Chapter 16: All Of It

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That morning I woke up alone in my bed sheets. The pitter patter of rain on my window sill soothed me as I stared at my ceiling tiles. I let a breath of air go I as I recalled bits and pieces of last night.


A rainy Saturday morning had wanted to keep me in bed with a bottle of whisky by my side but instead I defied it. How could I live if all I do is drink? I stretched before pulling myself from the warm bedsheets. I pulled a Stars hoodie over my head before tying my hair into a bun.

I made my way upstairs where herd the clanking of dishes. Jamie was cooking. The smell of toast, eggs and protein shakes lingered in his hallway. With a small knock I waited behind his door. His black hair was gelled back and he wore his sweat pants and Stars hockey shirt.

"Nicola" he says with a slight smile

"What's for breakfast?"

"Eggs.. come in" he than opens the door and I get my occasional greeting from Marshall, we have bonded a lot.

"Morning skate today?" I asked as I took a seat at the island where a plate of toast rested.

"Yea, we have a game tonight"

Just than Tyler came in with all his workout gear on. "Jamie why aren't we eating at the rink?" he than stops dead in his tracks and looks at me. I watched a small smile came to his face.

"Morning Nicola"

"Morning Tyler"

After a good breakfast I headed to the guest room where I got ready for my first appointment with my neurologist. Unforuntatly Jamie and Tyler where to busy with hockey to accompany me to my first appointment but Jamie had arranaged a ride for me. I pulled back my blonde hair into a messy bun after I pulled on my Jamie Benn sweatshirt. Yoga pants and slippers where the way to go for this appointment, I had to admitt I was scared, practically frightened to death to what he might say.

The ride over was rather quiet, the taxi driver played Artic Monkey the whole ride. The hospital, what a familier place. The same old smell and the same old look. I found myself engulfed with fear as i walked in. Nothing bad will happen I reminded my self, nothing bad will happen. I quickly make my way to the elevator where i hit the floor 7 button and lean back against the wall. I breathed in and out trying to calm myself as the crappy elevator music played.


This was my stop. The door opened, nurses in their scrubs where running around with clipboards, the smell of handanitizer was strong. I make my way down the long corridor where at the end was Doctor Ollin's desk, my neurologist. A lady with dark brown hair and a bright pink top sat behind the desk slaving away at the computer. She typed fast and hadnt notice that I had walked in. The waiting room was empty, and she was busy, but I had an appointment. I make 'mhm' sound, almost as if clearing my throat which gets her attention. She looks up and smiles warmly at me.

"How may I help you?"

"I huh have an appointment with Doctor Ollins"


"Nicola "

She quickly types it into the computer and smiles. "Ah yes, your appointment is in 5 minutes, you can fill out this paper work while you wait" She hands me a clipboared with a pen chained to it and 3 papers to read and sign. By the time I had finished, Doctor Ollins was waiting for me.

"Hi Nicola, how are you?" He asked in attempts to make me feel comfortable. His round glasses and grey thining hair made me think he was a man of great knowledge and great wisdom. "I've been better"

"Here take a seat" he refers to the patient chair. I climb on top, my legs dangle off the end.

"So why are you here?"

"Almost a month ago I got into a bad accident and lost my memory"

"And the doctors haven't done anything?"

"Well that's why I am here.. It was suppose to be back already... They can't do anything for me"

"Alright let's get brain scans done and than we'll have a sit down and talk"

"Sounds good"

The brain scan was rather quick but it was annoying to half to stay so still. Doctor Ollins walked into the room with images in his hand. He takes a deep sigh as he reviews them, my stomach was tied in knots.

"You are right Nicola, your memory should be coming back by now. There is no significant brain trauma for it not to be coming back"

"W-what's wrong with me?"

"Don't worry just yet, we'll figure it out"

He looks over the brain scans once more before taking a seat in front of me. "did they give you pain killers after the visit?"

"Uh yes but I stopped taking them a week and half after the incident"

"Mhm.. This could have put a delay on it, but that makes no sense why you haven't begun to regain small details" he takes a deep breath again.

"Nicola I want you to have a blood test, just to make sure everything is fine"

The nurse comes to whisk me away. I hated needles but I couldn't focus on the pain, what was wrong with me? If I was suppose to be regaining my memory why wasn't I? What was so concerning that Doctor Ollins had made me get a blood test.

After the blood test we came back to the room where he claimed he wanted to talk.

"Nic I need you to tell me things... everything. You are perfectly healthy, there is no reason your memory shouldn't start returning unless it is something you're doing"

I knew right there what he meant. "Something your doing"


Bottles and bottles of beer and whisky. Glasses of wine, shots of vodka. Alcohol. I swallowed hard, tears brimming my eyes. I was hurting myself. I thought I was making myself feel better but I was making things worse.


"I've been drinking... A lot" I took a deep breath trying to push back tears. "A week after the incident I ended up at the hospital again for alcohol poisoning, they said it would put a delay. It's taking longer because I drink almost every night... I get black out drunk"

"Nicola" he says in a low tone "You're making it worse for yourself. The first step in to helping get your memory back is to stop all drinking, all of it"

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