The Beginning Of The Invasion Arc

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              "Listen here, you'll carry out my will until I'm able to be free of these chains. I'll rid this Kingdom of it's rotten King and make everyone free and able to live equally. Until I'm able to act on my own I'll allow you to take this ability and act as my own. Is that understood?" 
              "-Yes, I'll make sure not to disappoint you." 
              "Where would I find armor at sir?" Kazuki asked. "No need to be so formal young squire, armor can be found in certain areas...well that's what I'm guessing. I haven't done much shopping myself." Raaza answered.  "Well I guess I'll just have to roam around and learn for myself." Kazuki said. "I'm going back to the castle, I'll be back in a couple hours. I'll come find you." Raaza said as he started walking off. Kazuki began wandering around, looking at different things he found himself interested in, he could buy everything there but know that he needed to spend his money. 
              "Hey you there kid! Come over here and see what I have, I see that's an Enchant you have there so everything has a discount since you serve this Kingdom." A merchant said. "Welllllll, how about these bracelets?" Kazuki asked. "57 silver coins sir." The merchant responded. "I'll take both of those, that pair of boots, and that cape!" Kazuki said. "Hmmm...In total that would amount to 278 silver coins." The merchant said. "Right!" Kazuki responded back while giving the man the required amount of silver coins. 
               "Come back again!" The merchant yelled. "I'll make sure I will then!" Kazuki responded. Kazuki began putting on the things he just bought. "Wow, the cape is a bit excessive but I like it." Kazuki thought while looking in a mirror. Suddenly, a loud explosion set off down the market and Kazuki began rushing towards it. "Well, looks like this is my first mission! This is so exciting!" Kazuki thought while running. When Kazuki arrived at the site of the explosion he saw Raaza, Akihito, and Riku there. "R-Raaza? When did you get here I thought you were headed back to the capital." Kazuki asked. "Now's not the time for that but I'll tell you when this foe is defeated!" Raaza answered smiling brightly. 
              "R-Right!" Kazuki answered. "It's time to show us what you're made of young squires!" Akihito and Raaza yelled. "Right!" Riku and Kazuki roared back while jumping into the middle of the flames. "There's about 7 enemies in here, we have to take them down quickly. I really wanna impress Raaza." Kazuki thought. "Hey you! Stop zoning out and help me defeat these guys will you?" Riku said. "Right!" Kazuki responded as he pulled his Enchant out.  "These flames are purple, nothing like I've ever seen before. This is strange, could this be an Enchant Ability?" Riku thought. 
               Riku and Kazuki began attacking the enemies, swinging fiercely with their Enchants. "T-There's something off about their movements, it's very random at how they attack and move. It's almost like they're being controlled." Kazuki said. "Hey Kazuki, you noticed it too huh?" Riku asked. "Yeah, there seems to be someone controlling these people." Kazuki responded. "If that is the case then try not to hurt them too much." Riku said. "Right!" Kazuki responded. 
               They started to hold their attacks a lot more and slow down, this seemed to be effective as the citizens weren't being heavily injured. "That seems to be the last one, well done young squires." Akihito said walking up to both of them.  "I agree, you two were outstanding! I cannot wait to help your progression!" Raaza yelled in the distance.Akihito was just beginning to talk when... "Now, let's clean all this up and-"   "Hello boys!" A woman said. 
              Everyone's eyes widened to see her sitting on the top of a small building. "Everyone! Stand guard!" Akihito yelled. "Seems you did well putting up against these fodder subordinates of mine. They were so useless." She said. "Y-Your subordinates?! They were obviously being controlled! How could you say such a thing?!" Kazuki yelled. " you noticed huh? You stupid brat, I bet you just think that you have everything all figured out in that big head of yours, don't ya?" She said. Kazuki  hmph'd in defense. "Well you're wrong! This Enchant Ability of ours is something far stronger than all of you Royal Guards, this ability will change this kingdom!" She yelled furiously while crazily smiling.
               "This girl's insane! There's no such ability that exists!" Riku thought. "State your name!" Raaza yelled while smiling brightly. "The confidence this one has." She thought. "The name's Kurei, don't forget it Royal Guard." Kurei responded. "Such a delightful name you have there! It's a shame that we have to fight, speaking of fighting, where's your weapon!?" Raaza yelled.  "I'm flattered about what you think of my name but my weapon is right here." Kurei said as she pulled out a dagger from her back scabbard.     
                 "I see, very well then! Fight me!" Raaza said. "F-Fight you? A Royal Knight dares to cross blades with a helpless little girl like me?" Kurei said while smiling. "I refuse to continue listening to this! Fight me or leave and never come back!" Raaza said still smiling. "Ugh! Your happy little smile disgust me!"Kurei said as she leaped at Raaza and swung her dagger. Raaza blocked and kicked her away. "You're way too slow for me! Give up now and never show your face again!" Raaza said. "T-Their speed is incredible! I didn't even see her go for him!" Riku thought.
                   "He kicked her away so fast! I couldn't see any of it! This power is amazing!" Kazuki thought. "W-What're you guys gawking at?! It was just a kick! Not like it did anything!" Kurei yelled in anger. "Well, well, well, it's not much of a surprise when you're up against  a Royal Guard. Let alone, one of the strongest." Akihito said. "O-One of the strongest!? H-Him?!" Kurei yelled. Raaza still stood there bravely smiling without a word. "Yes, not only is he one of the strongest Royal Guards. He's also a favorite of the King himself." Akihito said. 
                    "Heh...heh...your King huh? Just what do you know about your King? The fact that you still serve him tells me that you don't know much, you're all idiots!" Kurei yelled. "-Kurei, that's enough. Come back now."  "Ah- r-right...I'll be back to kill you all!" Kurei yelled before disappearing into a purple flame. "Well, she got away with just a small injury. I expect her to return very soon." Akihito said. Riku and Kazuki still stood there in shock. "Squires! Pull yourselves back together, from now on you'll start seeing things like this and far more." Akihito said. "Right!" Kazuki and Riku said. "The King will send someone to clean all this up, our job here today is done. Although we do know what our attacker looks like, we have to find out more. Akihito said. Hours passed and Kazuki was in his room thinking to himself in his bed...
                    "Raaza really is one of the strongest Royal Guards, and I'm being trained under him. Man am I lucky." 

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