Chapter 21: Enveloped

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I can't tell you what happened that morning after I had gotten black out drunk, but i can tell you than when Jamie returned home, only Jamie had returned. He had claimed that Tyler would be back soon, he was just out for drinks with a few of the guys. I didn't understand why Jamie had not gone with them, maybe Tyler really went by himself. Non the less i ignored it, and i didn't tell him about what had happened the other night. How could i tell him that these memories where eating me alive? That I had asked, practically begged for my memory back and now that I was getting it, I didn't want it.

I couldn't bring myself to go to bed, even long after Jamie had gone to bed. I was finally able to get a hold of my phone where I went through articles that I had written for the stars news. I had scrolled through many photos but one stood out the most. My brother had his arm around Jamie, both with these beaming smiles across there faces as they held up their pointer finger and there other hands held hockey sticks. Their cheeks where bright red and their hair wet from sweet.

Jamie seemed so happy, he seemed so close with my brother. I can't help but recall how he was the night my brother passed. And than it dawned on me, Jamie was so busy making sure I was emotionally stable and that I got through the death of my brother that he never really got over the death of his closest friend. I didn't know if Jamie had ever talked about my brother, I couldn't remember. He probably didn't, he knew that I could not stand to talk about him. And just as I stared at the photograph a little longer that front door swings open. Tyler is standing there with the top buttons of his shirt undone and his tie barley hanging around his neck. One sleeve is rolled up and his hair is disheveled, a strong smell of vodka and beer lingered in the room as he room off his shoes at the front door, still oblivious to me.

He drops his wallet at the front door as he stumbles to the kitchen where he reaches for the top cabinet. I still stay quiet and watch his moves, studying him. "Where's that fucking whisky?" He mumbles under his breath. He finally opens the fridge and settles on a beer before unbuttoning his shirt completely and dropping his tie to the ground.

He opens the bottle of beer than slumps into a chair. He's mumbling things to himself as his head rests in the palm of his hair. "Why Bruins?" I can hear him say "Marchand" he whines. The Bruins? What had happened tonight? The next thing I knew the beer bottle had come crashing down to the floor, shattering.
"Shit" mumbles Tyler as he stares at the broken glass.
"You gonna pick that up?" I question, he gets a little startled. "How long have you-"
"Long enough to hear you mumble about the bruins, now come on this isn't going to clean itself" I walk over and begin picking up the pieces of glass.
"I got it" argues Tyler "it's fine Ty"
"Ty" he smirks, I can't even say anything back because I look down and notice that I cut my hand and was bleeding pretty bad.
"Shit" tyler says as he pulls my hand closer to his. He exams the cut before removing the piece of glass causing me to wince in pain.
"I'm sorry" he breathes heavily "Let's go bandage this" He takes my hand and leads me into the bathroom where the brightness blinds us a little. He opens the cabinet and pulls out a bandaid and medication to put on the cut so it doesn't get infected. We sit in silence as he cleans the cut.
"There you go" he smiles as he admires his job.
"How are so good at that?" I laugh
"My little sisters played hockey out on the pond, I'm use to bandaging them up" he chuckles
"You must have been a good big brother"
"I guess, I wish I could've been better.. I kind of abandoned them after hockey took off for me" he sighs
"Hey, it's okay. They love you and you're there for them"
"Speaking of hockey... will you come to the game tomorrow? You haven't been back at the rink-"
"Sure Tyler" I smile. I haven't been to the rink since the night of the accident. I haven't even watched hockey. I haven't truly been me. It's like I'm here in person but not in my mind. My mind was somewhere else, always lost in its thoughts. Being swallowed whole by them.

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