't. I grabbed my keys and stuffed my wallet into my jean pocket. I drove only a few blocks away to our local bar.

I pushed open the door and the smell of whisky filled the air. I inhaled deeply, almost getting high off the smell. "Straight Vodka" I murmur to the bar tender whose a young blonde. Her hair tied back into a tight pony tail and she sported this hot pink lipstick. She nods to me, understanding my order. Within minutes the drink is being slid over to me.

The vodka burned my throat with each sip I took, but I felt better each time. Slowly I forgot how her smile lit up the night sky and how her lips were so soft and tasted like sweet strawberries. I stopped drinking for drunkenness and started drinking to drown.

Bottles after bottles is what it seemed, this damn bill wasn't going to look pretty. I had practically lost all control of myself. The walls looked to me as if they where spinning and I could barley see straight but God damn it I still remembered her fucking name. I knew I couldn't do anything, she was so set in her ways. I could fall to my knees, kiss her feet and beg but she would still just look at me with stone cold eyes and turn the other way.

Somewhere in the course of the night the young blonde finished her shift and was sitting alone at a bar stool texting away. I flirted with her a little and before I knew it we were kissing. But she didn't kiss with hunger like Nicola. She kissed just to kiss, when Nicola kissed me it was as if her life had depended on it. It wasn't the same, and no matter how many drinks I had I still couldn't rid the taste of Nicola.

I handed the lady a crisp 100 bill before stumbling out of the bar with a bottle of beer. I ran my hand through my hair as I stared at my car. "Way to drunk to drive that" I murmur. Walking home would have to suffice. I dug my hand deep in my front pocket as I stumbled along the streets in the dark, I'm not going to lie I must have fallen multiple times.

I finally reach the building where the doorman holds the door open for me while I stumble inside. I must have left a trail of whisky scent through the lobby. When I get inside the elevator I take a swing of beer in my mouth and swoosh it around before spitting it back into the bottle. This wasn't helping anymore. I dropped the bottle in the elevator watching the glass shatter into pieces right in front of me.

The doors opened and I walked out, leaving the bottle on the elevator floor. I reached the door and stuffed my hand into my pocket and pulled out the key. It took me a few tries to put the key in. When I opened the door, I stumbled inside. Marshall came running out of one of the rooms but he didn't come to kiss me but rather looked at me with his chocolate brown eyes as I attempted to hang up my jacket.

I walked into the living room where I tripped and landed halfway on the black leather couch. I stayed like this, half on and half off for a few minutes until someone walked in and turned the light on.
"Mmmm" I mumbled, the bright lights burned.
"This is why you're a fucking loser" Someone mumbles, I could tell by the pitch of her voice it was Nicola. "Fuck you" I mumble at her. "Look at you, fucking clean that lipstick off your face" she spat, I had to admit that hurt.

I lifted my head and ran my hand across my face in attempt to remove the lipstick that was stained there. Nicola walked over with a glass of water and a Excedrin. "Take this" she says as she hands me the two things. "Why are you helping me?"
"You may be a alcoholic dick, but I'm not"
"Do you know the last time I drank?" I yelled, her face turned pale white, she was scared.
"It was with you! We both got drunk!" I knew that was a lie, I remember going to the bar the night I had asked her to come to the hockey game. Nicola looked back at me so blankly as if trying to recall that night. At this point the alcohol had took complete control of my brain and I had no filter. "And you know what else happened that night? You kissed me! And you, you wanted me so bad" I was now breathing incredibly bad "And we-"
"Stop it Tyler! Stop it" She screamed, her hands covering her ears as tears streamed down her face "We almost did, but I. said. no"
"Tyler!" Was the only thing she managed to scream back on the top of her lungs.

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